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Rep. Byron Donalds on Hunter Biden laptop story: 'Joe Biden knows exactly what is going on'

2022-04-04 | 🔗
Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., joined 'Fox & Friends' addressing the latest on the Hunter Biden laptop story, arguing there is a lot that 'needs to be exposed.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As it is admitted, the laptop from Hell is a laptop from Hell. Our next guest is pledging to expose the Biden family krupgsz. If republicans take control in november, congressman good morning to you good morning what corruption could be involved there. Oh, I dont know something like hunter earning money from burisma and millions from chinese energy company getting millions from the former wife of the moscow mayor. I dont know what could be going on. The bigger issue is this Joe Biden said he knows nothing about what his child is doing. You know what your kids are doing unless you are estranged from them. Joe Biden knows what is going on
and needs to be held to account Joe Biden. Nobody at the white house involved watch this. Of course the president is confident his son didnt break the law. I want to be clear. These are actions by hunter and his brother, and no one at the white house is involved with it. That is what you expect the chief of staff to say: how do we know Joe Biden is not involved. How do we know somebody from that circle is not involved? We dont cha ron, klain didnt, say Joe Biden or joes brother are not running around setting up meetings meetings. There is a lot that needs to be exposed here. We need to investigate that. That is what republicans will be doing. When we take back the house,
we need to go a step further and have special council with subpoena power get to the matter now. So much is happening around the world. This is not just something going on in the other party. This is corruption in the white house. Congressman had the mainstream media covered this before the election as fox news and new york, post and daily mail did, would Joe Biden be the nominee and would he be eshg lect Ed? He wouldnt have been the nominee or elected, they obviously have their favorite party. We need to figure out what did twitter know who ran to twitter to get the story posted so fast. It is crystal clear if you tweet about dovenald trump. They let it go.
You tweet facts on hunter. You get shut down for extended period of time. Now that elon musk bought ten tracy humphreys of twitter maybe well get answers to the questions. Why is new york times and Washington post coming clean now because they got to cover their tracks, they cant, let it be seen that they never covered the story. What they are doing is throwing out a story too little too late. Nobody cares anymore. It speaks to the corruption at the times and at the post. If you are a Democrat, they will cover for you period full stop a republican. You can never do anything right period. Full stop. American people know this. We are to the game now not going to be fooled anymore. That is why they are throwing the story right now they got to cover their tracks. Thats. All.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.