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President Trump's town hall 'far more adversarial' than Joe Biden's: John Roberts

2020-10-16 | 🔗
Chief White House correspondent John Roberts reacts to dueling town halls between 2020 presidential candidates Joe Biden and President Trump on 'America's Newsroom.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Michigan delivering a speech on healthcare we cover all this morning, live from Americas newsroom Miranda, Devine has brand new reaction to the Hunter Biden, email report and Griff Jenkins with an update. It could spell trouble for the Biden campaign. We begin the John Roberts Report being live from the north lawn. What was the reaction and what has it been so far to the debates? Last night I should say the town halls, the kind of looked like debates good morning Sandra and trace a lot of complaints from conservatives. The presidents town Hall last night in Miami was far more adversarial than the Joe Biden event. President said, he got good reviews. The Biden event which took place in Philadelphia, far less contentious Biden not asked about the latest controversy about his son hunters emails, but was asked about Supreme Court Packing and he said he would reveal his position after the
vote on Amy Coney Barrett. Listen here. If I say no matter what answer I gave you if I say it thats the headline tomorrow, not about whats going on now the improper way theyre proceeding. Dont, voters have a right to know they have a right to know where I stand and they will before they vote. So youll come out with a clear position before election day. Yes, depending on how they handle this trump asked if he could accept a peaceful transition of power. If the election didnt go his way, the President saying he will if the election is honest, listen here, they spied on my campaign and they got caught and tried to take down a duly elected sitting president and then they talked about were, will accept a peaceful transfer. The answer is yes, I will, but I want it to be an honest election and so does everybody else. In Philadelphia, Joe Biden
asked about his tax plan and pulling out crib notes, sure people making over four hundred dollars grand pay. Thirty nine point, six percent you would raise another. It goes up to. Let me get the exact number here. Excuse me ninety two dollars billion on the issue of some four hundred dollars million in real estate lows. The president reportedly owes for his projects the president, not accepting or acknowledging at least the exact number, not denying it either playing down the whole issue as insignificant, confirming you do owe some four hundred dollars million. What im saying its tiny percentage of my net worth any foreign banks or entities, not that I know of it is easy to solve. I will let you know who I owe the president. Waking up at his golf resort in Miami this morning had time to get in a
quick eighteen if he wanted to off to Fort Myers for a seniors event and Ocala Florida for a rally and Macon Georgia and finish with a rally, Joe Biden in Michigan and a virtual event and early voting.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-16.