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Mark Levin slams Biden over border, warns it is the 'greatest crisis' facing America

2022-04-10 | 🔗
'Life, Liberty & Levin' host Mark Levin joined 'Fox & Friends Weekend' to discuss the fallout over Biden's border crisis and the Hunter Biden investigation.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Biden is willfully. Opening Biden is willfully, opening the floodgates to a tidal wave of illegal immigration, the likes of which the world has never seen before no country no country has. This ever happened to hes deliberately inciting a mob of millions and millions of foreign nationals to illegally infiltrate americas word borders violate our laws, trample our sovereignty and settle in our country. Will former president donald trump ripping into his successors, handling of the board crisis as dhs braces for eighteen thousand migrants a day when eighteen thousand migrants a day went, the Biden administration ends title forty two next month, pete mark Levin is the host of life, liberty and Levin, and he joins us now mark thanks. So much we always love having you want to get. Your can weve been talking the all morning, rachel willing, and I about the idea that that title forty two a band aid to begin with right. This administration has used it
as an excuse to kind of enforce the border, but its in replacement of an actual board policy. Your reaction to how the Biden administration is approaching this issue at this point. Well, you know theres a clause in the constitution, article ii clause, five, its called the take care clause, its been litigated in the supreme court since marbury v, madison its been litigated, it is definitive. The president is to quote, take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Unquote, a president doesnt have a choice about what laws to enforce whether he likes the laws. Only hes the executive hes to execute he doesnt write laws. His administration is the most radical administration in american history. It is rewriting our immigration laws. It is ignoring or effectively suspending existing immigration laws. These are impeach. If bl offenses, I dont immediate, to create
impeachable need to create impeachable offenses. I dont need to say ooh. He used this word rather than that word. This administration is proudly destroying american sovereignty. When youre talking about eighteen thousand people a day, you multiply that by thirty youre, talking about half a million people every month or so thats the size of a substantial city. Where are these people going? Where are they going to eat? Are they going to get jobs? Are they going to be on the well pear? If rolls in, are they going welfare rolls in? Are they going to be using? Our public services are hay going to get health care in they get free education as a matter of supreme court precedent and they get free health care initially, as a matter of supreme court precedent. What else are they going to get? How many of these people a hate us in how many of these people are criminals? How many of these people are bringing communicable diseases in how many of them are drug traffickers? How many of them are sex traffickers, Biden, doesnt care?
My attitude about this is this: is the greatest crisis facing the united states of america today? The consequences of this for generations to come its unimaginable whats, going to happen to this country of you cannot is have a country, a civil society, a unified culture when your border is wide open, theres, not another country on the face of the earth, thats doing what we are doing- and this is intentional. This is the defunding of I dot ce and the defunding of the border patrol through the back door. Do they get paid? Yes, but they dont get paid to do their jobs, theyre literally prohibited from from doing hair jobs. Those are the orders coming down from on high, so whats going on here, whats going on here is this is part of the american marxist attitude about america white dominant society. It needs to be changed. People coming into this country from central and south america are actually the indigenous if peoples people coming from overseas, if they can change the white dominant if society more the better.
Why do I say this because its the same administration, pushing critical race theory and all the other agenda items on the radical left- and I would note, but for a few democrats on the border, the democrat party is either celebrating this or utterly silent about it. What has Schumer said about it? Nothing. What has Pelosi said about it? Nothing and the media other than fox, maybe a few others. How many media platforms have reporters staked out there to watch whats going on and whats going to go on the sex trafficking? Whatever happened to the cages? Did they go away? No theres more than ever before, the rapes that are taking place all thats going on the mayhem, the anarchy, the criminality thats taking place there its as if its not going on its as if its hunter bidens laptop. So this is a very, very serious problem. President trump in my lifetime was the only president really to get this under control. He followed the law. He followed, the court orders. He moved money
legally around to build the wall. The walls were almost done, but no country can survive what Joe bidens doing to this country. Will you know, mark im so fascinated by the motivation which you begin talking about there, the motivation behind all of this, and I think, youre, absolutely right its a denial of sovereignty. It is not disconnected from critical race theory, its a denial of our past and our border, its a denial of nationalism of america, of the united states of the united states, the idea of the united states of america so mark. If you play that forward and spin that off into the I ultimate goal, what does our future look like? This is an effort to destroy the traditions and customs and institutions of the united states, one way or another when they talk about packing the supreme court, when theyre violating separation of powers when they want to nationalize the voting system with the borders wide open when they want to move all the power to washington and out of the
private sector, with the big deal plan or whatever its called, when they nominate and now confirm the most radical justice in american history, and they do it in twenty hours, theres, not even a vacancy yet on the supreme court. If you think about it, when you rook at the executive, look at the executive orders that Joe Biden has signed when you look at how he talks about the american people, we are racist, we are homophobic. Does he understand this? Is the greatest country on the face of the earth? No thanks to him, and no thanks to the people who are destroying it. You look at the united states, military, the social experimentation and engineering thats, going on with the greatest fighting force on the face of the earth. Every aspect every institution of this culture is under attack from the classroom, the military law enforcement, our finances, our currency, with inflation, people on pensions, other hard working people who live paycheck to paycheck. Do the Democrats and do Joe Biden really seem sympathetic to
the average guy in this country, not in the least, are theyre full of propaganda, but they want to control the middle class because controlling the middle class controls the country so thats whats going on this is part of the bigger thing I wrote about it in american marxism, its part of a bigger movement and, of course, when youre attacking the very founding of the nation, when youre pulling down monuments of abe, amylin, con and Ulysses s grant and others when youre, effectively book burning and replacing books with all kinds of perversion and so forth in our public schools, when you push god out of the public square and pull transgenderrism into the public square, im, just being honest, youre, destroying the culture and when you have a law, thats passed this florida that has as its purpose to protect little babies from sexuality and all kinds of personal sexual preferences being imposed upon them and thats considered
radical and right wing and so forth. Something terrible has gone wrong and let me tell you manager, the saboteurs are not the american people, her? The self appointed elitists in this country, the politicians, the think, tanks, the media, the self appoint elitists the vast majority of the american people arent buying any of this stuff Rachel its a revolution mark. It definitely is a revolution whether people want to acknowledge it or not. I want to move to another subject, because it is something thats finally coming out and that is acknowledgment by the main strime mainstream media, that the laptop from Hell is real and we have watchdog groups, saying hey. We also need to look at: u penn, which has the Biden center and there were some anonymous donations from china. We need to look at that, but you know: where is the fbi? Where is the forensic audit on the Biden family and the fact9 that we now know through those e mails mark that hunter Biden was paying his fathers bills?
None of us here have kids who pay our bills. Is this theres obviously smoke here? Why is it taking so long for even these kinds of financial audits to happen because Joe bidens, a Democrat now the bottom line? Is this? You look at the laptop from hell helping hunter Biden. You look at that laptop. There are multiple mentions of Joe Biden. Theres multiple mentions of the commingling of finances, theres multiple mentions of him getting a cut of the action. We have an eyewitness to that effect. Bobulinski, who is a serious person and a serious witness? We have him complaining to his daughter about fifty percent of his salary is basically going to his father that he paid for some things for his father. Meanwhile, we have democrats investigating donald trump, the des moines, a in manhattan, the attorney general d dot a in manhattan who should be disbarred. In my view,
we have this rogue January sixth committee. They proudly keep announcing theyve applied more resources than at any time in american history to chasing down misdemeanors people who were trespassing and parading on government property. Thats like chasing down people who are jaywalking. Do you really need the entirety of the fbi to go after these people? Of course not. This is the narrative. This is the push. It is the same fbi that tried to take out president trump. That thing needs to be fumigated. When I was chief of taffe to attorney general meese, we had the greatest pride in that institution. I have no reliance whatsoever in that institution anymore, so its the corruption of the media, its the corruption of washington and its the corruption of the democrat party that was behind the russia collusion fake disaster. Rachel is Joe Biden compromised mark.
Well, I think he is. I alsoty hes corrupt. I also think hes corrupt youre, looking at at least thirteen point, five million that went to the Biden family and if you look at out theres, probably much more than that from foreign governments from front groups from its absolutely shocking this washington post piece last week was a joke. Today, basically pulled the information from the if Grassley johnson report and pulled the information from the laptop that was already publicly available through the new york post and other entities and in the fifth paragraph they said, theres no evidence linking Joe Biden to any of it now. Do you think Donald trump would get a pass like that, of course not 60 minutes washington times, MSNBC Cnn, they should be barking at the top of their lungs ive, been calling for a special counsel. Now for a long time, and the reasons quite simple, meritless garland is incapable of conducting an investigation into this.
This is why the special counsel exists. In the first place. They had no no basis whatsoever for appointing a special counsel against trump trump hadnt done anything and he wasnt really accused of doing anything. When you look at the accusation, ises here, I dont know how you miss it its in the newspapers at least some of them its on our network, its in other places its on the laptop finish. The incuriosity is really quite remarkable and merrick garland is going to dig in and, of course, the dem account accurates have not. Democrats have not held a single hearing, not one into hunter bidens lap Tom, even the washington post admits four point: eight million went to the Biden family four point: eight million from a communist chinese front company went to the Biden family and there was a great piece in the federalist the other day by a gentleman, and he said, Biden hasnt released his tax returns. Hes relesioned his individual tax released his individual
tax, the return, but the vast majority of the money Biden had went to two s: corpses that have corporations that have not released their a taxes, thirteen dollars million. He calculates went into these companies and not a single concern about releasing those tacks. You know. Donald trump came into office, a multibillionaire and theyre obsessed with his tax returns. Even now we have people who come into office and become multibillionaires or leave office and become multibillionaires, and nobody cares about their taxes, PETE absolutely mark. It is stunning, by the way that first answer on immigration is probably the best articulation summary of what were up against youve, been so generous with your time this morning, give us a preview of whats coming up on life, liberty and Levin tonight. Well, speaking of immigration, we give Steven miller a good half of the program. He really is fantastic
and david mammoth, who was raised by effectively communists hes one of the greatest playwrights in american history. My second part of of the interview he just unleashes. I think the american people will enjoy it very much.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.