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Questions ‘need to be asked’ about Swalwell’s alleged Chinese spy ties: Rep. Scalise

2020-12-15 | 🔗
Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., discusses Bill Barr’s resignation, Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on ‘Fox & Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ainsley attorney general bill, Ainsley attorney General Bill Barr, stepping down announcing his resignation, effective December 23rd, Brian Barr, calling it an honor to serve praises. The presidents accomplish s in the face of relentless resistance. I havent noticed the resistance, Steve lets talks to House Minority leader, Steve Scalise, who joins us from New Orleans. His house good morning to you congressman good morning, good, to see all of you Steve good to have you its too bad. He didnt stick around until the very end, but nonetheless, a lot of people were talking this morning. He did a good job. He didnt get fired at the end. Although a lot of people thought he might yeah, you know he got to leave on his own terms and you know ready to move on and look. He served a long time there. He came back to help the Trump Administration theres. A lot to clean up within the Justice Department still is, and I think people would still like to see some resolution to a few of the things outstanding from the last few years. But in the end you know he and the president left on good terms, which is most important there Ainsley. I know that you were
tweeting out about Eric Swalwell. You want some answers and you are asking Nancy Pelosi. Did she know about him when she placed him on Intel? Your second question is: why is Eric Swalwell still on the Intel committee? We need answers now. Are you getting any of these answers? No, and in fact its alarming, the silence is deafening right now on this Swalwell scandal, where you had a chinese spy, actually have some kind of a relationship with him. A lot of people are asking him. What was that relationship? How long back does it go? Reports are that it goes back to when he was a councilman long before he was in Congress and that the chinese spy help money for him actually helped infiltrate. His office got some other people in his office that were probably spies, and then he gets on the house, intelligence committee and just second term, which is very alarming that it doesnt happen that often that quickly, so the real question there is did Speaker Pelosi know that he had a relationship with a chinese spy prior to putting him
on the House Intelligence Committee. All these questions need to be asked and the bottom line is he should be removed. Steve the speaker said she was unconcerned. She said that at the time she when he was in Congress before she put him on the Intel Committee, she knew about it and she said that the Republicans in the leadership positions in the house knew about it as well. Well, first of all very few part time get these private p private briefings our leader, Kevin Mccarthy, is the one who puts republicans on so speaker. Pelosi is the only one who put him on if she did it, knowing that he had this relationship with the chinese spy and that his office had been. I will fill infiltrated raises questions why didnt she take him off. While these answers still havent been resolved. A lot of questions I mean we need to get resolved and its alarming again that you had somebody at this highest level on the House Intelligence
Committee, that the Chinese had infiltrated and by the way, also raises the question: why did Speaker Pelosi back away from the bipartisan commission on China? We were working on a commission to look into chinas wrongdoings on so many fronts and ultimately, Speaker Pelosi backed out Kevin Mccarthy, still went forward MIKE Mccaul put together a great report from that commission alarming questions that it raises about China. Why did Speaker Pelosi back away from that just a few months ago? Brian? How many are on that, his Brian? How many are on that? His RO, Khanna and Tulsi Gabbard talk a lot of people Brian absolutely. Meanwhile, in America, people are watching right now to see if you guys are going to get anything done on a bipartisan level to get some aid to the people, while these mayors and governors haphazardly shut down businesses and livelihoods. So I understand you got two bills broken up into two bills:
one is seven hundred and forty eight billion and the other is 160 plus billion, the seven hundred and forty billion you guys kind of agree on what you dont agree on is money to the states. They dont agree on liability insurance for businesses. So are you going to pass anything I mentioned? We need to get it done. Look going back to September, we have been raising the issue of another round of paycheck protection loans for those small businesses like had you on earlier the heart break in stories where these governors are just crushing these businesses, not based on science, Brian this bill three hundred billion for PPP money in that and that should have been passed back in September and for whatever reason the speaker held that up. But at the end of the day we need to get this done. They need to stop demanding things like bailing out failed states. They were trying to give checks to people here illegally to people in the country. One thousand two hundred checks to people here illegally. No money for these small businesses got change. I hope we get this done this week should have been done back in September. These governors need to stop
crushes these small businesses by the way its do, as I say, not as I do for these folks, restaurants telling you not to Brian what are the odds of this passing before Friday. If you put it on the floor today, the things you mentioned that why agree on it would pass overwhelmingly thats why Speaker Pelosi needs to stop playing games on the things we disagree on bring the things to the floor. We agree upon lets help these small businesses and people who struggle Brian Mitch Mcconnell needs to do the same thing. He has the votes. The Democrats have been blocking it. They have a sixty vote requirement over there and it seems like chuck. Schumer wants to keep holding that up put the bills on the floor that we agree on, and it would pass overwhelmingly Steve because everybody would be on the record all right. Thank you for going on the record, Steve Scalise, always happy to.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.