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Smugglers abandon 7-year-old alone at Texas border

2021-10-13 | 🔗
Fox News enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones and a Brackettville, Texas resident address issues on the border.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good luck. Seventeen a dot m on the EAST coast are breaking new. Video shows the drastic consequences of the crisis at our southern border, a 7 year old migrant girl abandoned by that smuggler, whose putting her down after the dangerous drop from a 30 foot tall border wall. This is border agents, arrest, twenty four migrants. They believe the used bolt cutters to break into train cars to then travel in the United States. They found that bolt cutters on them and Fox AMP friends. Lawrence Jones joins us with a firsthand look at the crisis a Lawrence. I was fascinated to see on that dismount with a seven year old going over the wall. They spotted this, but they they didnt want to go and jar the coyote because they were afraid they would just drop the 7 year old Enron. So they let him actually do it and put them on the ground, and then they went out there
good morning. We are live right here at the border. That is the risk that you post right now with the cartel on the offense and thats. What ive heard from the border patrol and the Texas State troopers as well, that are reacting to what the cartel is doing? I have Carrie here with me. A Texas owner- and you have been impacted by this border by the administration Border- has never been close to. If it is, it would be people I mean kids are going back and forth to school business people go back and forth to work. The trade is not there, they arent able to come and shop, but they even the residents, go back and forth as far as the processing centers. That tells you right there that there are thousands that come in every day. One of your main concerns is the nonfat team happening with people coming to the country without proper vetting.
Since Biden took office, the murders, its the highest rate in the last forty years and people question it may be. It was just from the police of the truth is that when a person comes into the United States, they come from one hundred and fifty one countries unless they committed a crime prior to them coming through the processing. They are not in the United States criminal database, so it doesnt matter if they are murderers, sex, predators cartel it doesnt matter if they are not in our database to get they are allowed in. We are paying murderers, one thousand four hundred dollars and paying them to live in the United States, and we still have not done the proper vetting im going to send it back to you guys and thats the concern for a lot of folks in Texas, because its personal to them, as I told you about three weeks ago when I was on the ground, the border patrol cant do foot pursuits and they cant do their job, so its the Texas state troopers that I will be embedded with the rest
of the week that are leading the way I was in the back to you in New York, a great point of view to be with those guys.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-14.