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Trump calls NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio 'a fool'

2020-08-17 | 🔗
President Donald Trump slams New York City mayor over surge in crime and violence.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Been great Ainsley, Mr President, let me ask you something that so many people are concerned about in our country. If you look at Portland Seattle Chicago, if you look at New York City, I know youve sent a warning to our mayor here in New Yorkdeblasio after another bloody weekend, whats the mayors response, and what are you asking him to do? President Trump, the mayor has no response. He doesnt know what hes doing hes a fool: hes, a socialist communist, maybe hes a fool. He got rid of some of the most talented policemen that there are in the world, and that includes looking for very bad things. All beyond New York. Some of those people are gone and thats no good. No, this is a fool. This is a fool. Look at the shootings. When I left New York four years ago, New York was, I could see the seeds of this because hes been a bad mayor, but New York was good. It was okay, it all happened recently. It all came together all of this over a period of
years as hes been mayor, but about a year and then six months ago, its incredible what happened when I left New York four years ago, we were doing great. I was doing good. Everybody was doing good now, but you could see the seeds were being sewn the seeds. It was happening. Bad stuff was happening. You could see it. The squeegies were starting to come out. Tents were starting to be built on the sidewalk. Rudy Giuliani was a great mayor. Rudy Giuliani did a great job between window. You know fixed broken windows because he said thats a sign and it leads a lot of people. Wouldnt even understand that its psychologically very important but Rudy. He was a great mayor and he did stop and frisk. He did stop and frisk. He took guns away from bad people. Now, if you take a gun away from a bad people, oh you got, you know they sue you. They sue you its so crazy. What theyve allowed to happen, and if the
Democrats got in you have to understand youre only talking about a small, tiny portion of our country, most of the country is strong law abiding no games. I was in Texas. We had one hundred thousand people along the highway. I was in Texas, I was in Florida. I got the sheriffs endorsement all over Florida and you have to see these people arent playing games. This is New York Chicago. These are Portland is just run by fools. It is run by fools Steve. Mr President, you know because the Dnc is kicking off today and because, for the most part, reporters have not been able to ask Joe Biden any serious questions because he is sequestered at his place there, in Delaware in large measure its going to come down to the debates where its you and him on the stage for two hours over three nights. Can you tell us a little bit about your debate prep so far, and what your approach is going to be because im sure youre going to feel like the moderators are asking you
questions that are much harder than Joe Biden and then youre going to turn to Joe Biden and youre going to bring something up that they have not. Are you going to be super aggressive toward Joe Biden, as well as answering the questions or whats going on President Trump? Well, that happened last time with Hillary and also in the republican primaries. They gave me much tougher questions than anybody else and according to the polls, they do the polls after the debates- and I won every single poll and every single debate- and I never did it professionally before you know all these guys and their politicians and thats what they do for a living. I never did it, but you know what I mean Time magazine poll and this and that all these different polls that they had. I won every single poll of every single debate, Steve. So how are you preparing for this debate? President Trump, by working very hard? You know what by working very hard, not on debates but on running the country, but because you know its like, I see where everybody says: oh, were working with Trump. Honestly, what im doing is im doing my job.
My job is telling me, I mean thats, the best debate, prep ive sort of been preparing all my life thats. What I do, but I guess ill, do some preparation, but I didnt do much last time because I understand whats happening, I mean law and order. We need law and order. You dont have to prep for that. You cant have these stupid, stupid people from Portland, where the mayor goes into the crowd and they want to tear him apart. I mean the whole thing is crazy, whats going on Brian, but, Mr President, for example, you know that you have to prepare for TED Cruz differently than Marco Rubio, and you watched Joe Biden against Bernie Sanders, and you said you were surprised how well he did. Will you go back and look at Biden against Ryan? Will you go back and look at Sanders and the word is youre using Chris Christie to play Joe Biden, President Trump? Well, no im not using Chris Chris is a friend of mine that got out there. Everybody says oh im, helping Trump with this. No im, not I get along with Chris hes good and I may use him.
I used him last time to play the role of Hillary Clinton. There was big differences there between those two. I will tell you, but Chris was good and tough Brian. What does Biden bring President Trump Biden? Look Biden is shot im telling you hes shot theres, nothing going on now with that being said, I dont underestimate anybody. Only a fool would do that because Joe Biden is okay, he wasnt Winston Churchill, but he was okay against crazy Bernie. Now Bernie was bad in that debate. You know he was ranting like a lunatic, so Joe sat there and watched and he was able to get answers out, but Joe ive seen Joe in other debates where he is so bad. I never thought Joe would get there, because if you go back into the many debate s that they had, because I got to watch quite a few of them as much as I could thats called debate, prep too. To be honest, but I watched Joe. He was so bad in some of those Democrat debates where he had a lot of people on stage
that I said well, Joe, is dead, has to be dead and remember. If Elizabeth Warren got out just got utility didnt have to endorse Joe wouldnt, be the guy, it would have been Bernie Bernie got wacked twice unfairly by the party hes, the greatest loser ive ever seen in a nice sense. In other words, he obviously likes losing, because I want to use a different word more accurate, but they took advantage of him the first time in twenty sixteen, and they took tremendous advantage of him here. They piled up on him and then she left right after Super Tuesday. If she would have stayed in if she would have stayed in the race by staying in the race she gave it to Joe, if she would have gotten out, Bernie would have gotten all of those votes, all of those votes or most of her votes. He would have won every state, because Super Tuesday is where it ended, and the only reason is that she stayed in and then she got out right after Super Tuesday, but by that time it was too late. Brian, you dont expect much from him. President Trump. I have to tell you its amazing how nicely
Bernie takes it. He takes it like. You know, hes, a major loser Brian, but when you look at Biden in particular, if he goes and is okay and if you got the standards so low thatll, look like a win for him. Do you feel so you have to do that President Trump Brian? So I have big news. This is breaking news today. If we won a debate and were all set, weve agreed theyre making one mistake: they should have one of the debates before ballots start going out. You know the absentee ballots. Hopefully we have many court cases, so a lot of things are going to happen over the next two weeks. We have a case in Pennsylvania, a lot of cases. We have a case in Nevada, so you know a lot of things are going to happen with respect to the universal voting, which is the greatest scam of all time. If its allowed to go but absentee ballot, but the one of the debate s should be early. One of the debates should be early, but you know Joe Biden. We can see that Joe Biden doesnt want to debate, but here
is the story. If Joe makes it through the debate, I think they are an hour and a half and I said only standing, you have to stand, but if Joe makes it through the debate, the news, not you, people lets see the three of you yeah, im, pretty sure youll call it straight, but the news will say it was the greatest performance in the history of debating. He was brilliant. He was unbelievable, Joe Biden. All he has to do is if he can make it off the stage and walk back unassisted. They will say it was the single greatest debate performance in history. You know that and so do I Ainsley so, Mr President, what are the issues to separate you all? Because when you go to the polls, you really have to look at the issues. Either people agree with your policies or they agree with Biden and the Democrats and sometimes the progressive policies. So what are the different issues that separate you when people are on the fence when it comes to this election president Trump? Well, its everything
you just dont have enough time left. You only have a short number of hours left I mean we could talk all day, but its energy, its fracking, its stock market, look whats going to happen with the stock market, its going to set new records and Joe will crash it. The market will crash its health care. They want to do socialized, medicine, socialized, medicine, now youre going to lose your doctor. Just like Obama lied. You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan. You remember, he said it twenty eight different times it was a total lie, but now youre going to lose your doctor, we got rid of the individual mandate for Obamacare. That was the most unpopular part that actually killed Obamacare by the way, but that was the most unpopular thing in all of government and I was able to get it voted out, which was amazing. They want to put it back. You just told me about the wall. They dont want security. They
dont want open borders. Second amendment they want to either obliterate it or get rid of it entirely. Look at Kamala and Biden he put Beto, who turned out to be a total anti gun guy, who turned out to be a total disaster for the party by the way, but they put Beto in charge of guns. Nra gave me the strongest endorsement theyve, given anybody by the way and if you look at the gun situation, its horrible one other thing real fast. I watched today and you have drug companies, advertising against me thats, because im going to reduce drug prices by fifty sixty seventy because im doing favored anythings Nobodys done that before Germany pays a tiny fraction Uk Canada all these countries, they pay a fraction of what the United States pays and I told them for a long time, youre going to make a deal or do favorite nations. Favored nations means we pay the same as these countries that are paying much much less
now. So what theyre doing is going out and doing ads against me anytime? You see a drug ad against Donald Trump. That means prices are coming down, but Nobodys ever done, that plus rebate were getting rebate and keeping them and giving them back to the people Steve. Mr President, President Trump Nobodys ever done that Steve. Let me ask you about a breaking news story from the Wall Street Journal. They say the Trump Adminitration plans to open up part of the pristine Arctic national Wildlife refuge to oil drilling. What can you tell us about that? President Trump well were looking at different thick things we may or may not do it. We did do an war thats a big deal that Ronald Regan couldnt get done. Everybody wanted it Steve. This says youre planning to allow it President Trump. Well, no, we are looking at it when you say planning to allow. We are looking at different things in Alaska, ive been very good to Alaska, very good to Alaska, and we are looking at things in Alaska. I got them a highway thats going to be built, theyve been after for forty four years. We will take a look at that.
I am very pro energy. At the same time, im very look at what we just signed with Corey, Gardner and Steve Danes. Just two weeks ago we signed the biggest environmental bill. They said the biggest since Teddy Roosevelt and it could be bigger when you add for what I did for Utah so im very much, I hate to say it in theory. I should go down as a great environmental president, because if you take a look at that, add that on to what we did also, if you look at, I opened up the mine, the iron ore mines. We have the best in the world, so I opened that and you know, ive reversed things. Also look at Maine. President Obama shut down five thousand square mile. Do you know what five thousand square miles of fishing and lobster fishing in Maine? I opened it up for Maine, then I got rid of the tariffs in Europe and China for them, because they couldnt do business because Europe and China had tariffs on them as usual. They take advantage of the U dot S
and I should win the state of Maine. I mean what I did for them was you know. I dont know that I will, I know ill win, half of it. Ill win, Maine two, but ive done things. No other president be capable of doing and hate to brag, but I have no choice because the press isnt going to say it Ainsley. Mr President, we appreciate you being with us. I know you tweeted out about your brothers death. You said youll see him again one day and to rest in peace. We wish you the best, as you have to plan his funeral youre in Americas, thoughts and prayers.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-17.