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New York State Senate candidate: New York has not prioritized children during this pandemic

2022-04-05 | 🔗
Democratic New York State Senate candidate Danyela Souza Egorov on NYC parents protesting mask mandates.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
From force factor the 1 beets brand in america, angry parents gathering at new york city hall on monday to protest our mayor, Eric Adams, extending mask mandates for kids under five years old this one day after Democrat laughed off protesters, musical Daniela has 4 year old son. Her son max is still wearing a mask. She is fighting to drop these mandates and she joins us now good morning to you Daniela good morning. Congratulations for getting in the race new york, children. During the entire pandemic. They opened restaurants and gyms before they opened school. They are allowing athletes to play. They do not allow student athletes who are not vaccinated to play now. Toddlers are the last group that are mask mandates in new
york city. These masks might protect our kids from covid thats, not even a guarantee anymore, its going to cause speech and cognitive delays. We talked to teachers, the all all of these scooz schools and said every kids is delayed because of what we have gone through. The kids are delayed. We still dont have enough data to show that, but we have all this referrals speech therapist. They have never seen so many kids delayed and mothers like me can see their kids are not getting ready for kindergarten, and this mayor is not following the science that tells us that kids need to see their teachers mouth to learn phonics. I know you live downtown in new york city, a lot of progressives a lot of liberal ideas. You are a Democrat running as a Democrat running against two people, much more radical right. Yes, what are the parents telling you as they get involved in these races? What families are telling me? They want public safety, they want a rigorous education
and they want the economy to be back. We need to be able to attract investments again to be friendly to business. These are the three priorities that im running for okay, all right and what does the future look like for you? When is the race? The primary is june 28th? Okay, all right! Well, we wish all the best. Thank you for coming on with us. Thank you for having me. We hope max gets to take his mask off soon. I cannot wait, take them off April. Fourth and all the parents were disappointed when he said seeing the numbers go up, so the.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.