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Texas mother of three on 'out of control' border 'crisis'

2021-09-20 | 🔗
Fox News' Lawrence Jones speaks with Alison Anderson, a Texas landowner and the wife of a Customs and Border Protection agent, about what it has been like to live in the area amid the migrant surge.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Enough food come to them and so finance a volatile situation. One person that knows whats happening more than anyone is Allison Anderson. You are a Texas landowner, but your husband is also a border patrol agent. How bad is it I would say that its beyond bad and pretty much out of control. At this point I mean I have roughly thirteen thousand concerns that are sitting right underneath the port of entry bridge. Right now I mean I would love to ask you know what happens when thirteen thousand people gind out deportations are happening and decide to leave that fenced in area. Our law enforcement agencies that are down there? Are they ready and prepared, and I mean fully prepared to take all measures that are necessary to control thirteen thousand angry people and keep them from taking their anger out on our town. I dont know you know. I find it very
hypocritical at this moment that our president went on national television and as a priority mandated vaccines, Covid vaccines specifically for our border patrol agents and mind you if they are not fully vaccinated by sometime around the end of November. They face termination. These are the same border, patrol agents that are out here tonight and have been here holding the line tirelessly, since this entire crisis has begun. So the same agents are the ones facing possible termination if they are not fully vaccinated under President Bidens mandate. However, we know there is thirteen thousand people roughly under this bridge and there is confirmed contagious illnesses, tuberculosis, hepatitis, chickenpox, breaking out things such as AIDS and waiting on confirmation of leprosy and measles. Instead of that as a priority and controlling the covid that is spreading like wildfire under here, the priority was to force mandates an our border patrol agents, while they are stuck dealing with contagious
illnesses that are spreading right now, Lawrence, you say they dont have any support from the President Kamala Harris who is the border czar or the border chief yeah? I mean we would like to hear this actually get called what it is, which is a crisis. It is a border crisis, its a humanitarian crisis, its a health crisis, and I mean its a security crisis right now so yeah. It would be great to have some support, and, unfortunately, our town, our community, our citizens and our.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-21.