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Supporters urge Biden to skip presidential debates

2020-08-03 | 🔗
Joe Concha, media reporter for The Hill, weighs in.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And now no interest until January, two thousand and twenty three on all smart beds only for a limited time back into the enamel. We are really debate. If one side is willing to tell the truth, giving him that National forum to continue to spout, you know to get to twenty one thousand or twenty two thousand lies. I think just isnt worth it for the Democrats or for Biden Brian. How do you say I think Joe will get crushed thats how you do it? The presidential election is just ninety two days away. Calls ramping up for Joe Biden to forego the presidential debates all together, but how would the media react if it was president Trump supporters making the same demand or president Trump himself media reporter Joe Concha from the hill is here Joe? All we have to do is magical what it will be. Like the President saying im worried about the election, they jumped down his throat. What about the debates? What has the media done with Joe Biden? Nothing almost nothing.
Each week, Chris Wallace, for instance, asked the Biden campaign for introduce always something else to do not available. Is the excuse look? Brian debates are seen by presidential debates by eighty million people. Ninety million people talking super bowl numbers here, Joe Lockhart. How just played a former press secretary under President Bill Clinton, so best unintentional comedy I have ever seen. The president will quote repeat: lies and Biden will quote, need to correct him over and over again in a related story, Joe Lockhart provided cover for a president literally impeached to for lying to a grand jury. Do we want Joe Biden fact checking he said during the debate primaries. One hundred and fifty million people had been killed by gun violence in this country or half population. He also recently said one hundred and twenty million people had been killed by Covid 19 yeah thats, the guy that I want fact checking. So look its not just cancel culture. Now now we are canceling the
presidency or tradition. We have seen all the way back during the television era, presidential debates for eighty ninety million Americans to see in October Brian right remember when things gets heated with Joe Biden yell at you and say dont vote for me. Maybe Donald Trump will get that number two. If you have the truth and feel your opponent is not telling the truth, thats called winning a debate. You go back and forth. Here is where you are wrong. Mr President, then you win lets see if he can do that. Next, I want you to hear what Bari Weiss, the former New York Times, opinion editor said on bill. Mahers show about the cancel culture in order to do our job well, writers and editors. We need to have a level of bravery and thick skin and fearlessness and when you are living in material of an online mob, thats extremely dangerous. What cancel culture is about its not criticism its about punishment. The writer Jonathan Rouch has called it something like social murder,
Brian thats, pretty interesting, left wing bill Maher talking to somebody who leans left the former editor of the times, agreeing that we have gotten too intolerant as a country as a columnist, Bari Weiss right. She was maybe center for the New York Times, maybe a little bit left of center. I found that to be a fascinating conversation Friday night. She also said something I found very interesting when you take away civil debate, Brian right and you lose the ability just to simply disagree on things but find a common ground. The next logical step is violence, and we are seeing that on a night lid basis in cities like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Atlanta across the country, we cant even debate anymore now, its just okay burn it down its, not about correcting or roar active and taking away lively Hood Brian thats a dangerous time. Now
we saw it at the New York Times an editor eliminated forced to resign because he ran an editorial from Tom Cotton Republican advocating for the use of the military during mass protests that get out of control that get violent. A majority of the american people agreed with that according to polling, no, not good enough. The woke mob for that editor, and now he doesnt have a job. Today we are seeing that across the country you say something that the Woke mob doesnt agree with and you will be eliminated and boy. Is that a scary time right now? Brian, do you know the person who has not been eliminated after four years, who says things that are not politically correct every single day in tweets this guy named President Donald Trump, and it drives people nuts? They cant eliminate him thats why its all hands on deck to get Joe Biden as president? They couldnt stop him with the Russia investigation. They couldnt stop him. Ukraine now theyre trying to stop him. After four years they were spreading words. Tell the other countries. Dont worry. He is going to be impeached.
You are not going to have to deal with him for long. He is the only one they have been unable to stop the reason why Brian he is unapologetic. Can you agree or disagree with what the president has to say the bottom line is he stays with his principles, regardless of what the reaction is, and we saw that with the Goya CEO recently right where Alexandria, Ocasio Cortez the online mob, tried to cancel him his company not far from me here in Jersey, four thousand employees, just because he said something nice about President Trump, just like he said something nice about. President Obama, you say anything nice about this president. Apparently your company has to go out of business. He said no sorry im standing by exactly what I said and im not going to bow to a social media mob that doesnt really represent the country. It represents five minutes in the twitter sphere and thats it companies in general and people in general shouldnt overreact to something that catches fire in twitter for about five minutes before it goes away,
and I have to applaud the Goya, ceo and president as well sticking to your guns, believing in your principles and dont worry about what everybody else is saying: Brian Brian, to be continued Ellen Degeneres. Why is everyone going after her? Because maybe she likes President Bush and wasnt willing to cancel him because they actually appeared together and had a conversation? I wonder if thats related, we will have to find out.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-04.