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Over 30 migrants detained on Texas rancher’s property in exclusive border footage

2021-10-14 | 🔗
Fox & Friends reporter Lawrence Jones speaks with the rancher and provides a firsthand look at the migrant surge in Brackettville, Texas
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Plus zero percent interest for thirty six months on all smart beds, only for a limited time, Ainsley Fox NEWS, learning from Ainsley Fox NEWS learning from leaked: U Dot S border patrol documents that one hundred and sixty thousand illegal immigrants have been released into the United States just since March alone, Steve and as the border crisis rages. Fox amp friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones went down to Bracketville Texas for firsthand, look where he witnessed more than thirty migrants being caught on a ranchers private property Brian. No one else is doing things like this Lawrence joins us now. What a might? What a day you had reporter good morning, family Brian youre, exactly right, we have been embedded with the Department of Public Safety s special unit, thats out here, patrolling as well as in the air on the ground where the ranchers are. I had the opportunity to go out on some chases with them on some chases with them. Yesterday, take a look
about thirty illegal immigrants on your property. This is the first time this ever happened. Oh no, sir. This happened daily and weekly. It slowed down for a little bit. Maybe two or three weeks ago, but now its back again, it was slow out here I never saw border patrol, maybe once a week you know when dps theyre here to still help, but we cant allow them reporter. They arent allowed to arrest these folks. How do you feel about that? Oh im upset. We cant get the administration to allow us reporter. So what is the difference with dps arrests them and they charge them with criminal trespassing? They go to jail. We slow it down a little bit reporter when border patrol arrests them they release them back into Mexico, and how long does it take them to be back over here? I wouldnt be surprised if its tomorrow night, when you have that revolving door, itll, never stop. The question is now: are they
going to come and break into my house or what do they do reporter? That runs through your mind, all the time when youre out on the ranch reporter. Do you worry about your familys safety? Oh yeah! This is thirty, two right here: okay, how many more reporter the got aways that they arent talking about reporter? They are just waiting for clearance for clearance that them right there. Where did you come from, sir? Where did you come from Sir Mexico City, my friend reporter Mexico City? Yes, reporter? What made you come? Take this journey. Sir. Take this journey, sir. I want for more family and kids. The government changed and the new president changed the
rules and he canceled my case thats. Why im trying to go? See my family reporter? What is your friends story? My friends story. He is my wifes brother hes, no coyote, no, nothing hes! My friend have you ever been arrested. No, he said he got deported for no driver license. Do you have any id reporter lets run through some reporter lets run through some of the criminal backgrounds? This individual here hes from Mexico and hes, been arrested for possession of methamphetamine and also illegal entry that be a charge for border patrol reporter correct. This individual here has been arrested for multiple illegal entries, which are charges from border patrol which are deportation, charges, theft and domestic violence, which were here in the United Statesment reporter. Are you trying to go see that same wife
when you get here? Were you planning on meeting her? This is another wife, yes reporter, where your kids are as well as my girlfriend reporter now to the detention center. This is the part of Operation Lone STAR. The property owners gave Trooper S Department of Public safety, the condition to come on their property. They coordinated with them and once they got some of the sensors Texas troopers were able to come out to the scene and process them. Men and women protecting the border worry day and night, even flying over the southern border in helicopters, eyes in the sky and those on the ground. We got a group of about a dozen here. I dont see any kids with them, but theyre young, probably hes, maybe in his 30s hes, probably in his 20s theres movement, there theyre on the move straight and keep going north theres about ten, maybe ten
they are heading closer to the opening of the fence. We got the light on them, 200 right in front of you. There is your picture reporter, so guys, dps has arrested about one thousand two hundred illegals since July, a little breaking news for you. I just got a tip from one of our sources that we have been embedded with. They just arrested three illegal s right behind us on this train that was coming into the country. This is a common practice that they use. They will jump on the train and thats. Why dps and the special operations units start to check them during these checkpoints here Ainsley on that very train on the very train Steve, we heard the whistle Ainsley about five minutes ago, reporter thats exactly right, Brian, they get the bolt cutter.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-15.