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Studio M honors Rupert Murdoch for Fox News' 25th anniversary

2021-10-28 | 🔗
Fox News dedicates Studio M to FOX Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Here in the brand new studio M, as you know, we are standing on what was until moments ago, studio F, but you know today we are dedicating this incredible space to you and calling it a studio m named in honor of our founder Rupert Murdoch, really the heart of the operations Fox, amp, friends, Harris outnumbered, Martha and the five and, of course, all of our election coverage and our town halls. All that happens within studio m. We are inspired by your were inspired by your passion for journalism and for news and inspired us the last twenty five years at
Fox NEWS and for the next twenty five years Lawrence. One message keep winning and because of him we all have jobs and we are able to serve you every single day and be ourselves Steve yeah. So when you look in on us here on Fox AMP friends in the morning or outnumbered or the five just think to yourself, you know what they are live from studio M, as in Murdock, Mr Murdock, our founder Ainsley. He changed all of our lives, Steve. He changed America Ainsley. He really did your voices can. Finally, be heard here on Fox NEWS, we tell both sides of the story where we always hear, especially when we were celebrating the 25th anniversary. Thank you so much that Fox NEWS tells our stance as well Lawrence before the fox. There was no one covering those stories that mattered all these stories happening in Loudoun county. There is literally no other news organization thats doing it.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-28.