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Newt Gingrich says the 2020 presidential election is an ‘exact repeat of 2016’

2020-10-19 | 🔗
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich weighs in on the 2020 presidential candidates campaigning in key swing states.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It is a sharp contrast. It is a sharp contrast between President Trump, who is friendsied, who continues to lie just incessantly morning noon and night, and excuse me former Vice President Biden, who is laying out a clear and compelling plan polling, is showing that its making a difference, particularly with suburban women. But I agree with you that we shouldnt take anything for granted in these last few weeks and it is still possible for President Trump to win reelections thats, why I say dont focus on the national polls focus on getting out and voting Brian lying day noon and night. What perhaps or saying Wha he going to do and what he did. Unlike Joe Biden, who is going to be in bed for five days and took Saturday off lets, bring in Newt Gingrich Fox NEWS, contributor, former speaker of the house, author of Trump and the american future. So fifteen days left fifteen days left Mr Speaker and have you
warning from Chris Coons to other Democrats and Tom Pres to other Democrats. We havent won yet well and they are not going well and they are not going to win. I watched a rally: several trump rallies, Thaty Mtz fifteen to twenty thousand range fifteen to twenty thousand range. This is exactly repeat of twenty. Sixteen kindergarten keep up state to state fifteen, to twenty thousand people for a visit. The human effect that has is amazing. Furthermore, Biden cant answer about Hunter Biden and the chinese Ukraine, Russia involvement involving millions of dollars thats. Why is he hiding he cant answer about packing
the Supreme Court go down. The list. Bidens hope is that the national media will protect him. National media will protect him that Twitter will protect him. He will sweep into the White House work every other day and Kamala Harris the rest of the time. Amazing three weeks out to have a candidate take five days off. People ought to think about that Brian and Saturday, okay, six days off Steve, it does sound as if he is preparing for the debate, but he was asked a really tough question yesterday. What flavor of milk shake? Did he order? So Thursday is going to be the second and final debate into the? What does the president need to do? Well, I mean my hope is that, well I mean my hope is that
he will be more like he was with Savanna Guthrie CALM. I thought he was too intense and aggressive with Chris Wallace. I hope they will really think it through go in there. First of all, he ought to let Biden talk. Some Biden doesnt help himself talking. If you watched the Saturday Night LIVE version of Biden, its a continuous process of boredom, and it has now become an art form on Saturday night, live to show how Boring Biden is. I would think the president. He only has two or three big questions. Are you going to pack the court or not? Are you going to admit that you knew about your son, making tens of millions of dollars from China, Ukraine or Russia or not? Are you going to admit that huge tax increases are going to cause a depression? He doesnt have to cross two or three or four big things in that debate, relax and work on it.
Other thing can say back when I was two millions lives by stopping the flight from China. Stopping the flights from Europe. Ramping up the production of health equipment, you opposed every step of it. Now you want us to protend like you and you didnt do it, but the truth is Biden was opposed, as was Pelosi to every single step. Trump took in the first two months of the covid pandemic. Ainsley took office, sat down with Nancy Pelosi. They will dont talk anymore because they had some heated exchanges. She says she hasnt talked to him in a year. We can still negotiate and work things out here. She is listen to this. Let me say without the two of us speaking person to person, but it is through the airwaves or through the presidents interred me areas. We were able, in that period of time, to pass a huge omnibus bill to keep government open working with Secretary Mnuchin, then so it isnt as if it has to be
person to person between the speaker and the president. It has to be knowledge for knowledge in terms of what we, what our purpose is, how we strategically put something together that will get the votes and the signature to improve the lives of the american people. Mr Speaker, you were once the speaker: how would that have affected policy and the american public if you dont sit down with the president? Well look I mean, I think, in an ideal world, you ought to have a much better relationship, which I have most of the time with President Clinton. We met, I think thirty five days in hammering out a balanced budget, but I think that frankly, Steve Mnuchin and Mark meadows have done a pretty good job substituting and having negotiations with Nancy. The fact is, when you had Dianne Feinstein Hug Lindsey Graham and tell him he run a great hearing in the Judiciary committee. She had Democrats demanding that she step down because they are
so bitterly opposed to any sign of friendship with Republicans, and I have to say if I had been president and somebody tore up the state of the union that evening, even more than impeachment and all this other stuff, that level of contempt by her doesnt exactly help create any kind of relationship thats, positive Brian. I understand MR speaker thanks so much. We will see if we get something this week on a stimulus package, a rescue package, and we see if.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-19.