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Renewed backlash to President Biden's pipeline actions

2021-05-23 | 🔗
West Virginia AG Patrick Morrisey argues the Biden administration's energy policy could have a 'catastrophic' effect on the economy.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Emily Joe Biden still facing backlash over his environmental agenda critics, including our next guest, accusing him of quote hypocritical policies that put Russia instead of America First West Virginia attorney General Patrick Morrissey, is here to explain. Welcome to you, sir. Thank you for joining us. Tell us your thoughts who Joe Biden is prioritizing with his energy policies, unfortunately looks like a China and Russia First policy and America last policy thats, because you have a huge difference with how the president is treating overseas countries versus folks close to home. I thought after he had stepped up and said yes to Russia. Perhaps we would see a change of mind with respect to Keystone or this radical climate change plan, but he doesnt seem to get it. So if americans are looking and trying to figure out what Americas energy policy is going to look like in a few years, it is going to look a lot like the
colonial pipeline week, where everything was in disarray. There were long lines at the gas pump higher gas prices thats our future. If we dont turn it around for the: U Dot S, unfortunately overseas, all the action seems to help China and Russia. Emily tell us for viewers what the legal recourse would look like and how you see that playing out. Well now, West Virginia nineteen states have gone up to the: U Dot S Supreme Court. We filed a petition because were arguing that the EPA doesnt have virtually unlimited authority to regulate in this space, and President Biden needs to use that area, but if he does, it would have a profound effect on peoples, homes, factories, jobs. Every aspect of life is going to be touched. We dont think Congress ever delegated powers to the EPA of that magnitude. The EPA was supposed to be a environmental regulator, not a central energy planning authority. We asked the Supreme Court to hear this
really to follow up on a d, DOT C court decision from January many people following should know this builds on the heels of what we wanted at the Supreme Court in February of sixteen, when we obtained a historic stay of the Obama Clean power plan. Unfortunately, this is the Obama Clean Power Plan times three. We have to make sure we stop it, otherwise it will have a catastrophic effect on the economy, Emily. That is exactly right. We can see it playing out already youre right. Vesting broad powers into a regulatory agency is absolutely arent at this threat. Call to the confusion, antithetical and opposed to.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-09.