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Trump says he has 'obligation' to nominate Supreme Court justice

2020-09-20 | 🔗
Brett Tolman, former Senate Judiciary Committee Counsel joins 'FOX & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Trump, we have an obligation, we won. We have an obligation as the winners to pick who we want. That is not the next president. Hopefully I will be the next president, but were here now right now were here, and we have an obligation to the voters, all of the people, the millions of people that put us here in the form of a victory. We have an obligation to them to all of those voters. Will that was President Trump yesterday he is expected to announce his nominee to replace Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court next week, but could some republican senators like Mitt Romney Susan Collins, end up delaying his plans? Lets ask Bret Tolman a former? U dot S attorney for Utah, he previously served as legal council for the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, including confirmmation of Roberts and Alito Bret. Thank you for being with us this morning. Who is key in this process in both leadership and members, and how quickly do you think it can move?
Look. This will all boil down to one man that is Senator Lindsey. Graham, if you look at the last two chairman of the Judiciary Committee, you have chairman Grassily and you saw his calm and really seasoned and strong leadership that he exhibited. I think was only reason that Kavanaugh got through that hurricane of a mess on the last confirmation and then before that Senator Arlen Specter, so those were very seasoned, very strong personalities. They have a role to try to keep all of the Republicans in line. If that happens, Mcconnell will get this through in that narrow time frame. Pete that narrow time frame we heard about Susan Collins, LISA Murkowsky saying maybe we should wait. Mitt Romney is wild card. Does it happen to before the election? Or could this move into November and December as well Bret? It could go past the election, everybody at the Judiciary
Committee right now, whether elected members or Senate staff and attorneys are, are going to be twenty four slash seven from now. Until then, it is grueling and exhausting. There is already people right now who have been selected who are vetting on both sides, good and bad issues, with every potential nominee PETE speaking of potential nominees. Who do you like? Who is the right pick for this president right now? I think it is clearly Amy Comey Barrett. This is one that the country Republicans and conservatives all over the country, hoping would be the opportunity for them to put her on the bench. I think she is the one that can withstand this, this fight that is coming and it will be a fight. So you know this two thousand and twenty just continues to get more and more interesting. I would never expect this is going to happen here. We are PETE. We have three more plot twists in us, Bret for sure
a key criteria, the ability to withstand the firestorm hurricane. She has been vetted before. As far as conservatives, who want to see someone faithful to the constitution as Textualist. Is she rock solid on this? She is, she will come on the bench. She is a force to be dealt with. She holds to her guns. She is strong. If you look at the women that have been appointed to the court, they have had to be strong to get where they are PETE. How would they attack her? How would they attack her Brett before Kavanaugh? I would give you the standard response PETE. They will attack her writings, opinions or decisions. I dont think that is in play anymore. I think now what it is they will go as far as to make up an argument or an issue that comes in from left field in order to deal with it. Weve seen it there is that level of desperation. On the Democrat.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-20.