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Sen. Cotton urges US to send more weapons Taiwan after invasion of Ukraine

2022-04-21 | 🔗
Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., explained the need to bolster support to Taiwan and Putin's recent nuclear test and the message to international adversaries.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Steve war on ukraine dot: this is the steve war on ukraine dot. This is the video successfully are tested a nuclear capable missile warning. The test, l dot su, make russias enemies. Think twice before threatening russia here to react, is arkansas g dot, op, senator and committee member Tom cotton who joins us now good morning to you senator good morning, ainsley good to be on with all of you good to have you on. This is called the satan two oss satan, which sounds chilling. Why are they doing this now? Because the western countries are starting to pledge further heavy weaponry aid to ukraine? Well, ainsley. Russia is testing new missiles because current missiles are very old. This is a test we knew about. They announced it in advance of the arms control agreement. It is a difference between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden. He goes forward with his tests and uses it to threaten the west. We also have routine missile tests that we use for our
current missile forces. Yet Joe Biden earlier this month, canceled a routine missile test because he didnt want to do anything that would be provocative or escalatory. Vladimir Putin sees that the west is still on the back foot. Second, russia has a ten to one advantage on what you might call tactical or battlefield nukes nuclear warheads, small enough to go on artillery shell. We started in the trump administration to try to restore a sea launch cruise missile nuclear capable that the Obama administration defunded. We did that because we wanted vladimir putin to think that we had the ability and the will to counter those smaller nuclear wednesday. Precisely so he wouldnt be emboldened to use them. Third, we also need to upgrade our nuclear missiles. They are fifty years old democrats like Elizabeth Warren in congress are drying to stop that. In fact, liberals like Bernie sanders actually are legislation that would defund our nuclear missiles and give the money instead to tony fauci and the
cdc, so they can keep making toddlers wear masks on airplanes, unbelievable lets. If we can pivot over to by the way they just did a poll the they asked president bidens response to the russian invasion of ukraine. They asked the american people. How far is he doing? Fifty four percent said not tough enough. Thirty six percent about right, eight percent, said too tough. You stand on not tough enough. I get it but over to what is happening with china. This directly effects it yesterday in an extraordinary meeting between our secretary of defense and theirs, they warned us that warned us not to do anything because they consider taiwan part of the of china, and they basically told us it would shatter our relationships if we decided to arm taiwan. What should we do? Well, Brian, we should be doing in Taiwan exactly what we should have been doing in ukraine over the last year before russia invaded.
We should arm taiwan even more than we have done for the last forty years. We should give them the kind of weapons like anti aircraft, missiles or antiship missiles or smart mines for the taiwan straight. That would deter china from ever going for the juggler put troops there, not in large numbers, but in numbers sufficient to train the taiwanese military train them on new weapons that we might provide them, train them on ways to reform their reserve system, which they really need to defend. If china goes for the juggler in taiwan, finally, we should be very explicit with china, which we have never been that if they invade taiwan, we will come to taiwans aid. Respect allies like japan and south korea would follow us on. That was, and just a word on this meeting its disappointing to the see the secretary of defense did not push back aggressively on this threatening threatening rhetoric from his counterpart in China. It reminds me of last year when the
secretary of state met with his counterpart in alaska and the chinese foreign minister, berated tony blinken, with blm talking points and tony blinken took it and apologized for america. We need our secretaries when theyre meeting with their counterparts around the world to be firm and strong in the deference of americas, interest and allies, all right, senator Tom Tom cotton. Joining. U.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.