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Rep. Lee Zeldin announces run for New York governor

2021-04-08 | 🔗
Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., exclusively tells ‘Fox and Friends’ he’s entering the gubernatorial race.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Just strangle the whole neighborhood Steve see that right here. Ninety minutes we bring in Congressman Lee Zeldin good Morning to you good morning, good to be with you Steve Good, to be with you as well. We will talk about the news the day in a element. No, actually you are about to make the news of the day. What would you like to tell us? So I have spoken to New Yorkers from all across this state and it doesnt matter whether you are middle income. You are from upstate downstate. You are getting hit with new tax hikes. Now it hurt about the public, safety and cashless bail. So after talking to new Yorkers who feel like this is a last stand, a last great opportunity to save New York and the fact that to save our state, Andrew Cuomo has got to go im announcing here this morning on your show that im running for governor of New York in twenty twenty two and we are going to win this race im. All in we are all in losing, is not an option and we have to turn things around Brian congressman. What was the moment, what was the factor that you said im going to have to give this a shot?
I mean a year ago, Cuomo looked unbeatable, he is going to run for a fourth term. Not a Democrat would challenge him now, with nine accusers, nursing, home questions, debts and tolls. That now looks like he knew about ahead of time with an a dot, g and FBI. Looking over his shoulder is that what made all this plausible possible, then you have this budget this past week, where you create the highest income tax rate in the country. Why are you doing it that to create a new multibillion dollars fund for people who are not legally even in the country and the state, its the attacks on our wallets and freedoms and safety, its the deadly nursing home order and cover up Janice Dean has been absolutely fantastic. You have been covering it. Well, its all of these scandals of abuse, its the covid testing, preferential treatment to his family at private residence with State Department, health officials, front of lab priority access for
getting those tests done, listen on so many different levels. Everyone is coming to the conclusion whether you are Republican Democrat anywhere in between that this guy has been there too long its time to go. This is the first time in my entire life that we have had one party democratic rule in New York, city, Albany and D, dot c and theyre all doing their part to destroy their levels of government. We have to we cant get complacent. Everyone is frustrated. You want to do something about it, while people flee lets, stay here and fight and return New York to its glory, but its a combination of all of these factors. Ainsley is there a way we have so many new Yorkers that are moving to Florida, so many people from California moving to Texas. Why? Because they dont pay a state income tax and people can save money. Put more money in their bank accounts, send their kids to college are feed their kids, Steve, better Weather Ainsley. Exactly is there any way we could do that in New York? Have no state income tax? Do you plan to lower taxes, at least to help these businesses that are really hurting?
We absolutely have to people are fleeing the geniuses up in Albany, think they just raise the income tax rate for new Yorkers, and now they are going to pay their fair share. What you actually did for many, because they are hitting their breaking point and they are fleeing. Essentially, you just lowered their income tax rate to zero because they are not going to be giving you any money whatsoever. People are more mobile than ever its, not just those that are hit with this tax increase, its the family that has to get started either in their mom and dads basement on long island or they can go, buy a single family home in North Carolina, its the senior who has spent their whole lives in New York. They want to stay their family is here, but then cant afford to so they are heading down south on so many different levels, its the quality of life, its the cost of living, and I love this state im still here. You are still here. We need to turn it around, and people are going to flee every single day until we do Brian Bine. We have had a Republican as Governor George Pataki a while ago,
have to work with Democrats military background and to be existing in New York. You have to work with Democrats. Have you done all those things we will see if there is enough republican support enough democratic anger to get you to that position? But I know no one is going to run harder congressman. Congratulations on that move. Now the real work starts. Can we talk to you about the news yeah lets do it? Brian here is Griff Jenkins. He is going to bring us heart breaking images whats happening at the border. Remember a lot of those kids at the border end up on long island in lower working class schools and they never talk to a New York lawmaker Steve those two small children were found abandoned near the border wall. We dont know a lot of the details, but they were there. As you can see, the little boy has his hands out as if he would like some help from somebody. They are crying after being dropped by smugglers, Ainsley, five and 6 year. Old Griff Jenkins joins us with more
from Washington on this story. As the Texas governor is calling now to shut down one of the migrant facilities, Griff Griff, Griff, thats, right, Ainsley, Brian and Steve Congressman good Morning, and as we all wake up this morning, there are more than twenty thousand unaccompanied children in DHSS Care and custody. Right now and remember, the administration has opened more than ten emergency shelters from springs to Midland, to Dallas, to Houston, to El Paso and in San Antonio, where at the Freeman Coliseum it is under investigation. Now after sexual abuse allegations that prompted Texas Governor Greg Abbott to call for it to be shut down, watch the Biden administration is now presiding over the abuse of children. To end this abuse, the Biden administration must immediately shut down this facility,
Griff Griff, Rio Grande Valley Sector, three thousand one hundred and eleven apprehensions in a twenty four hour period on Tuesday thats, a three hundred and thirty five percent up crease from last year across the country coast to coast in San Diegos sector, that 6 year old boy and 5 year, old girl rescued by agents. They were alone and crying their mothers name and number was written on their arms now remember: thats, the same sector where literally hours later agents arrested a known MS 13 gang member, and it comes after. We saw the second yemeni man on the terrorist watch list arrested near Calexico, California. Now former ice director and Fox NEWS contributor, Tom Homan was on Fox AMP friends earlier heres what he had to say this out of control its a mess, a chaos built by the Biden administration, Brian right there is by design this isnt by accident, this isnt mismanagement. This is open borders
Griff today, Alejandro Mayorkas will travel to Mcallen to see it firsthand its his third trip to the border, Brian Ainsley, Steve Steve. Thank you very much lets dial back in New York congressman from New York, Lee Zeldin. I have been hearing with the crisis, given the fact that there are so many people coming across the border. Every state is now a border state. It was just last week we showed people other heart, breaking images that were hard to watch of the two little children, the three and 5 year old. From Ecuador, who were dropped by smugglers on the ground off that 14 foot wall, as it turns out, their mother, was in New York, your state, so those kids are heading to this state. This is a problem to try to figure out how to handle all these people coming in big time, and I hate to say it, but itsing its going to Contin get worse. Why? Because the Biden administration is trying to two different narratives one is they want to say there is no crisis or two. They want to say there
is a crisis and its all trumps fault, and the fact is that this started in a way with the way that Joe Biden ran his campaign, but from day one stopping border wall, construction, halting deportations, putting forward a policies to have a path for citizenship, to release people into the United States, without dates to report back to court, hotel story and the big cost that came with it. So on so many different levels. The policies are incentivizing. This I have compassion for people who want to legally pursue the american Dream, Steve sure for people who want to cut the line and their first act is coming in illegally. I think we need to have a backbone, have a rule of law to strengthen our borders and have interior enforcement, and, as you pointed out well on network, is that we have seen here on long island. Ms 13 members coming across the border. They end up in New York, people end up suffering from violence from drug trafficking,
human trafficking, sex trafficking. It has lives consequences on Americans in so many different ways: tough, stop it at the border. Ainsley. Remember those two girls out on long island. They used a machete to kill these two girls walking in a neighborhood Nancy Pelosi. She says we are heading in the right direction, though listen to this. The fact is that we are on a good path. At the border, under leadership of Joe Biden, President Biden, we were in a very bad situation under the Trump Administration Ainsley. What do you say about that? She is the speaker. She is your colleague, Brian, its going great and its a reminder that between Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and James Clyburn, the twenty twenty two three members of the House- Democratic leadership, the top three members of house leadership. They have been serving in the House of Representatives for over one hundred years, its time to go. We need to bring in new blood new ideas, because you have people like Speaker Pelosi, who is just a dishonest hack on stuff like this,
and I hate to say it. But what we need is for people to be honest about whats happening, because the crisis will only get worse until someone like speaker. Pelosi listens to some of her Texas Democrats in her delegation who say: hey, listen, there is a crisis. I see it in my district and you better do something about it, because its coming to your district, if you dont stop it Brian, I mean you have two democratic county executives right now, but they see the problem. They know that these MS 13 kids, they pretend to be kids. They enroll in school thats already overtaxed and overcrowded, and they will go and create havoc and put that gang culture into these working class communities and it all starts at the border and its not a matter of democratic or republican, its people refusing to do anything but play politics. What I think is really scary is that they decided to raise taxes despite getting a government handout here in New York and its now. If you accept this morntion, you cannot decrease taxes in your city, guess who is not getting a big
bailout business owners, thirty percent of which are out of business for good? They came on and talked about how disillusioned they are with where we are at right now, as a state, listen, two dollars and ten cents billion going to illegal immigrants, while only a billion dollars of relief is given to hard working, a small business people that have been hit the hardest in the state that was hit the hardest, its an embarrassment, and we should be ashamed of what our state government has done here in New York recommendation. I feel betrayed. I feel betrayed by our governor that he has let us down and he has turned his back on us. He needs to take care of his own first and then worry about others, something he doesnt know how to do. He has no respect for us, Brian Congressman, your thought, yeah. You are hearing it from people all across the entire spectrum. You can have a conversation with a whole bunch of Democrats. They
will complain about their kids, not yet fully back in school. There are a lot of Democrats in New York. City complain about rising crime in their neighborhood defund, the police movement, not supporting law enforcement. Enough people upset that their favorite restaurant isnt, yet open is dying, maybe even out of business right now so from the tax policy to the public. Safety to the attacks on our freedoms were seeing a weakened governor because of all of the scandals, the loss of life, the cover up the investigations, but its been impacting us in many ways and its time for us to do something about it. Thats. Why im running for governor of New York, my website Zeldin for New York, dot com? I just posted an announcement video there as well. Everyone everywhere across this state has to come together as New Yorkers dont, just get in your corners and republican on Democrat Red on Blue thats, not how to turn things around its by us all working together, because you have a lot of people who are watching from all across America this morning they tune in every morning.
They see whats happening in Florida and Texas Places where you have lower taxes, more freedoms. You are taking care of business, more prosperity and then from California to New York. You have these other states where these governors, the government control and the far left agenda is destroying these states that were beacons of hope and freedom and the American dream its really sad but thats. Why im extra motivated to want to too something about it? Steve all right? He would like to change his business card from congressman.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-09.