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Rep. Stefanik on Harvard removing her from advisory board: ‘They’re bowing to woke-left mob’

2021-01-13 | 🔗
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., says there is ‘no tolerance’ for conservative viewpoints at Harvard University.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Past, so that is the attack on you. What is your response to being removed from your alma mater? Well, first of all, thats, not the reason why I was removed from the committee. The reason why I was removed from the committee is Harvard is bowing to the Woke left mob of there was a petition signed by hundreds of alumni. This is nothing new to me. There are petitions like this all of the time they are purging supporters of President Trump. The institute of Politics has a long history of being bipartisan. Its an important organization thats meant to inspire young people to pursue public service in both parties. I am the only voter on the board of the Institute of Politics, so thousand they have eliminated the one trump voter, and now they have one hundred percent Joe Biden voters, and when it comes to the objection, I stand by my decision to object to the electors from four states, and I focused on the constitutional issues, not on the voter fraud issues.
I really focused on how state legislatures make election law, not governors who unilaterally change laws in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, given this is partisan, but whats really sad is this. Is the trend on college campuses across America? There is no tolerance for conservative viewpoints. Make no mistake. This is just going to be one example. Harvard is already refusing to accept speakers of who have.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-13.