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Media won't ask about Hunter for fear of losing access to Joe Biden: Concha

2020-12-16 | 🔗
Network news coverage of Hunter Biden totals less than 10 minutes over 41 hours of programming; Fox News contributor Joe Concha weighs in.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Steve Ainsley and Brian back to you, Brian thanks Todd. The federal investigation into Hunter Bidens tax affairs may seem like a big deal, but not apparently to the major news that have given it less than a minute of coverage. Ainsley ten minutes brain Brian in the week since it was revealed Steve opinion columnist, are to the hill Joe Concha we have talked about this, it seems like Fox, is only the one too long. This story seems like only one reporter is the one doing this story and I believe he may have lived with you for a while in a town near me here in New Jersey. His name is Peter Doocy, because when you think about it, Joe Biden has only gone on the record twice in terms of being asked about the Hunter Biden Investigation, both TIMS, it was Peter as Toy who had to yell the question because he never gets called upon to answer Joe Biden has given will will im proud of my son and thanks for the con from the labor relations. The reason he is not talking
about this. He has been trained and staff been trained. To think saw during the campaign and during the transition you have a press pool thats supposed to cover Mr Biden more like they are auditioning for silence of the lambs two, because they refuse to ask him about it, because they are afraid they went get access to Mr Boyden anymore, although he probably will be the most inaccessible most guarded president in modern times when he takes office next month, guys Ainsley all right. So the media is slamming Melania. We have been reporting, she went to the hospital. Remember the Childrens Hospital in D, dot C to read to the chirp. She has done it four times. I think over the course of last year. Wonderful, wonderful right! The first lady is taking time out of her schedule to go meet with thats children that are sick and read to them. She has a heart for them. She walks into the hospital mask on. She sits down to read twelve feet away from the kids, takes her mask off, and the media slamming her for that slamming her. For that,
this is what CNN says: Melania Trump breaks children hospital rules by taking her mask off to read to the patients daily beast. Melania trump does the unthinkable and removes her mask at it. Will Childrens hospital refinery, twenty nine Melania Trump doesnt, really care hospitalized children too. You, the White House, released a statement Joe. They said the visit followed, the hospitals mask protocols for public speakers that wearing a mask is not required when a person is giving a speech for broadcast or an audience provided. No one is within six feet of the speaker. The first lady was more than twelve feet away from the others in the four story: a trim, Joe whats, your reaction, you know the implication right in the first lady purposefully went to a childrens hospital, so she may infect them with coronavirus for starters, Melania Trump. The first lady has already had coronavirus. You remember, a lot of people were focused on the president when he contracted it. She has it now. Therefore, she has the antibodies. Therefore, she probably isnt spreading it, but to your point, the implication also here is that there is a room full of kids
sitting right in front of her and she was reading to them. No only two children present, as you mentioned, she was still one antibodies. The rest of the kids that were listening were in three hundred and twenty five up patient hospital rooms that were broadcast throughout a livestream know this Melania Trump. The first lady has been treated more poorly by a country mile than any other. First lady in history and thats, a shame to your point Ainsley. She is just there to read to sick kid. Cant. We just put the vitriol aside for three minutes. Instead of attacking again and again, please Brian whats interesting is Kayleigh. Mcenany seems to end all her press briefings with what they should have asked and blisters people and in the audience who just sit there, dumbfounded. Why you dont ask about Eric Swalwell, why you havent, followed up on Hunter Biden, ignored it in the fall. How do you think thats requesting over while Jim Acosta pointed out? You lie to us every day? You spread disinformation every day. How dare you accuse us,
Jim Acosta, getting you? Are a baseball phi brain getting in his last licks right now bottom of the ninth right, because he got a book deal out of playing the victim Brian, no one bought it White House, press, correspondent, thats, true, yes, friends and relatives did lets not completely dismiss it over all. He is all those books go away during a bide administration. We had the me too movement in two thousand and seventeen, then, with the p press corps over the last four years. The look at me too movement making themselves the story, as Jim Acosta has done, and other White House correspondents other reporters and an are dos as well guess what under Joe Biden that all goes away, and instead the narrative will be any problem that Joe Biden, hats during his first term will be teamed as something he inherited. If something goes well, then it is because of his steady leadership. I already know what the narrative is going to be every othe next four years, and it feels I to the to go. I have the blizzard of OZ coming apparently
snow, many eighteen inches in this neck of the woods, only fitting, because its still technically fall and we will probably get more snow from this storm here in Jersey in the northeast than we got all last winter, God, two thousand and twenty cant it end already, please Ainsley apartment living. You dont have to shovel Steve that started out as ministry analysis and then he concerned into Joe Concha, the weather machine. Can I tell you I wanted to be a weather. Man play third base, New York, Yankees and off season. Mr C on channel see to compete with Mr G. It didnt work out now im just Joe in his basement too long media.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.