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Rep. Doug Collins on Georgia recount: People need to be assured their vote counts

2020-11-16 | 🔗
Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga., provides an update on the Georgia recount and Senate runoffs on ‘Fox & Friends’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Process process process and following the law as written following the law as written E Georgia, state officials say they want to instill confidence in the election, as nearly five million ballots are currently being recounted in the peach state. Our next guest was chosen to lead president trumps recount team in Georgia. Joining us now is Congressman Doug Collins, congressman good morning to you good Morning, Steve. How are you Steve, Iim doing fine? Thank you very much. Have you got your hands full? You have got to complete the hand recount by midnight on Wednesday. Where are we well? We are in the middle of the count right now, thats whats, going on all over the state by many counties counting through the weekend. We had observers there watching right now getting that done. This is a fight for every legal vote, its also a fight to make sure that illegal votes, dont count. This is the important part- is restoring that confidence. It had to be done this way and we have also been continuing to get issues of the people coming through to make sure that their vote was counted. So we are still wanting to hear from people if they had issues
or hearing from the counts as well Steve. So you are suggesting if somebody on election day had a problem to give you a call. Is that what you are looking for yeah and we have had a lot of those and also folks who you know they are concerned that they had with transparency not being allowed to watch these? We have been over the weekend. This is not over. A lot of people need to realize the lawsuits that have been filed outside the campaign, but also the count itself needs to continue real issues with signature, verification with what happened in the consent decree thats. What has to be looked at and a lot of consent, decree gutted the way we do signature verification here in Georgia, Steve. I have read some of the local reporting down in Georgia congressman. It sounds like of the problems they have picked up. You know in certain localities. It might change one two, three, four five votes thats it
so far its not a big number, well im waiting to see those numbers as they come back in again things are. These are actually now a chance with paper ballots that we are actually have observers, be able to challenge. Was there an overvote and changes here were waiting on that right now again, the question is: do we want one hundred percent ache accuracy o? Ninety eight point: five people need to be sure that their ballot actually counts. Steve absolutely talk about the twin Senate, runoffs scheduled for the first week of January, famously I think it it was. Last week Andrew Yang said, im going to go down to Georgia and help people out Tom Freidman said on CNN. That quote, everybody should move to Georgia in the next month or two and register to vote and vote for these two democratic senators. Some have suggested he was kidding, but nonetheless you cant do that. In fact, what theyre encouraging people to do is commit a felony. Have people come to Georgia and commit a felony guess what the
attorney general in state of Georgia is going to happily oblige them. They cant come in here to simply to vote without moving to Georgia. The intents is to move permanently to Georgia and thats the way it is going to be if they come to do that, they will meet the law in Georgia and I dont think they will like it very much Steve. I read down there that the Democrats are mobilizing people to request mail in Bloomberg, business reports for the special election as well. A number of people on the a number of people on the political left have done that. We wanted to make sure every voter turns out. We know Perdue and Loeffler are making sure all our voters turn back out even in the holiday season, if they need to use absentee ballot, get it and turned in early, but also participate in this process. We cant let this election go too much consequences for our nation and Georgia for Republicans to sit at home on.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-16.