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Steve Cortes on Obama criticizing Hispanics who voted for Trump: ‘Drips hypocrisy’

2020-11-28 | 🔗
Former President Obama faces criticism for making 'condescending' remarks about Hispanic Trump supporters; Trump 2020 campaign senior adviser Steve Cortes reacts.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Their views on gay marriage or abortion Jedediah our next guest says the insult ignores the fact that Hispanics largely voted on the economy. Senior strategy adviser for the Trump campaign Steve Cortes, joins us now Steve thanks for joining us. This morning, good morning Jedediah, I dont, like my politicians, telling voters why they did or didnt vote for a candidate, because, frankly, they dont know and its also incredibly condescending whats. Your reaction to the comments that you saw. President Obama make right there. You are right with condescension. This is one most dismissive things. Obama has ever said, and he has said quite a few things like this. I think its interesting people, like Obama, who claim the loudest that they are the healers and uniters, are sometimes the most divisive figures in american public life and exhibit a is really former President Obama. He really infantilizes Hispanics here you Hispanics would vote the right way if you could get over your Chris faith.
We are largely catholic and evangelical and propelling more pro life life than other Americans thats. The only correct thing he said guilty as charged that we take life issues seriously. The rest of it is pure dribble, for example, President Obama says that we voted for President Trump because we agree with him on gay marriage. President Trump is pro gay marriage. Is that what he means, and by the way, President Obama, when he was elected to office, was adamantly against gay marriage, so it really just drips with hypocrisy for President Obama to talk this way to Hispanics. Also, as you mentioned in the intro, I believe the primary issue. The life issue is critical. I think the primary issue driving Hispanics to the America First agenda and to President Trump is the economy. For example, we are the most entrepreneurial demographic in America by a long shot. This president has been magnificent for entrepreneurs and startups Hispanics. Quite smartly made a multi dimensional decision to rally to President Trump Life issues,
economy, border security, pro police, a variety of issues, all of which Latinos really care about in this country. Jedediah yeah. You know that comment that former President Obama made is not smart politically either I mean if you are trying to reengage a community. That clearly has I mean President Trump made gains with the hispanic community. No question, particularly in places like Florida right Jedediah, if you are trying to as a leader in the Democratic Party, get those gains back. You dont start by insulting that community. How do you think hispanic Americans that heard that comment are feeling with respect to it as they look forward to you know a next election coming up midterm elections and whatnot? I think a lot of Hispanics traditionally voted democratic realize they have been abandoned by the Democratic Party as it lurches left, ward and left as political orphans. This comment will only add to that trend. I think if you combine the sort of one two bunch of Joe Biden playing Desbusiness sit toe on
his cell phone outreach to Hispanics you aint black moment regarding Hispanics Jedediah, Steve Cortes. Thank you as always that Despoo sit toe was.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-29.