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US is flooded with Chinese 'communist' money: Rep. Waltz

2020-12-12 | 🔗
House GOP China Task Force member Rep. Michael Waltz on the Chinese spy controversies.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And free premium delivery when you add a base ends Monday, and then I offered to help and then I offered to help- and I did help. I was thanked by the FBI for my help and that person is no longer in the country, and I was a little surprised to read about my cooperation in that story, because the story says that you know there was no. There was never a suspicion of wrongdoing. On my part, people who did had share classified information were the people who leaked this story and to do that against the critic of the president. They may think they are going to silence me. They are not going to silence me. Will the important point that the american people need to understand is not that a chinese spy snuggled up to Eric Swalwell, but that someone told many on him lets bring in Michael Waltz, a
member of the task force. Thank you for joining us want to get your reaction to this story. Congressman Swalwell as well, incredibly rich, coming from Congressman Swalwell, who sat at shifts right hand during the entire impeachment investigation, the leaker in chief that was coming out just flying out of the intelligence committee as they were going after the president. The point that I want everybody to understand today is that the country is flooded with chinese communist money. This is a much bigger and pervasive problem its in Hollywood, its in think tanks, its in journalism, its in Wall Street Journal and its going after progressive politicians like Swalwell. They went after Senator Dianne Feinstein and put an operative in her campaign and these arent. Now we are getting reports of Jon Ossoff in Georgia that was taking anti democracy money from a linked entity in China. These arent members
progressive members on you know the shoe Shine Committee theyre on intelligence. They are on Senate intelligence, they are on House armed services and I think we need to take a hard look at how they are voting, how they are voting vis, a vis or defense bill, our intelligence bill and, as we go, you know really truly take on what I think is the greatest threat. This country has ever faced in the Chinese Communist Party, how they are viewing it and what they are saying. Rachel congressman you bring up such a great point. You actually sit on that China Task Force and its a task force that Nancy Pelosi refused to put any Democrats on. What does that tell you about the Democrat Party and whether or not they truly are beholding to China and cant be really fair when it comes to issues that involve China? Well, the sad thing is: she had initially agreed with Speaker Mccarthy. This should be a bipartisan issue. The Chinese Communist Party is in a cold war with the United States. Just look at President
Xis speeches where he talks about replacing the american dream of freedom and democracy with the China dream around the world of prepressure and kowtowing to the Communist Party thats the issue here we just had Vice President Biden this year say the rise of China is no big deal. It should happen peacefully. We can all get along with this notion that we are just nice to them. They will be nice to us back thats, not what their leadership is saying. Navy is larger than ours launching more into the space than the rest of the world, combined flooding the zone in the United States with money. In a way, the Soviet Union was never able to do to influence all of american society and around the world to eventually again kowtow to Beijing and how they see the future. Not us and im not going to have my grandchildren grow up in a world led by chinese communist or for that matter the United States led by democratic socialists, and that link there is something
that should scare every american PETE. That is a link its a very fair point. You know we talked earlier about how the Hunter Biden story was suppressed before the election. We are now learning. There is a Hunter Biden investigation in Pittsburgh that is focused on his dealings with China and with Burisma. Where does that go? Should there be a special counsel, talk to us about this development? There absolutely should particularly what im watching this is a president Trump appointed? U dot S attorney in Delaware that could be replaced by an incoming Biden administration. There needs to be a special counsel in place to ensure that we get to the bottom of it, because its absolutely clear, big tech, isnt going to help mainstream media isnt going to help and Democrats have been saying nothing to see here, but right now that we are post election, then suddenly we are going to cover the story, will congressman you, along with one hundred and twenty seven one hundred and thirty other members of Congress signed on to join the Texas lawsuit questioning the election results in several states across this country. Yeah.
Will the Orlando Sentinel has apologized for endorsing you. I believe right for backing this election lawsuit, which was just rejected by the Supreme Court last night, heres what they wrote. I want to read it to you and our viewers. We apologize to our readers for endorsing MIKE Waltz in the twenty twenty general election for Congress. We had no idea had no way of knowing at that time, that waltz was not committed to democracy, our bad congressman, your reaction. Well, they also called me a coward and said I was dangerous to the country. Last I checked guys, you know trying to settle a dispute through an electoral system through the courts is exactly what our democracy is all about. Pete you and I have served in places where they dont have a court system where elected leaders who disagree are mobilizing people to violence in the street. I signed on to an amicus brief because I think there were real constitutional article. One article III will 14Th amendment
issues in Pennsylvania and Georgia in particular that our Supreme Court should hear and should rule upon thats what democracy is all about: a settling things in the judicial system. To tell me now that im a danger, do you know what Orlando Sentinel Board? You can keep your endorsement and suppressing people and suppressing people who are trying to use the court system peacefully, thats whats, dangerous to democracy Rachel. Thank you congressman. It does sound, quite civil, so not very dangerous PETE. Thank you colonel appreciate. It.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.