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McEnany: Hunter Biden probe 'goes right to the president'

2022-04-05 | 🔗
Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on the growing questions surrounding the Hunter Biden investigation and the revolving door of Kamala Harris staffers.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So, who is the big guy lets talk to former white house press secretary and outnumbered co host kayleigh mcenany kayleigh good morning to you good morning, Steve? We know who the big guy tony bobulinski said. The big guy is Joe Biden. This goes right to the President right. This goes right to the president, tony bobulinski. What he told our own network is accurate. I wonder you know he told fox this back in September october, it was remarkable lack of journalistic curiosity to follow up on a firsthand source, steve thats. What tony bobulinski is he worked directly with hunter Biden. He exchanged emails and phone calls. There is an endless track record really interesting that now the grand jury is asking about who the big guy is according to reports. While there is this relentless effort by the left and the media to say yes, yes, the laptop is real now, but Joe Biden wasnt involved. How do they know Joe
Biden wasnt involved thats the great question- and you know I had someone a former aid of mine, Chad, Martin say to me its a great point. Ron Klain on the sunday shows saying absolutely. There is nothing untoward here with the Biden family, but the same individuals works for president Biden, who said he never talked to hunter about his business dealings. So how? If you have never talked to hunter Biden about his business dealings, now been disproven, we know. President Biden did in fact talk to hunter about his business dealings. He didnt talk to him. You just know he did nothing wrong. That makes no sense sure we have heard about this memo that was apparently on the laptop and it showed okay hunter got this much. The other partners got this much and ten held by H. The big guy so lets see what happens, but nonetheless, grand jury apparently convened in delaware. You got to figure that is probably where the fbi is holding the atlanta as well. Meanwhile, we were talking about this a little while ago.
The number twelve departure from the presidents staff, a fellow by the name of Michael Fuchs, deputy chief of staff, is leaving in a month or two. What do you make of this resolving door at kamala harris office yeah its? Not ordinary look people say: oh there is white house burn out, of course, its a hard working job. Most of the people know what theyre signing up for tremendous honor to take a job like that highly abnormal to have a revolving door. Quite like this, a dozen departure during my tenure, I dont recall any major figure leaving vice president pences office, his communications directors, chief of staff, good boss, good person to work, for these are people who are tired of prepping someone who doesnt want to prepare. These are people who see a sinking ship that is sinking like the titanic, and they are jumping off while they still have an opportunity to get to a network or a major company before it totally goes up in flames. Some people left the vice presidents staff. We have few have left the presidents staff aside from Jen
psaki, who is now reportedly going to go to MSNBC. She has got the job you used to have yes, thats right, she is leaving. You are right. We have few turnover but a whole lot of leaks. You pointed this out steve. I think its exactly right. The top of last hour, the fact that theres this leak campaign, the Biden white house, has been pretty good about not leaking up. Until about eight months ago, we saw that cnn article with three dozen steve three dozen sources downing kamala harris west wing was first they are wanting pete buttigieg over kamala harris that has been reported. This is a whisper campaign designed to make sure she doesnt run in two thousand and twenty four. We are going to be.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.