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New York lawmakers respond to Cuomo’s refusal to resign

2021-03-13 | 🔗
Reps. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., and Tom Reed, R-N.Y., join ‘Fox & Friends’ along with New York State Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara and State Senator James Tedisco.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
P people know the difference. P people know the difference between playing politics bowing to cancel culture and the truth. Part of this is that I am not part of the political club, and you know what im proud of it: Jedediah fifteen thousand people dead in New Yorks Nursing homes of Covid, 19, seven accusations of sexual harassment and assault, but New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo is using cancel culture, as his latest defense lets hear from New Yorks lawmakers republican Congresswomen, Claudia Tenney and Nicole Malliotakis and Democratic Assemblyman, Angelo Santabarbara, its great to have you representative, well start with you. You heard in that introduction a statement from Cuomo where hes, essentially blaming cancel culture. What do you make of that? The idea that the governor is
trying to say that he is a victim of cancel culture like Abraham, Lincoln or MR potato head or Dr Seuss is absolutely ridiculous, and it is an insult to the fifteen thousand individuals who perished in nursing homes because of his executive order and the families that want answers and are demanding justice. This is absolutely outrageous. The governor should be ashamed of himself to actually say that, instead of actually coming forward and apologizing and taking responsibility and resigning Jedediah, you know Congresswoman Tenny. A lot of people are concerned, of course, about these sexual harassment allegations these groping allegations that have come forward, but there is some disappointment that people feel well. Why wasnt Andrew Cuomos involvement in these nursing home scandals? Why was that on its own? Not enough for people to come, fororward and call for resignation? Where do you stand on the state of these two scandals, its ridiculous? I served in Albany with some of
my colleagues there. Already. The biggest problem is the Albany media has refused to hold Governor Cuomo accountable. I called for his resignation way back in two thousand and fourteen. The governor has committed abuses of powers using taxpayer dollars and now this tremendous disaster with the nursing home scandal, the cover up, remember people have also billion abused by this scandal and also have been injured, with no voice to protect them as well. The Albany media has done nothing, and now it takes something like a sexual harassment claim which, by the way, hes entitled to due process. Now these are looking like a sexual assault claim, but this is really important and now its finally getting coverage. Unfortunately, its taken this issue to uncover eleven years of abuses of power by the Governor Jedediah, Congressman Reid weve, been trying to figure out
in terms of Governor Cuomos political future. What that could potentially look like his poll numbers have plummeted. You have politicians, lawmakers residents of New York on both sides of the aisle now calling for accountability. What his political future does. His political future, look like I called three months ago and said Cuomos days were numbered in Albany because of exactly what we see here, his abuse of power, his governing by intimidation and abuse, and that has to come to an end, theres new leadership coming to Albany, and I can tell you its going to be about leading the great state of New York in a new direction by bringing people together being proud to be a republican being proud to be a democrat and not inaudible, but working together to being a beacon of hope across the country. Jedediah. What about these excuses that Governor Cuomo has put out there? He said im, not part of a political club, essentially
painting himself as like an anti establishment person im a man of the people, hes essentially placed the blame on everyone, but himself. What do you make of that? This is exactly what this governor does. You know he was born into politicses. You know he is the political club and now hes saying hes the outsider, its just simply ridiculous. Its not everybody knows Andrew Cuomos history, the language that hes using at his press conferences, shows a lack of awareness, a lack of reality, its like hes having a battle with the press, but hes not really addressing the issues at hand, and it shows that he cant continue to lead our state. He cant effectively manage everything thats going on and theres a number of investigations going on hes using his time to make phone calls to try and fined support hes trying find support, hes trying to discredit his a accusers. He no doubt will use the state budget to try and further
manipulate and control people in the state capitol. He has done it in the past where hes used that to leverage- and we see a pattern of behavior here- that hes created a culture in Albany at the state Capitol in the executive chamber that makes him unfit for office Jedediah. The New York Post is now reporting that staffers have stopped showing up for work. What do you think? Are you surprised? Well, I think a lot of people are leaving the administration or theyre not coming to work. They are also probably telling him behind the scenes that its time to go hes in denial here and he doesnt realize that you know or when everyone from United States, senators, Gillibrand and Schumer to bipartisan group of lawmakers from the state level and your New York delegation are all telling you its time to go because of all these allegations, particularly the cover up of a nursing home scandal that led to all these deaths. You know it is time to go
if people want to join their voice. Sign your name enough, Cuomo DOT, COM, Jedediah state Senator. What do you say to those who are concerned that there may not be accountability when it comes to nursing homes in particular, and that there wont be due diligence on an invest investigation with these harassment and assault claims well were certainly not finished. Yet, with our investigations, we have the a dot g investigating. We have the investigation by the FBI and by U Dot S attorneys. I have my own bill for an outside independent bipartisan investigation, with Assemblyman RON Kim were going through an impeachment process. Now, in the New York State Assembly I mean this is a governor who got an Emmy for his communication skills and I guess for his acting.
He will never get an Emmy for transparency, openness and honesty. These are about cover ups lying distortion, and if anybody wants to know all youve got to do is look at the mantel in the governors office because its severely tan thished, we know what he did. He hid those numbers. Fifteen thousand of our most vulnerable population in his executive order on March 25th had a tremendous amount to do with. Why did he cover up? He was embarrassed, the numbers werent six thousand- they were fifteen thousand. He wants to keep his reputation. The New York Times pointed out. He was writing a book, it didnt fit his narrative and if something doesnt fit his narrative, he makes it to his narrative, no matter if lives are being lost or not, and he came out with a book which is not worth very much right now and, as you know, the publishers are not promoting it right now we havent, given up weve, been there with my conference and our Republicans from the beginning for months, weve been calling
for a full investigation. We were some of the first individuals to call for his resignation and impeachment, and this is a huge kiss traction weve got kiss traction. Weve got a one hundred and eighty dollars billion budget weve got to complete. We have to turn the economy around in New York state because were fast becoming not the empire state the, but the energy statement in New York theyre leaving in droves Jedediah. Well, we are deeply grateful to all of you for joining us this morning. We appreciate you being here. The good news is that there is bipartisan interest in accountability here and that a makes all the people who suffered at the hands of these horrific nursing home policies feel a little bit better, that they may get some closure as an.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-13.