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NYPD officer brings Long Island community together with BBQ restaurant

2021-02-12 | 🔗
Police officer and owner of Bobby Q's Bobby Ford on giving back to the Freeport, Long Island community.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A long island restaurant, a long island restaurant owner, is serving the community in more ways than one after he takes off the apron at his southern barbecue. Joint Bobby Ford puts on a police uniform and a badge to give back in a completely different way: Ainsley police officer and owner of long islands, Bgf Bobby Qs Bobby Ford, joins us now along side. Fox news, analyst Lawrence Jones Hi Lawrence Good Morning, family its good to be here at Bobby QS to get some southern food here being from Texas. I know good food. This is sausage and gravy biscuits and gravy eggs grits. It feels like just like back at Bobbys family is from South Carolina. You know about that Ainsley. He owns a restaurant during the day nighttime. He serves and protects hes truly a superhero.
How do you do it all very little sleep first and foremost like I said earlier. Sometimes you love what you do. Sometimes you have a giving heart. Sometimes you follow your passions and when life affords you the opportunity to follow your passions, you adhere to that. First from a business standpoint. This is black history month. A lot of talk about black businesses and giving back to the community during the day youve been able to help some of the people that are less fortunate with giving them meal prep. Yes, I have a program where we have established a meal prep program where they snap recipients. They can call in and arrange for or look on our website and see the choices that we have and arrange for pre packaged meals to be ready at a certain time. So they too can enjoy the benefits of Bobby QS and, of course, the meals are a fraction of the normal price, because its not cooked its a great deal for them.
These are customers that are on food stamps and they can use the food stamp card to get that talk about your job in law enforcement, theres. So many critical conversations that are happening about race, the black community and the police, youre a brother youre, a black man and youre, also a law enforcement officer. How do you connect with the community more than anything, food and conversation? People come in and again you always have an open dialogue with people. People are human, so when they want a speak, when they want to talk, you talk to them. Everyone speaks about different topics and at different times, and you find a way of connecting with people just through conversation, so its always a blessing to exchange views with people Bobby. What made you want to be a police officer, especially its not a you, dont, get a lot of thanks for this its interesting again. I did have the need to help people I really felt like I could do more by reaching out and helping
people and bridging that gap as a police officer. So I think that its been a more than positive experience for me. Tell me how youve been able to use that badge and connect to the young people today, through the athletic leagues and being a part of the community with them im. Also, the executive director of New Port pal im able to connect with the students an parents at that level, help them achieve leadership through sports. A lot of children out there need some direction. Some need more direction. We try to reach out to at risk youth as well to make sure that everyone is kind of on the right.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-09.