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Rep. Cammack rips Pentagon spokesman for sounding like 'Morse code' in press briefing

2021-08-21 | 🔗
Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., says Pentagon press secretary John Kirby had trouble forming 'coherent' sentences in his briefing on Afghanistan
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thank you so much for your time. God bless you Rachel. Thank you. Former congregation, Comcast Cammack is exposing Nancy Pelosis shocking remarks on Nancy Pelosi, just wrapped up a call with Secretary Austin and Secretary Blinken and General Milley for a second time on Afghanistan. During the q and a with members, Speaker Pelosi just said: everything sounds like its in a good place. Every just needs to get to the airport, unbelievable well. That congresswoman joins me now with more congresswoman. There is a lot of talk today about how out of Touch Joe Biden is President Biden: how out of touch is Nancy Pelosi, given what you heard on that call, I think it speaks volumes of not just the administration and how they have handled this utter and total failure of a withdrawal but democratic leadership. In general, when the
speaker of the house is saying that everything seems to be in a good place, everybody just need to get to the airport. You know it took me about ten minutes just to get my jaw up off the desk. I couldnt believe when we have left Americans behind when we have probably the one of the worst worst examples of a american military failure. No contingency plans in place and the speaker of the house is saying everything seems fine. Madam speaker, you just cant take an uber to the airport. You cant take a casual stroll through the streets and flash your papers to the Taliban, who are manning these checkpoints and, as you have just been reporting this morning, there is mixed messaging. There is officials saying stay at home, shelter in place, dont come to the airport in our office. We have over one hundred and eighty seven cases of people from our district that we are trying to get out of Afghanistan. The state department this morning was
saying: send them to the airport. Do you want to talk about mixed message? Fumbling and bumbling in this is across the board an utter and total failure of leadership. Rachel yeah, its very dangerous mixed messaging, Joe Biden claims that Al Qaeda is gone. Our own Jennifer given actually pressed Pentagon press Secretary John Kirby on this. Take a listen to this. I want to get your reaction have in Afghanistan at this point with Al Qaeda gone. We know that Al Qaeda is a presence as well as ISIS in Afghanistan, and we talked about that for quite some time. The president just said that there is no Al Qaeda presence in Afghanistan thats to not seem to be correct. What what we dont think is what we believe is that there isnt a presence that is significant enough to merit a
threat to our homeland, as there was back on nine slash eleven. Twenty years ago, Rachel Oof Congress come cammack. I want to get your reaction to that im sure what are they making of this? Are they embarrassed? Do they stand with the president? No no. I have spoken with a democratic members as well as their staff. They are royally embarrassed. This is the bumbling fumbling Biden Show, and you hear just right. There, John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary sounding more like Morris Code than actually able to articulate one coherent sentence. They are not even comfortable with the lines of nonsense that they are trying to tell sell the american people on. That is what is so disturbing. This is a time in american history, a point in our nation, where we need to come together as Americans,
we dont leave people behind. We should be focused on getting to the bottom of this and accountability in the near term future. But right now we have people in country we have to get them out. We should be focused on that they cant even get their stories straight of whether or not there is a presence of Al Qaeda in country. I agree with my colleague MIKE Wolf. He says this is Al Qaeda three. We know that I have sat in the Scif and heard from the intelligence communities that there is in fact, a situation brewing. So we have known this for months. They are peddling, lies trying to misdirect the american people and the international community. And again you know we are talking about very simple messaging. We need all of the leadership on one sheet of music, but they cant even get that right. People have been asking: where is the vice president? Where is Kamala Harris in all of this? You know, I think they are terrified that if she does speak out, she will end up laughing when she gets into an uncomfortable situation, and that
would just be terrible for them optically its a terrible mess. We have a lot of work it do. We have got to get our american folks back home, our nationals back home, our Srvs out of country. I will tell you we will do that. We will not leave our american behind to our military. Thank you. You did not serve in vain thei believe they will get the J done. Rachel congresswoman cammack. Thank you for joining us this morning on such important message, John Kirby sounds like my teenagers lying thanks. So much appreciate it keep fighting.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-02.