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Timeline of Biden family’s China business dealings

2020-12-21 | 🔗
Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer discusses the Biden family’s business relationships on ‘Fox & Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Brian teleprompter says its your turn. Pete, you got it. Joe Biden avert attention away from the scrutiny around his son Hunter around a federal investigation into his taxes, which he confirmed by the way growing evidence of his overseas dealings. Pete Bidens incoming press secretary vowing. He will not discuss the probe with potential AG candidates as text messages, raise new questions about the bidens ties to China. Emily, when exactly did all of this begin here to break it down Fort Timeline is Peter Swirs, president of the government. Accountability Institute welcome Peter Good Morning to you good morning. Emily so tell us about this timeline break it down for viewers exactly what happened. Yeah I mean Heres, the key thing: the Bidens really had no commercial ties to China or the chinese government until Joe Biden became vice president in two thousand and ten Hunter Biden, who had just recently set up a small boboutique investment, firm
chastles to China, and he gets meetings with the equivalent of the head of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury secretary, the head of Jp Morgan, the head of Goldman Sachs, all the big hitters in China. He meets with all of those chinese officials, even though he has no experience and no background in private equity or in China. Then, a couple years later, he talks to a guy named Jonathan LI, who is involved with a government investment fund and they event actually form something called Bohi harvest. That deal is sealed in deals of two thousand and thirteen. Ironically less than ten days after Hunter Biden accompanies his Father on air force, two to Beijing, China, it shows the intermingling between politics and the commercial deals that the bidens were cultivating in Beijing, China, Brian. So all of a sudden, as this story moves on in twenty fifteen in comes Tony Bobulinski, because they need somebody with that
international experience. He obviously was wealthy before he was recruited in and you hear about that recruiting process. Through the Bobulinski interview, there was a bit of a two year gap and seemed to pick up pace in August of twenty seventeen, because money starts being exchanged, thats the Fec twenty dollars million to the Biden Trrm Entity called Hudson West thats right. This is very porpoise because it shows another example: ing chinese government Pohi harvest another deal with Cefc chinese company linked to Peoples Liberation Army. This is well known, also known that cefc is a corrupt company, and yet this is the company that the bidens decide to do a deal with the five dollars million is sent and to just show you how close
this relationship is. There are emails messages from Hunter Biden talking about setting up an office where his mother, his father, he and executives from Cefc, are going to be sharing of the same exact office. Space shows how cozy this relationship is PETE Peter. They think there is nothing wrong with it, because thats just the way Washington D, DOT c works. You do business overseas seriously Peter you have written books about this books about corruption. Have you ever seen be a more clear cut case? You said it right out of the gate. No commercial ties overseas until Biden becomes vice president and then you open the flood gates and the money starts flowing. Have you ever seen anything more corrupt and clear cut? No, I havent, and I have never seen something so brazen lets, keep in mind here. China really for under President XI over the last eight to ten years, has announced that it is our chief rival. They want to surpass us in military capability.
They want to surpass our economy by two thousand and forty nine. They are ambitious and spoken about it. These are the entities that the vice presidents, family, Joe Bidens family, decided to do business with I mean its really stunning. They are not doing deals in the u dot K or in Japan or in Brazil. They are doing deals in China with chinese government entities, astounding and something I have never seen on this scale before are PETE Emily Peter. You talked about the severity you are head of the government Accountability Institute. What do you predict for accountability if any with this particular thing? Well, heres? The problem, I think there is a lot of people that want the Hunter Biden thing to go away because it shines a spotlight in an area thats a problem for a number of people. I think that what we need is we need an independent council because look right now there is: U Dot S attorney in Delaware, looking into the Hunter Biden, tax issues and related issues involving corruption, that, U Dot, s attorney, can and
probably will be fired by an incoming Biden administration. He has the right to do so. Presidents. Do it all the time you need and Independent council to make sure that this gets fully investigated, because otherwise people are going to further lack confidence in the institution of government in Washington D, DOT c, you cannot expect the Department of Justice to investigate the most powerful man in the world. That would be Joe Biden and his family thats. Why we need an independent council, Brian and probably one of the most noteworthy moments of this whole investigation is when Hunter Biden walks in to a local computer repair shop, MAC Repair shop with a water logged computer and says: hey: can you fix it forgot? He left it there. He takes ownership of it and on it is everything that you discussed backing up a book that you did two years ago. So that is empirical evidence that if you decided to forward that before the election, your count was frozen.
People who are clear thinking and not so blindly partisan should understand exactly what happened here. Hunter provided the proof that made everyone who cover for him look foolish thats exactly right, Brian and key. We have the evidence we have. The communications among the communications will is the Hunter Biden Laptop indicate that he was paying his mothers and fathers bills and thats hugely important, because what that shows is he was taking in this foreign money which nobody now can really dispute and, according to Hunter Bidens own testimony, he was using some of that money to pay expenses for his parents. What that shows is that Joe Biden vice president of the United States was a direct beneficiary of his sons, commercial activities with the Chinese, so he cant plausible, deny and say I didnt know about this. I didnt benefit Hunter Biden himself proves that it was the case Brian PETE im going to add this.
If you have a substance abuse problem, the worst thing can you do is put yourself under undue stress. His family knows he has these problems and put all this stress on his shoulders to set up high wire business deals with many so of the most evil, emperors and corrupt regimes in the world. Its unbelievable dont tell me thats good parenting, thanks Peter appreciate it PETE. Thank you Peter. He is now an artist now Brian thats right he has found. He has appear art.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-21.