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McEnany slams Biden’s approval of New York City vaccine mandate: ‘Ridiculous’ and ‘Orwellian’

2021-08-04 | 🔗
The ‘Outnumbered’ co-host says Biden is ‘tiptoeing’ towards vaccine mandates after his approval of Mayor De Blasio’s announcement
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Approval rating of any vice president in the last half century Ainsley. I want to also talk to you about Covid 19. Yesterday the president was trying to address the flip wrong of the CDC and all of these ever changing mandates or guidance. Dr Michael Osterholm, he was a former Biden Covid adviser. Is he saying the cloth mask iraqi security forces? Ineffective? Listen to this know today that many of the face cloth coverings a that people are effective in reducing the virus. We need to talk about better masking. We need to talk about n 95, respirators Ainsley. Here we go again whats your reaction. Here we go again the mask. We have been told to wear somehow ineffective and n 95 respirators. No thanks. We are in a different stable of the pandemic. We dont need masks. People are getting vaccinated, Ainsley. I have got to say about the Biden messaging here I was in the administration with President Trump President Trump got in front of
that podium every day, flanked by a panoply of experts. The CDC Dr Fauci was there Dr Birx and looked the american people in the eye and took questions for nearly an hour. He made Ppe available to the Biden administration. He made the vaccine available. He made therapeutics available. Joe Biden was handed a pretty good hand of cards and he has squandered it and his messaging is just all over the map and a total disaster. Ainsley I mean my gosh. What are they going to tell us next? How is this going to affect you and your family yeah exactly mandates are clearly whats. Next, you know you had the CDC director go on with Bret Baier and suggest that maybe we would have a vaccine mandate, then she went and cleaned that up look. They are slowly tiptoeing in that direction. With Joe Biden yesterday, tacitly approving the New York mandate that you have to be vaccinated to eat in a restaurant, its ridiculous and orwellian.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-05.