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Rep. Crenshaw on 'Georgia Reloaded' ad featuring him ahead of Senate runoffs

2020-12-14 | 🔗
Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, tells 'Fox & Friends' the ad is meant to show voters 'how the left thinks about Georgia' as 'their gateway' to radicalism and socialism.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
You knew what the stakes were. What did you try to get across with that movie? That really looks like it is a take off on James Bond starring, you Ainsley, jumping out of airplanes yeah its entertaining right Brian. It is thats the first thing I want people to watch it, and I want people to have some fun with politics for once you know and thats what I think this accomplishes just like the Texas reloaded one did. I think we turned this one up a notch, quite a bit, obviously the second half of it just Brian Antifa yeah I mean weve, got everything in this one so definitely take a look and support Georgia, reloaded dot com and, on a serious note, what we wanted to show people was how the left thinks about Georgia. They see it as their gateway to radicalism and their gateway to socialism. This is what unlocks it for them and never before did we see so much at stake in one
state in one election and im in the House of Representatives, I see all the crazy things that they pass out and now the Senate has protected you from that. These are things like blanket amnesty criminalizing, the second amendment fifteen dollars minimum wage. That would absolutely kill the small businesses that Democrats are already trying to kill. I mean these are just a few of the things that the Senate protects you from, but protecting you from socialism right. Those republican senators are between you and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. That is a fact its, not a talking point, so you got to get out and vote in Georgia. Please go to Georgia, reloaded dot com and donate and ill be there next week so see you there, Steve okay, you know, because essentially what youre saying is when the Senate is in republican hands theres grid lock, which is a good thing, because youre the back, stop against the Democrats in the house, so that no one party has unified government, but as we saw in that of that fifteen second clip congressman from Georgia reloaded, there are a lot of very familiar faces from
the political left and the political left is really angry at you, theyre going after you for putting that out. Oh yeah thats another reason to go, watch the video because it has triggered the left to an exceptional degree. I dont know I guess I have that ability they are mad. They feel threatened. Theyve been doing this ever since I got involved in Georgia and now they are going like theres no tomorrow I mean its really fun to watch, and so the best thing we can do is to promote it more so again, please share it with your friends and trigger your lefty buddies. Ainsley conservatives are frustrated, Joe Biden did his whole campaign from the basement, and a lot of people believe that this election was rigged. The president believes that, and a lot of Republicans who voted for him believe that as well and then, when you watch the mainstream media, you dont even hear about stories the negative stories. Where are the negative stories on Hunter Biden or just questioning him even talking about it? They didnt talk about it before the election, where, just if you watched any of the other networks, you are just learning
about it. After the election same with Eric Swalwell with the chinese spy look at the Sunday media coverage that news just broke at the end of last week, zero mention on NBC, CBS or ABC yesterday, your reaction, Steve Sunday, shows its infuriating. We also learned that the investigation into Hunter Biden was also kept under wraps because they didnt want it to affect the election, but that is affecting the election right to not be reporting on it. Ainsley uh huh that act in itself is affect ing the election and they know it. The double standard of the mainstream media is one of the largest challenges of our the largest challenges of our times. Everybody knows it its infuriating its corrupt, its disgusting and its got to stop and, to your point about, say, Swalwell questions have to be answered there, but the left wing media has no interest in asking them, and the Democrats have no
interest in asking them and we need to know what kind of information made it from the Intel Committee to Swalwell S office, but we dont they dont even seem to care. This is a microcosm of a much larger problem on the Democrat Party, which is they dont even seem to care about China as a whole when it comes to viewing them as a threat, viewing them as a foreign policy challenge, Biden didnt even try to campaign on this. When asked about it, he dismissed it and said: oh, come on China isnt going to eat our lunch man. His first goal apparently is to get back into the Paris climate accord, which only has one beneficiary China, and so you really got to start questioning. How can we trust an entire american political party? Doesnt? Think that Chinas rise is a threat to the United States. They are still living in the foreign policy consensus of twenty years ago, where we kind of hope that China would rise and be the sort of benevelent power alongside the United States
operating within that sort of global system that we lead well thats, not the case, and we cannot take foreign policy actions that do not put America first. It has to be our priority, our own people, Brian right youre, within nine seats. It looks like of the house, you won every state house, you didnt, lose one seat in the house and you have an excellent chance of holding the Senate and the President got eleven million more votes despite being impeached and investigated for three and a half years. So the american people do have a vote in this, and I think its pretty amazing too, that China is bragging that their response to a virus they inflicted on the world is better than ours. We need a wakeup call and hopefully the american people are not waiting to be spun. They are doing their own research thats. My hope Dan appreciate you joining us. This.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.