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Schools pushing critical race theory the 'civil rights issue of our time': Swain

2021-09-05 | 🔗
Former Vanderbilt law professor Carol Swain argues teaching critical race theory is 'not constitutional.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rachel welcome back to Fox AMP friends, woke curriculum taking over the classroom, N Newport Beach, California, one teacher caught on camera bragging about making students pledge allegiance to the pride flag instead of the american flag in Sacramento teacher, was removed. After this project, VERITAS Video came to life, one hundred and eighty days to teach revolutionary. How do you do that? Bleep Rachel? How do we protect our kids from this indoctrination? Kids from this indoctrination, former professor at Princeton, Vanderbilt University, Carol, Swain, so glad to have you on the show. Some of this seems: systemic teachers are coming out of marxist infected teachers colleges. I can tell you since George Floyds death, there has been like an explosion of critical
race theory affecting every school in America. I would say public private Christian and they have a marxist agenda and I have been contacted by so many parents, teachers, administrators and policy makers and, as a result, I have written a book black guide for America. How critical race theory is burning down the house and in it I talk about some things we can do one is. It is important for people to truly know what critical race theory is where it came from how it impacts our society. Some of it changes form they need know how to identify it and need to use our laws, the constitution and fight legality and constitutionality of critical race theory, because it is not constitutional to treat people differently to discriminate against them. We have civil rights laws in place.
They protect white people as well as black people. They protect males and females and the parents they are pushing back. They need to push back, theyre, organizing that is important to organize across racial ethnic and political lines. It affects every Americans every American. It is a civil rights issue. I think it is the civil rights issue of our time Rachel. I couldnt agree with you more and I couldnt agree with you more on your first point, which is the first step, is to get informed by the way ive been to schools, where I interviewed the principals and brought up crt. They say, oh, that is just dog whistle. That is not really happening. That is Fox news. That is what they do. Try to gas light you that youre, crazy or radical. When you bring up the subject when we all know it is happening. Sometimes you said it is built into the curriculum, especially in this Post George Floyd World were in. I want to talk to you a little
bit. One school district is doing the Mars area in Pennsylvania. The school board there added with the direction of the parents. Of course, they added Pate tritism to the district patriotism to the district curriculum to display the american flags in all buildings, athletic facilities, each classroom providing opportunity for everyone to recite the pledge of allegiance daily, whether in person or remote, play the national anthem before all home games, promote civility and decency in the treatment of others, respect free speech, conscience, religious liberty, rights of all students and employees. Again, simple so important, because in many of these schools Carol, I dont have to tell you the pride flag is displayed more prominently than the american flag. We need something to unite. Around diversity is good. We have to talk about what we have in common, which is our patriotism, our love of country. This
beautiful place we live in, I agree, one hundred percent and there are schools pushing back against the one thousand six hundred and nineteen curriculum, one thousand six hundred and nineteen curriculum theyre embracing 177Unites teaching of true american history. The teaching of the civil rights movement where Americans came together, no well not condone racial discrimination or sex discrimination. That is what we need: more schools to do, and more parents and policymakers to stand up against racially discriminatory treatment of our children. Rachel all right, Carol, Swain thanks. So much for.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-05.