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Trump: We're rounding the turn on the coronavirus pandemic

2020-09-15 | 🔗
President Donald Trump discusses Hurricane Sally response efforts, Woodward interview backlash, and his coronavirus response on 'Fox & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Your shot breaking up because the weather is getting so severe lets bring in the president of the United States. President Trump welcome back to Fox AMP friends, President Trump. Well, thank you very much good to be here great to be with my friends. I think were going to do this. Weve agreed to do it once a week in the morning, and I look forward to it like the old days Steve. I havent heard that President Trump thats, when you have great people working for you, you dont, have to get involved youre the best people and you do actually and so anyway, weve agreed to do it, probably mostly on Monday, were going to do it mostly on Monday and if we have to Tuesday Ainsley well see how it goes. I know lets talk about that, but I do want to say: yeah were going to see how that goes, and weve also invited Joe Biden to come on our show too many times too. Mr President, President Trump, I dont think hell do it. I have a feeling he wont. Do it hell need a teleprompter and you dont want to give the answers early hes, getting the answers from the fake news. The whole thing is crazy. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. They give him the questions and
then he reads the answers and everybody knows hes doing it and nobody says it its the most crazy thing ive ever seen. I think I should try that some time im going to do that Brian, you have a teleprompter, you dont use it. You kind of wing it in your live events, but the one thing you just watched, Mr President, because you do watch the news you see whats happening in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. What do you? What do they tell you? And what could you tell our audience about what to expect now? President trump? Well its not what it was the one a month ago, that was really bad and we got very lucky that was really big coming in, but it went through an area that didnt have as much stuff as the expression goes when it starts going through city areas and cities, and that happens too. But we did a great job with that one. Last time we got a little bit lucky, both in Texas and in Louisiana, because it got pieces of both that werent heavily occupied, but it still does tremendous damage. This one is smaller, but its a little bit more direct, but we have it under control. We have FEMA there.
We have. The army corps of engineers is all they can bring things back so fast. You wouldnt, leave it and theyre great. The coast guard is always involved. The coast Guard is an Mvp theyve done so good and saved so many lives. You wouldnt believe how many people are out there when these storms come in. Some people go storm watching in boats its like. Why are they doing that? But the Coast Guard is incredible. If you remember Texas, two years ago, they saved six thousand lives its, not even believable the numbers and they have been fantastic. So we have it under watch very strongly and FEMA is there long ago, actually, a couple days ago before it hit and theyre doing a real good job and out in the California fires. I was there yesterday with them and its California, Washington and Oregon Washington State, and they are out there, and these are really incredible people and very brave, very brave,
Steve yeah. They certainly are and they are up against it with these two gigantic jobs facing them. Mr President, well talk about the wildfires in a moment, but I think the number one story over the last five or six days has been the comments that you made to Bob Woodward regarding how you would downplay the pandemic to the people, because you didnt want to freak them out. You didnt want panic on your hands. I think a lot of your supporters are going. Why on earth? Would the president of the United States sit down and talk to Bob Woodward, something like eighteen times on tape? President trump? Well, because I assumed he was a little bit fair. I didnt do it previously. He only writes bad books and I actually got to read it last night. I read it very quickly and it was very boring Steve. Do you think accurate? Mr President, President Trump thats a boring book, its okay, I mean its fine. I dont want to create panic, people say: oh, you should have gone out there and say you know,
jumped up and down youre going to die youre going to die. No, I dont want to do that. I dont want to build it up and ill say it right now were rounding. The turn of the pandemic were rounding. The turn I was in Arizona yesterday. The numbers are very good. If you look at Texas is coming down, Florida is doing great places that were really a problem. The east coast is doing great. I was with Gavin Newsom yesterday, his numbers are getting very low, were doing good and we have a vaccine coming very shortly. The vaccine is going to be here very soon and weve already got therapeutics with remdesivir and other things. The plasma we have you know weve had a tremendous number of people that get better now that didnt get better three months ago, Steve. Mr President, what about this? We got a grip on the this. We got a grip on the pandemic. There is a vaccine president trump yeah im, not doing it for political reasons. I want the vaccine fast.
If this were like, I call it the o Biden administration. You would not have a vaccine for year. Ive sped up the process with the FDA. Theyve been great. Dr Hahn has been great. The head of the FDA, Alex Azar, has been fantastic and its been incredible. What weve done because well have a vaccine in a matter of weeks. It could be four weeks it could be eight weeks, but were going to have it and were getting very good results and its really looking good, and they are great companies, Pfizer Johnson, AMP, Johnson Moderna. We have a lot of great companies, they arent just one and they are all doing really well its going to be soon now. Will it be before the election it could be in terms of if we have something and well start delivering it immediately upon getting it, but were very close to getting the vaccine and thats something I look forward to, and I think it be so good for the world, not just for us for the world. Now you have other people looking for vaccines and well
see how they do and were working in conjunction with them, but were going to have a vaccine very very soon were also going to have additional therapeutics. We have some great things and we have some great things in store so in development right now, so I think were really going to do something very special, well see what happens, but if this were another administration, you would have been talking about two years if youre lucky before you got to this point, Ainsley one more question on the pandemic really quickly, because we want to get to the deputy shooting and get out to the California wildfires. But I was flipping around different stations yesterday last night and there were all these shots of you and Nevada in Henderson Nevada. All saying they were critical of you for ignoring the public health professionals, warnings against the indoor gatherings during the pandemic- and I know some people in your administration have responded and said why werent you critical of the rioters that were shoulder to shoulder not wearing masks? What do you say? President trump? Well, I do say that, but ill tell you, we had four sites or five sites a lot
of sites outdoor sites. I had it the night before were in Minde n right outside of Reno, and we had a tremendous crowd there, probably thirty thousand close to thirty thousand people. We had more people outside that couldnt get in, but we had this big open site and it was great. The governor of the state tried to make it impossible for us to have a rally. You know Democrat rather liberal Democrat and a political hack, and he tried to make it difficult, and we had this great supporter who said I dont care. The pressure was put on him and we had an unbelievable rally. We were outside and then we had another one scheduled the following day in LAS Vegas, and it was terrible because we kept getting he wouldnt allow sites and he followed us. I mean this guy was doing everything and his people were doing everything possible. We had outdoor sites and this whole thing was planned. So then, finally, we get from a great supporter gave us this very big building and they
put people in, but that wasnt our fault. We had four outdoor sites, maybe even five outdoor sites and he wouldnt allow it to happen now. This is the same guy thats going to be in charge of the ballots. Do you think thats fair, its millions of ballots are going out and hes the governor of the state. Do you think its a fair thing, because im winning that state easily, but the one thing he cant beat? If they cheat on the ballots now he will cheat on the ballots. I have no doubt about it. This is the same man whose in charge of the ballots, so you have the Steve youre talking about the governor. The governor is in charge. They followed us everywhere. They had a site. My people told me theyve, never seen anything like it. Every place we had a big open site outdoor site, which is great. It would have been perfect, they said no, so we had to go some place. We ended up in a very big building, but I would have preferred being outside, like we were the night before, but the night before was amazing that we got it because they were trying to break it up. This is what were up against. This is whats happening and its a disgrace and youre going
to see something with these ballots. Youre, going to see corruption like youve, never seen youre going to see a rigged election. This guy would do anything and hes in charge of the ballots and that kind of a take in charge of the ballots. So you have millions of ballots the man that tried to prevent us from getting the site and hes the man that forced us inside Brian right. But do you think that in retrospect, Carl Bernstein called you a Homicidea L president, who put together a Homicideal assembly by bringing people indoors without masks? A lot chose not to wear masks in the middle of a pandemic? Whats your response, President Trump? Well, I know Carl Bernstein a little bit. Hes a nut job hes been a nut job for many years. He was the second wing. I dont have a lot of respect for either of them frankly, but he was a total nut job and I see him and hell say anything, no matter what you did liked to im doing a great deal with Israel, Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. Everyone said it was impossible,
no matter what you do with some of the fake news. Doesnt make any difference. This one is great its sort of interesting- and I dont say this in a bragging way, but I get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize last week on two different deals. The other was Serbia, but I get nominated for that and in this case Israel it wasnt even on the nightly news. If can you imagine when Obama was nominated by the way he didnt do anything? He got it very quick and they couldnt even explain what he did, which was a joke, but when he got nominated it was all over the news, its like very different standards, but Carl Bernstein is a dummy, hes, a dumb guy and Woodwards book last night. I read it its like lightweight reading and he doesnt get it. When my policies turn out to be right, as they have with Israel, were going to have a lot of other countries joining us very soon by the way they are all going to go in and then well have peace in the Middle EAST and were doing it through the back door.
Theyve, never thought of it before with all this talk, they never thought of it before and were getting accolades. Even the New York Times and Tom Friet Man said thats great thats great they gave us, I dont know you cant get a better review than they gave us on this day, like what weve done here and with no death we havent had death that has not been fighting, in fact, were bringing our troops back home from the ridiculous endless wars. They are all coming home and they should be home. Its enough theyve been there for nineteen years in Afghanistan for nineteen years, its ridiculous Steve. Mr President, President Trump were getting great accolades, but the news doesnt cover it. The Bernstein book was really boring. I have to tell you Steve: it was President Trump and the Woodward book and Bernstein S book. The guy cant write, but Woodwards book to me was a very boring. It was a very boring. It was inaccurate. Lets put it this way, no matter what you did, it was going to be negative and I wanted to give it a shot. I didnt devote much time, but I
wanted to devote time last time. I didnt talk to him and it was a bad book Steve. Do you regret it President trump? Well last time, I regretted it because I didnt talk to him once I didnt talk to him one time Steve this time, President Trump, this time. Well, I wanted to see if it could be done, the guys, a Democrat works with the Washington Post. That tells you right there, which is truly a. I call it the its the. I guess you could say its the flunky for Amazon but works for the Washington Post. You know all about the Washington Post. You dont get a break with them, but look if you want to remain sane, just dont read it, because what they do is disgraceful. Whats happened to the news. Whats happened to the media in this country is a terrible thing, its a shame and its really much of it is absolutely the enemy of the people and they see it and nobody said it like. I say it, but I say it loud and clear: its the enemy of the people, whether its the New
York Times Washington, post or the networks. Think of it you get nominated for a Nobel Prize Steve, Mr President, were part of the press too. Are we the enemy of the people? President? Trump? No youre, not, I would say about twenty percent isnt. We dont have the enemy of the people all over. Fortunately, but we have tremendous disparity. You have tremendous unfairness in the press. I came up with a name long time ago, its the fake news media and you have to live with it and one of the great things that I have. I have such a big social media presence. I can get around and get the word out and my presence too, I can do things that other people cant do so I get the word out, but the media.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-15.