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Texas Attorney General on plan to bus migrants to D.C.

2022-04-09 | 🔗
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton discusses Governor Greg Abbott's plan to bus migrants to D.C. to combat the border crisis.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Start once the president lifts title, forty two joining us now is texas attorney general KEN paxton, MR attorney general great, to talk to you this morning, JEB Zack, key accuse Jen psaki accuses this of being a publicity stunt. What will this promise from the texas governor actually accomplish? You know I wish it was a publicity stunt. She doesnt care about the reality of whats happening on the texas border and ultimately, whats happening to all of our states, because really every state is a border state now affected by whats, going on along the border. We have a massive increase in drug overdoses. We have had covid spread around weve had all kinds of crime issues. This is a real issue. Will yeah we can see the numbers four thousand thats the number of four thousand thats the number of border encounters in march, two thousand and nineteen seven thousand this year. Where does it go? Pronexts are eighteen thousand projections its a real problem, no doubt
about it and by the way ive had people as I travel the country say this is what we ought to do. Will we ought to send them to the doorsteps of politicians and maybe theyll deal with the issue? Lets take psakis criticism straight on. She says the texas governor has no power to force anyone onto a bus to be sent wherever he would like. Does the texas governor? Do you have that power? If not, how do you accomplish this promise? Look, we have a problem. We have this case, called: u dot s v, arizona which I think was decided wrongly. In that case they basically told arizona. You know back in the obama administration that they couldnt pass laws to protect their citizens when the federal government was not enforcing their own laws. I think that was wrongly decided so iD encourage the governor to force people to be sent out of our state and make the federal government sue us. Take that back to the? U dot S supreme court say: look you have to allow statements. Governors like governor abbott, who cares about his people, to protect his people from the federal
government who wont protect the border and wont protect the people of our state? Will if thats the case, let me press you on that then, if thats the case- and I understand your argument- lets just go ahead and do it leapt the federal government come out and sort this out legally, but if youre willing to flout federal government authority, why not send illegal immigrants back across the southern boarder? Why, instead of sending them to washington d dot c, why not take on the authority of deporting illegal immigrants? You know, I think the governors tried to do that. Hes tried to round up people who have been transported around the statement and send them back. We actually are in a lawsuit about that right now, hes made that attempt s in at attempt to send to the federal government. I think its a reasonable argument: hey look if youre not going to. Let us deport that and were in the middle of litigation on that right now to see if we do, why not send them to the doorstep of Joe Biden and let him take care of
the problem that hes creating will certainly a lot of conversation. A lot of response with this idea. It is con, accept conceptually an interesting proposal and one.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.