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Students want George Washington statue removed at University of Washington

2021-02-23 | 🔗
Students call on all statues that symbolize 'racist figures' to be removed from campus.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With any handcrafted burger, Brian cancel culture strikes with any handcrafted burger. Brian cancel culture strikes again Donald Trump predicted this. The University of Washington students are demanding the removal of a statue of Washington, that is George Washington stages in place of University of Washington, our preservers. This is not a history that should be glorified and celebrate, perpetuates white supremacy. The George Washington Statue, along with all others symbolize racist figures, should be removed from the University of Washington here to react, is correspondent from the University of Washington School of law. How did it come to this great question? It started. This is a further
example of how we, as a society, cannot separate the good that somebody has done from the evil. This particular petition was brought forth by one of the student unions on campus and adopted by the school newspaper, so the school newspaper is calling for the removal of the statue and all of this dates back to a petition that came in August, but it is unfortunate to see the attitude toward the founding fathers I dont. I certainly dont. I dont. I certainly dont believe this program does condone slavery or racism in any way, but without George Washington we would not have a country, let alone a state, let alone a university named after him. The fact that we could get rid of all that history and forget about it is ridiculous and unfortunate in every continent on the planet and something he was born into. That is part of George
Washingtons story. The american founding fathers didnt say we are perfect. We walk on water, only one person did walk on water, but I have my brain working on that heres. The statement from the University of Washington. We support re examination of campus signals that are connected with racism. We believe it is important to consider additional opportunities for fully recognizing by their contributions to our community, especially our state and university. If George Washington offends you, why are you going to George Washington LAW School pick another place without George Washingtons name on it? Exactly ive been an undergraduate student, just a little late for me to change schools, but we are not just seeing this at the University of Washington. We are seeing this across the country at the leadership Institute, Campusreform, dot, org documenting this and another school named after George School, named after George
Washington George Washington University over the summer, Washington and Lee University, a petition to get the pictures taken off of the Diploma of Washington. So this is not just some Seattle thing happening here. This is a nationwide thing going on and not just a fringe collegiate thing either. This is a mainstream political. This is a mainstream political tool being used right now we saw Tammy Duckworth say it is time to listen to the argument for taking down these statues in San Francisco. Forty four public schools are changing their names, taking down the names of historical figures like Washington and Lincoln, and even Senator Dianne Feinstein. This is not just some fringe thing happening on college campus. This is mainstream. Now, Brian, no one is covering up the Thomas Jefferson James Monroe George Washington had slaves, John Adams, didnt John Adams, didnt.
That is part of the story. On the other side, how the american story was born the principles they put in place, declaration of independence, the constitution that they passed set the groundwork for spiraling freedom and liberty around the world. At the same time, future generations correct and get better, but we dont cancel until now. What is it about this generation that is so high and mighty and perfect that they want to cancel everything prior? That is a great question. We have this attitude, my generation does we have figured it out and no one else knew what they were doing before us. You can definitely see it on campuses discussed toward our founding fathers and fundamental values. Traditional upbringing is a country the words american
exceptionalism are practically a swearword around here and it is swearword around here, and it is unfortunate as we continue to go further down this road that further separate us from what founded us as a country. This is what we are seeing Brian. If you wreck the.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-08.