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‘This is a lie’: Leo Terrell rips 1619 Project, push for critical race theory in schools

2021-05-04 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Leo Terrell discusses critical race theory, 1619 Project, and teachers’ unions' influence over the CDC.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Brian all right, the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project creator defending her racial curriculum against the push to stop it from being taught in our kids schools. The state legislators all across the country that are trying to get bills passed to prohibit the teaching of the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project, its not about the facts of history, its about trying to prohibit the teaching of ideas that they dont like it is a project trying to teach children the truth about what our country was based upon. Slavery was foundational to the United States, Brian wow, but the backlash not stopping a prominent university from hiring her University of North Carolina, adding Nikole Hannah Jones to Journalism, department, civil rights attorney LEO Terrell, the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project fundamentally based on something not true. We didnt fight the revolutionary war in order to preserve slavery. Whats your take on this, I want to be very clear to the fox viewers. Implementation of the critical
race theory would be government sponsored racism. You stated it already its not fact it is a lie. I just heard that clip where the proponent of the critical race theory is lying about the implementation and the truthfulness its not grounded. In fact, this country was not motivated to have a revolution based on slavery. That is a lie. Brian all right. She came back and said this after she got hired im grateful for the opportunity to give back by helping students pursue their dreams and learn how to practice the type of journalism that is truly reflective of our multiracial nation. Do you have to make a it choice between it, one thousand six hundred and seventy six and one thousand six hundred and nineteen, even as a former school teacher as a civil rights attorney, we are making an assumption that the one thousand six hundred and nineteen theory is equivalent to fact, as far as
what led to this country, I dont see critical race theory in our declaration of Independence Constitution in the articles of federation or the constitutional convention. This is a lie. They are trying to equate critical race theory unfounded by any fact, with what facts we have known for hundreds of years. This is the problem. One other point: Brian Clean up is very important. You are pushing down critical race theory to our young people. You are teaching them how to hate each other based on skin color, not content, not qualifications, not skill. This is a threat to american society because it effects our young people. Brian slavery is on every continent. At that point, sadly, one thousand seven hundred and seventy two, the British stopped slavery, made it illegal, but they left it in all their caribbean provinces, so it didnt, really change much in our hemisphere. Lets move on and something else that got you passion. You have a teaching background:
how about email come from freedom of information, request that showed the CDC director consulting with the teachers union in order to come up with policies that helps lead to tens of thousands of kids not being in school, even though the science says they should be in school. How do I feel about those those s males and how I feel about teachers, unions, how they wrecked the public schools, especially in people of color communities of color? I hate it. I hate it because it is very clear to me that the teachers unions, Joe Biden, do not care about educating young people who have already lost a year and probably two years, and let me be clear about this: its all about money, its all about power and Brian. There is a disconnect between the hierarchy of these teacher unions and teachers. I believe that teachers want to go back to school. I think that teachers unions are out for power and Control Heres, the sad part about it. They are getting the control, they are implementing their procedure and policy with the CDC. What do teachers have to do with
the CDC guidelines? Nothing, but its a power grab by the Biden administration, Brian LEO the world revolves around money. Here we go. The American Federation of teachers gave two million to u dot sa actions. The democratic group, while that went to fourteen million to the American Federation of Teachers Union, gave more to fourteen million between two thousand and nineteen and two thousand and twenty the National Education Association. Another teachers union gave more than twenty three dollars million to liberal groups. So what do you think they are going to do? They are going to find a way to keep their teachers hostage and keep them out of the classroom because they say its not safe. That is a lie. I im not going to mix any words. I really what I really want to. What im telling you right now is that they have found a profitable situation of keeping teachers at home because they get an easy paycheck guess who is suffering
the young kids and there is not a threat of Covid 19 for 2 year olds, 5 year olds, 10 year olds, 1 year olds, thats a big lie and they are selling it. Unfortunately, we have Joe Biden in charge of leading this chaos Brian Right LEO Terrell, thanks so much.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-11.