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President Trump calls into 'Fox & Friends' as campaign enters final stretch

2020-10-20 | 🔗
President Donald Trump phones into 'Fox & Friends' to discuss campaign strategy, upcoming debate vs. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden allegations, race for a coronavirus vaccine, ongoing stimulus talks and weighs in on 'Bidenomics.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Right well be chatting about that too right, Brian Brian lets bring in the president of the United States President Donald Trump. Mr President, thanks for joining us today, well, thank you Brian. Mr President, you said over the last three weeks you have a different feel for the campaign. You really feel like youre, going to win now what changed? Well, a lot of things, its just going very well, I think hes imploding. You look at all the corruption in his family, its tremendous Nobodys ever seen. I mean that laptop. Nobody has ever seen anything like that. Hes gone into hiding hes done the lid again hes there for a long time and things are changing fast. The numbers at the polls are looking really good, really really good. Will. Mr President, you bring up hunter bidens laptop many on the left are suggesting. This is nothing but a russian disinformation campaign. What do you say to that? Its just crazy? I Shaw shift Ety Schiff get up yesterday and say this is Russia.
He is so sick. We went through two and a half years of that, a plus and this guy he ought to be put away or he ought to be. You know something should happen with him. I watched him look straight at the camera and say it and he laughs at it, and, thank goodness we have John Ratcliffe that came out the head of Dni. He said its the absolutely false theres, nothing, nothing to do with Russia, and it never did have to do. This is like with Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein what Hillary Clinton said about them. This was after the russian hoax on me that they were agents of Russia, and you know what I dont know either of them. They were not agents of Russia. They never spoke to anybody from Russia. It was the same thing. Adam sure ought to be investigated for Adam Schiff ought to be investigated for what he does. He said the laptop conceived and dedicated by Russia. This is crazy, Ainsley. Well, this is part of the interview I that probably will not be played on other networks, because theyre not
really covering this. But what if the names were changed? What, if it were your name instead of Joe Bidens or one of your sons, names instead of Hunter Biden? Would this be the top story on every single network? Well, you know it would and they went through and put my son in particular over a fifteen minute meeting with somebody from Russia who met with everybody in Congress over the years everybody knew it was a meeting about something totally different and Don Jr went its so unfair. What they have done, what theyve done to this country and were really were really hitting em back, I mean, were hitting them back so hard. I tell you, I watched your interview with Dave Rubin, so nice thats happening all over the country. People are in love and what you said about Texas, dont worry about. Texas Texas is with us. They want to take away your up guns, your oil and your God, okay thats, what they want. They want to take away your
second amendment. They want to take away fracking and oil. They dont care. They want to take it away. They want to go to the green new deal thats not for Texas, Texas is not going to be losing their guns and theyre not going to be losing their oil and theyre not going to be losing their religion or their god. Brian Prime Minister, your next. Mr President, your next chance to bring this up will be on Thursday night and among the categories is national security. That would be your option to bring this up people in the past presidents, in the past that have had siblings that were problematic. I remember Billy Carter with Jimmy Carter, Rogerrer Clinton. This issue is what Joe Biden had to do with this. What question do you have for Joe Biden in the debate, so people dont think its a family issue its more about the vice presidential issue? Some would is say how do you plan on par ilying that issue?
Well, that is far bigger than Jimmy Carter. I mean his son walked around like a vacuum cleaner. They say this is the laptop from Hell. They say right in the laptop that you know the big man has to get ten percent and then in another case they say fifty percent. This is one hundred percent and even if he doesnt get and he lives like a king, even if he didnt get all of this money- and everybody has known this in Washington for a long time. This isnt surprising Nobodys surprised by this, but even if he didnt you cant go to China, have the son walk out with three dollars and fifty cents, one dollar and fifty cents billion to manage you cant get three dollars and fifty cents million from the mayor of Moscows, wife, three dollars and fifty cents million, and you have no experience you didnt have a job until your father became vice president, its disgraceful Brian. What if he he says, I
dont know anything about it and the media refuses to cover it Brian. Mr President, what if he says I dont know anything about it. I hear Romanias coming up, hes a grown adult romanias coming up. No, they say right in there that the Father is going to get ten percent. To be honest with you, even if it wasnt you cant go with your father and every stop you make you pick up a billion dollars. You cant do that you cant do it, but he got a kickback. You know the old days they used to call it a kickback theres, no better world. The vice president got a kickback and everybody knows it and theyve known it for a long time will Brian brings up the debate and how youll address this in the debate. We want to talk about some of the changes in just a moment, but one more on this Hunter Biden issue. The mainstream media is and many on the left are calling this a russian disinformation campaign. Many of the facts are being
confirmed and authorized, and some aring asking. Will you appoint a special prosecutor to investigate this eleven house Republicans have requested it investigating these issues that have been raised, as well as corresponding legal or ethical issues that might be uncovered from the former vice presidents, forty seven years in public office? Will you be doing that weve not to get the attorney general to act? Hes got to act and hes got to act fast, hes got to appoint somebody. This is major corruption, and this has to be known about before the election and by the way were doing very well, were going to win. The election were doing very well. If you look at all of whats happening and all of the people that come in and dont come in, you take a look all around the country and with Texas early voting. Those are our votes too were doing well in I just got a report were doing great all over forget that this has to be done early,
so the attorney general has to act Ainsley. Mr President, the commission has changed the debate. Rules for this last are debate in two days. They have implemented a two minute, uninterrupted rule, so theyre going to have basically a mute button, theyre going to mute your microphone while Joe Biden answers and then mute his when you answer for the next two minutes. What are your thoughts? Well, I think the whole thing is crazy. This commission, I had problems with them four years ago, where they stifled out my mic. During my conversation with crooked hillary- and you know they muted my mic- they did a whole thing. They did this to me already. They modulated it and they actually had to write me a letter of apology. These people are not good people. This commission, a lot of funny things go on with them and, frankly, Kristin W E Lker, who I know I just went through Savannah Guthrie. She was out of line,
she was totally out of line, and so was Chris Wallace. I know youll defend him, but he was terrible. It was like two on one is, and that was just fine with me, but at least they should admit it was two on one. The funny thing is Biden, doesnt even do a show, hed get killed, he couldnt do Chris Show, but Kristin Welker is terrible. She is totally partisan. Her father and mother are big supporters of Joe Biden for a long time, theyre supporters of the Democrat Party and she deleted her entire account, and I was the one that told you. People about Scully Scully was no baby either, and then he got caught lying with his famous. Oh, they hacked my account. You know every time somebody gets caught, they always say they hacked my account. Here we go again so he had a problem, but Kristin Welker is far worse than skull LU. I do it anyway. This is the way it is its ISS, so set up
its incredible that weve been winning for so long when you get right down to it. Brian youre, a sports guy by trade youve got to adjust to it. Having said that, thats not father, I mean it would be nice to have a host. That could be not necessarily a contributor to the campaign. The Democrats, there are people out there that could be neutral, Brian Rune Right Chris said he was neutral, but just moving on to this debate neutral for who, in for himself Brian whats, going the change for your strategy, regardless of moderator format, MIC whats, your strategy, are you using anybody different to get you ready and after studying and dueling with Joe Biden once already? What have you learned? Whats going to change? Well Joe lies, and he lies a lot and hell say things that are crazy and hell think people are supposed to believe hum and they take ads and put ads in
on things that never happened. Far worse than Hillary. Hillary was a much smarter person than him, but they play a much dirtier game and she was dirty. I mean look with the e mails and everything else im not talking about that. She was terrible Brian. So will you they play a more dishonest game. They will put an ad in about something that never happened. Very dirty players proven Brian. Will you answer the previous question, like MIKE Pence, did and then answer their question. Well, look I do my own debating. I do fine and a lot of people said I won. If you look at the hispanic very interesting, they did a hispanic population poll and I was at seventy seven percent. A lot of people thought look when somebody stands there and he lies lies lies I like to challenge it at the time because you dont have time to go back. Will, Mr President, just to follow up on what Brians asking after the first debate, there were many who suggested if
you just let Joe Biden share a his ideas. America might not be too keen on those ideas. Ari Fleischer said the prime pre should interrupt less Willll. You change your strategy. Well, I may do that. They said if you let him talk, Hell lose his chain of thought because hes gonzo and I understand that. But as hes going down the line and issuing lies, you know General LU. Its okay to you know really attack that, but there is a chain of thought that you know there were a lot of people. That say: let him talk because he loses his train. He loses his mind frankly, but look at yesterday. He walks out of a store and the medias standing there and they asked him what flavor ice cream did you get? I mean think of this Brian. I know they never ask me a question like that. I want them to someday, but they never ask me a question like that: what flavor ice cream did you get
Brian, just real, quick? The other area in which foreign policy is not coming up unless you go there unless you bring hum there and if you look at Joe Bidens Foreign policy hes the one whose former secretary of Defense said Joe Bidens been wrong about every national security decision. For the last forty years they killed Gadhafi hes, never been asked about ISIS pulling out of Iraq and calling them the JV team. At least the president did right Brian. He never answered about how China was able to build islands and militarize them, and they did nothing. Are you going to go out of your way to do that? I will but theres a lot to talk about in a few minutes, and this was supposed to be a foreign policy debate and new. All of a sudden were talking about things that are not foreign policy and frankly, it was a change that they made. That was far bigger than the mute button I mean frankly, but they made a change and it shouldnt have happened. It shouldnt have happened, Ainsley inaudible.
You know that this was all going to be foreign policy and all of a sudden out of nowhere they made this change now were talking about other things. Ainsley all right tell us. This is not appropriate. Look. The commission has lost tremendous credibility, they lost it with me four years ago when they modulated the mic. I understood that and you look at look at Bob Dole. He wrote a letter saying that he knows the people and these are knot. The right people to have. He was very nice in writing that Bob Dole Ainsley. Mr President, have you heard back from the commission? I know your campaign was raising objections about the fact that this was supposed to be a foreign policy debate and they sent a letter to the commission. Your campaign agreed to the debate because you agreed to focus on foreign policy and when you look at the topics, thats not included. Well, we want the debate and I know theyre discussing it. Yeah theyre talking back and Fort with the commission. They want to have it be at least not fair, because it can never be fair with Kristin Welker
its not going to be fair. It would be like Scully or like Chris Wallace theres, nothing fair about this debate, but thats, okay, hey, look Savannah Guthrie! I knew what I was getting into ive been with her for a long time in terms of interviews. That was crazy. I mean she was jumping out of her seat, but it was a good interview. We got very high marks in that interview. I thought she was totally out of control total out of control. Will President trump youve had a very busy schedule? You have a very busy schedule coming up this week in Pennsylvania tomorrow in North Carolina. Vice President Pence is going to New Hampshire and Ohio, Cincinnati and Portsmouth New Hampshire. Last night, or yesterday we heard you in Arizona talking about the very stark choice Americans is have between a potentially socialist future and economic Recoif. I want to bring this back because you told Brian theres a lot to talk about not just foreign policy, so in this debate this week.
What do you think is the starkest contrast, the number one issue voters need to consider different between you and Joe Biden. Weve, had a lot of different issues, come up law and order, the economy covid shutdowns, but whats. The number one stark contrast in your mind between you and Joe Biden: okay, so many individual things, whether its second amendment or energy, or all of these things they want to raise your taxes. I want to lower your taxes regulations all of that, but the bottom line, the american dream, the great american dream versus being a socialist hell hole because theyre going to turn us into a socialist nation, were going to be no different than Venezuela and ill. Tell you what it can happen. It can happen. Venezuela, twenty years ago, was unbelievable and now they dont have water. They dont have food, they dont have medicine. The only difference is wed, be much bigger, but thats. What it is, its the american dream versus a
socialist hell hole will and what im sorry? What specifically? Would you point to with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris that would take us to that socialist hell hole? Well, everything you know: socialized medicine: they want you to go to a hospital. If you have a cold take away your health care, they want to take away. One hundred and eighty million in credible health care plans that people love. I mean you can go down a list forever. They want to take away your guns, defund your police, or at least radically change your police look. What theyre doing in Minneapolis are in Seattle. They want to destroy your police forces and, at the same time, talk away your guns. Take away your guns, Ainsley. I understand Melanias going to join you today. This is the first time weve seen her, since we will shes doing great Ainsley hows she doing and hows your son im going to Erie Pennsylvania today.
That was always a Dems Ainsley. You got forty nine percent in two thousand and sixteen Hillary got forty seven percent whats your message to those folks and all the folks in the battleground that states. You know the economy is coming back so strong. We built the strongest economy in the history of the worldld a then the plague came in the China plague and theyre. Very very we are not forgetting it and China knows that were not forgetting it. The plague came in we closed it, down saved millions of lives and now weve opened it up. We dont only have a v. We have a super v. We are recovering at a level that nobody else in the world has recovered and we went down less and weve recovered faster. You know, seven point: eight unemployment, seven point: eight doesnt sound good, but I remember your show three months. Agoing four months ago they were talking about possibly having unemployment of forty two percent. Brian Brian right
were at seven point eight and heading down rapidly Brian. Mr President, right now with cases you have thirty six statements with increase in cases you have Europe all going up. Wales is basically shutting down. Nine cities in Paris are under restrictions and the U dot KS on reduction depending on the city and the time if the numbers keep going up and we dont want to shut down again. What is the plan to live with it while staying safe from it? Well, we are living with it s and were having the vaccines coming out very soon with or withoutut the vaccines were rounding, the turn, but we have the vaccine coming out very soon. We have the therapeutics that are incredible. I they tell you what I had regeneron. I was not exactly feeling the greatest and I felt like Superman. A day later, I got better very fast, very, very fast what theyve done under this administration in terms of the FDA, things that would have taken Brian, two or three years I got done in two weeks
and the Fdas been great theyve all been great. Now the vaccines are coming out, thats going to help us, but were doing much better than Europe. Europe is getting hit, pretty hard were doing much better and we will never shut down. We shut down. We understood the disease were protecting our elderly, unlike what they did in New York, where they did such a bad job. Cuomo were protecting, our elderly were taking care of those because they are susceptible, especially if they have heart or diabetes or problems, but we understand the disease. No, there will be no shutdowns will. Mr President, you bring up Governor Andrew Cuomo, he said hes skeptical of a potential covid vaccine. We can play for you right now what he had to say. I dont believe the american people are that confident, youre going to say to the american people now heres a vaccine. It was new, it was done quickly, but trust this federal administration and their health administration that its safe. I think its going to be a very
skeptical american public about taking the vaccine and it should be were going to put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and if they say its safe, then ill go to the people of New York and I will say its safe with that credibility. Will Governor Cuomo saying people should be skeptical of a potential vaccine? What do you say to the that? Mr President, so hes going to put together the same group of people, probably that he used to put together in the nursing homes where eleven thousand people died because they put heavily infected people in with the general population, is that the people hes going to use to help us out no its, not it doesnt work that way, theres a case of a politician, thats. So sad. We have Johnson AMP Johnson, Pfizer Moderna the greatest companies in the world. This has nothing to do with government and theyve come up with incredible vaccine ES and when the politician is a real low life, when a politician
is willing to say that and kill people and scare people from using something thats going the to be great and really solve a bug problem, they ought to be ashamed of themselves. He probably listens to his brother, Fr E. Do he has bad ratings on CNN? He probably listens to hum too much. Ainsley lets talk about the confirmation of Judge, Alreadymy Cone, Amy, Coney, Barrett, Chuck Schumer is saying this is too rushed. Listen to this republican majority wanted to jam this nomination through before the election. The republican majority is running the most hypocritical, most partisan and least legitimate process in the history of Supreme Court confirmations instead of ramming through a Supreme Court nominee. In the most hypocritical of circumstances, the republican majority should be working with Democrats on a real, comprehensive Covid relief Bill
Ainsley. Mr President, whats your reaction. So this is a process that Justice Ginsburg said a president has four years not three years and were not ramming anything through. We have a lot of time. I mean we have a lot of time and shes phenomenal shes become a star. The way she answered, questions the mind her background. Her intellect I mean shes become a major star in this country. People love her. I tell you what, if we ever didnt ram her through, as he said, wed have a problem because people would be ANG true as hell, they love her shes, going to be a fantastic justice of the Supreme Court for many many years and all were doing is during my term im here. Hopefully I have another four years, but ive had three by the time. At the end of the term, three hundred federal judges and three Supreme Court justices thats an incredible thing: thats a record and theres never been that before. So you know theyre unhappy,
but President Obama couldnt get people through I mean he was unable to get people through. He was unable to do a lot of things to be honest with you, Brian well see how that goes because its supposed to be a vote in committee this week and a vote on the floor next week, its going to go well Brian. Mr President, its been ninety one days since any type of rescue package came from Congress that you have signed, and we know the american people are hurting its been so long. The hospitality industry, which youre very familiar with sure Brian theyve, been devastated. If youre, a waiter or an actor youve been destroyed. Steve Mnuchin, the Treasury of the Secretary and the speaker have been speaking for a long time and something could be offered as early as today. What could you tell us Mitch, Mcconnell isnt, exactly onboard with those negotiations? Well hell be on board. If something comes, let me just explain Itits very simple:
I want to do it even bigger or than the Democrats. Not every Republican agrees with me, but they will. I want to do it even bigger than the Democrats, because this is money going to people that did not deserve what happened to them coming out of China to just put it very simply. We want to do it, but Nancy Pelosi doesnt want to do it well see whether or not she changes her mind. We want to do it because people need help and they should get help, even though the economy is strongly coming back Brian, Mr President, shes at two dollars and thirty nine cents trillion and you want to go bigger than that shes at two point two I would like to go. I would be willing to go more because I think that number one I view it differently. We get the money back, the government, it gets the money back ultimately anyway, and its better than unemployment and its better than all of the other cause associated with the alternative. So I want to go. I would rather go bigger than that number, but well see but Heres the problem. She doesnt want to do anything until after the election, because
she thinks that helps her. I actually think it helps us, because everyone knows that shes, the one thats breaking up the deal now they are talking, lets see what happens, but I would ratherrer go bigger than her number Brian Senator Thune says he doesnt want to go close to inaudible Brian. Would you pass with mostly democratic votes id? Take all the votes you could get, whether its democrat or Republican, Brian, okay, a lot of democrat votes, youll have republican votes too im. Okay, with that doesnt bother me at all Ainsley. Why dont they just vote for that amount, because Nancy Pelosi doesnt want to approve anything. Look shes made it very difficult. Very, very difficult were talking about money going to the american people that got hurt and they shouldnt have been hurt. This was caused by China, they shouldnt have been hurt and we shouldnt be punishing them and were punishing them because of Nancy Pelosi. Now maybe she changes her tune
and I can tell you there is a little bit of that and thatll be a very positive thing for the american people. Will. Mr President, certainly stimulus for those who had their government or had their businesses shut down by the government by mandate is important right will, but helping people by opening up seems to be one of the biggest economic stimuluses we could offer thats right will. I know: youve had a back and forth with Dr Anthony Fauci, but balanced against rising cases in many states, whats the right path on opening up you, our society. Well, we have to open up, we live with it and we open up our schools and im the one that got big ten and PAC 12 football back. I got that back that wasnt coming back, I got it back. Hope people realize that that was pure and simple ill me or whatever and im very happy. We have to open up now, Barron a young man very young, strong. He got it too.
By the time I said to the doctor hows. He doing he said hes all better. You know its different young. Ninety nine point: nine percent young kids have to go back to school. They have to get back now. If you look at different states Michigan, we won the case against her. The only one that was allowed to violate was her husband, okay, the governor of Michigan. We won the case of Michigans opening up, because you know what the Supreme Court said. It was unconstitutional what she was doing now: North Carolina Pennsylvania, some ORR states all run by Democrats, have to open up look at new its like a ghost town. What theyve done to New York, its a ghost town Brian, I know, were in it not to mention all of the crime is coming out of democrat statements. Republicans are doing incredibly or on crime on economics. Everything coming out crime and other problems are in Democrat, run states. I hope people realize that
Ainsley lets talk about taxes, because fifty cent says hes not going to Brian. You mean the rapper Ainsley. The rapper Biden says: if you make more than four hundred thousand dollars im raising your taxes. What is your plan? What he said is much worse than that hes going to look at the Wall Street Journal. They just came out today, just in terms of life, six thousand five hundred dollars over a short period of time, more theyre going to have to pay he. My tax plan was the biggest tax cut in the history of our country and regulation cut, but the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. He wants to violate that. That would take away child tax credit, one thousand dollars a child. It would take away two thousand five hundred dollars. It would take away. You know something that will happen if they ever did it. Energy look at youre buying two dollars a gallon gasoline. Now nobody thought Thahat was possible that will go to five dollars or ten dollars. You wont even be able to buy a car
youll go into a depression, the likes of which this country has never seen, at least since one thousand nine hundred and twenty nine. Who knows that was a pretty bad one, but if he gets in what they will do. Is everything itll be a disaster theyre going to double triple quadruple your taxes, they actually say, were going to quadruple to spend it on the green new deal, this ridiculous green new deal, which makes no sense designed by AOC plus three didnt, even study the environment. Now theyre telling us about the green new deal? No, no. What theyre doing is crazy and their taxes will quadruple theyre going to take your guns away. The whole thing is crazy. The whole plan is crazy. It runs on the bay us that theyre going to run your taxes. Brian, of course AOC is not the candidate but Bidens Energy man is the framework based on the green new deal by Senator Markey and Alexandria, Ocasio Cortez, which includes retrofitting. I think every
building in the country to make it more environmentally friendly, and I imagine that theyre going to go to the Pentagon to take some of that money because its just not going to be anywhere else, so they want to take a building and they want to make the windows from nice windows to little windows. Oh thats, just fine! I know all about construction. Thats wonderful lets make them tiny little windows because youre going to save two cents on energy. These people are. This is the most important election in the history of our country, and people have to get out and vote, because what they want to do is crazy. We will never allow this country to become a socialist nation and thats. What theyre trying to do will. Mr President, if I may id love to return to the coronavirus pandemic for one more moment, I want to ask you about this back and forth. You had yesterday with Dr Anthony Fauci, certainly its a doctors, a scientists job to give you their opinion,
its the presidents job to balance all the competing interests, but the american people seem to trust, Anthony Fauci, and yet you guys have had a rough back and forth over the last twenty four hours, youre suggesting. If you had listened to Dr Fauci, many people would have die hes a Democrat hes. Actually, a very good friend of the Cuomo family hes been there for a long time. I leave him there and hes been wrong. First of all, he said: dont wear, masks. Im sure you have that clip, he said many things. He said: let the people from China that are heavily infected, let them come in. He admits that he was wrong and he admits that I saved thousands of lives and its good if people trust him but its not that the people reporters like him, because they think hes against me, hes not really against me, but he did say something that we kept him off television and yet we allowed him to do 60 minutes the other night. He couldnt do it without our approval.
How do we keep him off its but by the way, do 60 minutes? Hes, a nice guy, not a good baseball thrower. The only thing I say is hes a little bit, sometimes not a team player, but he is a Democrat and I think that hes just fine its a view we have other Scott ATLAS is fantastic, but they go after him so much. He has a different view by the way everybody has a different view. Doesnt mean theyre wrong or theyre bad people, but people have different views will but to be clear, Mr President, but I make the decisions and weve saved millions of lives by the decisions ive made. We closed up our country in the midst of the greatest economic boom in history and saved millions of lives now its opening. So we did the right thing and were doing much better than Europe and our recovery will to be clear. Prime
minister, are you and Dr Fauci at odds no im, not at odds? I like him, hes a terrific guy, Ainsley lets talk about law and order in these democratic cities. Portland Seattle, New York, city, weve, seen riots, take place. Protests take place if you win and the people who did not vote for you go out in the streets, and we see a lot of what we saw a few months ago. How do you plan on handling that? Because it worries people and businesses? Are they shouldnt be worried? They shouldnt be worried, were for law and order, and if we win theyll be exhausted, theyve had it theyll be exhausted Ainsley. What? If theyre? Not last time they spied on my campaign and they tried to overthrow the president and if it wasnt me with phony stories like Russia, Russia, Russia and now here goes Schiff again, shifty Schiff again, you know the laptop was done by Russia.
The Biden laptop was conceived of and done by Russia. Brian right, I mean people get it. I mean youve got to understand what this is. These people are, I dont, even say: sick, theyre, horrible horrible liars, its a terrible thing. Schiff is a danger to our country. Fortunately, we have a Dni director, John Ratcliffe whos, a fantastic man, and he put that out very, very quickly, hes in charge of the whole ball game, and he put it out very very quickly. No, no, they are exhausted. If we win theyre going to be exhausted and its going to come together, you know what brings it together success and we were coming together. Ive explained this: over the last few months, we were coming together so beautifully the best employment rates and unemployment rates, african american Hispanic, american asian american women Diplomas,
MIT plus, and no mit plus everybody was doing great and we were getting calls from lets, say the other side, people that you would least expect. How do we get together and I was saying it to them and it was all great and then the plague came in from China and we had to go back to the drawing boards Brian right, but success was bringing it together and were going to have that Successss next year is going to be a very successful year. Unless someone comes in and raises your taxes by four times and more thats going to kill it everyones going to leave all these companies that I brought back in because of the taxes theyre all going to go back to where they came from theyre all going to leave our country, Brian Kirstie Alley was on with Sean Hannity last night and she said im going to support Trump again heres. What she said. Trump has a lot of energy. I like that, he he has more energy than any human being ive
actual ever seen, and I think that the big thing I was mentioning in that tweet was that im really tired of career politicians, im tired of paying people to do nothing and take way too long to do it. Brian and she got blowback your thoughts. Well, I think shes, great and ive always liked her, and I just think shes got courage. You know shes Hollywood. She did very well in Hollywood by the way really well, but I think shes great, and I think she has great hair, okay laughter Brian, Mr President, just to follow up when you look at your election now, where youre at in two thousand and sixteen, where youre at in two thousand and twenty a lot of people see a lot of similarities in the big picture. Considering everything thats develop on with the pandemic, the impeachment Facebook Twitter would this be a bigger harder win than your first one. If youre able to pull it out no its easier and were way ahead of where we were by the way, especially when you see numbers that are coming in-
and we know now for a fact were way ahead. No look. This election was over until the plague came in from China. We were so far ahead. The economy was the best ever you know that I mean you know that, but this election was over. Then the plague came in and it affected. You know this country and it affected many other countries. Look at other countries where a leader was doing a good job, and you know the plague came in and many of those people are gone, not their fault, theyre gone or they were hurt, or they were not the same. I had to go back to work and I went back to work and weve done an incredible job both with covid. We saved millions of lives. You know the press doesnt want to give us credit for that, just like they cover up for bidens incompetence and theft and all of the things that have gone on. They dont want to give us any kind of credit, but thats. Okay, we are doing great. The reason this is easier is because we have a great track record if we didnt have, I wouldnt be talking to you right now, Ainsley. Mr President, I know
you probably already heard rush Limbaugh talking about his cancer progressing yesterday, right Ainsley, just in case the audience hasnt heard it lets play a little bit of it. Its tough to realize that the days where I do not think im under a death sentence are over its a blessing when you wake up its a stop. Everything and, thank God, moment Ainsley, so, Mr President, whos the next voice for conservatives when it comes to radio well before we even talk about the next voice, theres never going to be a voice like rush are Ainsley, I know. Do you think rush was with me unit, know, rush at all. I didnt know rush at all. I heard about his thirty nine million people, the biggest anywhere and the most powerful, and all that, but I didnt know hum and all of a sudden you know I started getting word that theres this man rush, Limbaugh whos, so supportive of you from the day I came down the
escalator. He was supportive of me. You have to talk to him. I didnt have to meet with him and wine him and dine him. He was just with us because he liked what I was saying and I became friendly with him. He got the presidential medical of freedom, which is the biggest award you can get that and the congressional medal of Honor Rush is an incredible man, his wife, Katherine incredible people, and he is putting up a fight like you know. This has been going on for a long time. He didnt have exactly a great prognosis when he heard about it, and this is now taking it to the next level what he said yesterday, but he is an incredible man and thats very sad to hear that. However, he will continue to fight thats. The one thing I know about him, hes incredible Brian, so, Mr President, from here on in there youve got fourteen days left your camp says you have youre going to have a minimum two as many as five events a day. In order to get this victory. Do you believe? Do you believe
that its going to be won in these next fourteen day? Or do you believe to a degree that this is done already? I think, were in great shape? I mean you know I really do youve seen it Brian youve, seen it Brian. Well, I see the crowds show ever youre doing great and will youre doing great on Saturday, Brian Prime Minister, I see the polls. Mr President, I see the polls in North Carolina Dead HEAT Florida, a couple of points off Michigan eight. What are you seeing so were up in Florida way up were up in North Carolina. All you have to do is look at the numbers I mean were way up were up. I think, were substantial Pennsylvanias pretty evening pretty even we got a ruling yesterday. That was ridiculous, where they can count ballots after the elections. Over proven Brian John Roberts, its crazy, we got a strange ruling from the Supreme Court yesterday. That was very strange,
but I think were doing great. The rallies areallies like rallies, like in history, many people have said it. Many of the enemy have said it. We are having rallies the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, Arizona Michigan, no matter where were going North Carolina, we are having rallies Florida. We had a rally Nobodys ever seen, anything like it. There has never been rallies with this kind of love, and this kind of numbers I mean were forty thousand thirty thousand, and sometimes we give them a one day notice. We end up and you look at Biden the other day. He had a rally and four people show up four people. You know they go into circles. They stand in the middle of a very nicely done circle. The person that puts it up is very good, but no were having rallies, the likes of which Nobodys ever seen before. Will, Mr President, youre in a unique position on Thursday night at the debate, youre going
to get a chance to ask Joe Biden about court packing and Antifa questions? I hope to hear the answers, but you seemed a little disappointed when you said all they ever ask about. Is his milk shake so after a 40 minute interview? Do you want to tell us what your favorite flavor is yeah? I would in about a year or two when everything is so perfect im going to. Let you ask me that question im going to give you the nicest answer. You know why, because id love to have a question like that in the meantime, were in the middle of a battle we have to win, but it is very unfair, heres, a guy whos involved in the second biggest scandal, because I consider spying on my campaign to be the biggest. This could supersede it. Maybe you know this could supersede it. Hes committed crimes, hes a criminal hes committed crimes and they ask him about a milk shake what flavor, what flavor ice cream do. You like? I never had a question like that,
and they also they give him the questions and he reads the answer off computers. Thats never happened to me, I mean Brian, to the best of my knowledge, Brian youve. Never done that with me. Do you agree with that Brian? I agree im just looking through my notes. I never found out those personal choices that you laughter done behind closed doors will youre going to have to wait another year Ainsley, Mr President, are you nervous about Thursday no im not nervous, look ive been doing it. Weve been doing very well its very unfair, the moderators very unfair. I know it so well I mean I know her so well its a very its a stacked deck, its incredible, and I think one of the reasons that I do have a surgeon popularity and we do have these tens of thousands twenty five forty thousand people showing up to rallies. I really think they appreciate the fact that I fight back because im fighting against these im fighting the Democrat
Party, the fake news, media, the lame stream media which mostly- and I congratulate you- people but mostly is on that side, and nobody even knows why and its been like that for decades its not you know me, I may have exacerbated it, because weve had victory, but you know, and now, on top of it big tech, I mean you have to see big tech, you put something out, they cancel it, they look what they did to Charlie Kirk. How good is Charlie, Kirk hes sort of mainstream, but hes conservative, but hes mainstream, and they want to ruin him. These people are bad people, Brian and Mr President, last question section two hundred and thirty of section two hundred and thirty Brian. I have one last question for you. I have watched three huge parades through long island, one through Fifth avenue and no ones organizing it theyre, just organizing it through social media Right Brian and they want you to push to win New York. I asked for the poll numbers and it says youre trailing by
twenty with everyone out of the city because of what a hell hole its become and with this passion in upstate New York, do you want to give a shot at New York? I do. I really do, and even I dont know if you saw the other day I was in California. Did you see the crowd in California? It was one hundred percent and it was massive. The plus said: theyd never seen anything like it. Look Californias run badly. New York is run horribly with Cuomo and what they do and whats happened, and a lot of people have left for Florida, theyve left for other places. I think you know traditionally you cant win thats, why its very tough for a Republican to win you cant win New York, California, Illinois, so three big states, all of them are run badly and New York is run so badly, and I say why would I lose New York? You know now upstate New York, Long Island, all those areas I win by a land shrewd its only that core land, shrewd and that core is rotting because
of bad management, bad politics, the core of New Y York is rottin, and people have left no im going to give it a shot. They say you cant as a Republican, and it hasnt happened for many decades, but im going to give it a shot. I think youre one hundred right, Brian.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-20.