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Mainstream media and Big Tech decided to put a 'protective wall' around Biden’s candidacy: Gerry Baker

2020-10-28 | 🔗
Wall Steet Journal editor-at-large Gerry Baker reacts to the media coverage of Hunder Biden reports on 'Fox & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
At Walmart target and other fine stores, Sci Fi Tale about Hunter Sci, Fi Tale about Hunter Biden and hearings, and chinese and stuff that seems to be no real, credible source other than bobulinski authenticity of the story. The sources you start to see how that agenda and bias can get really tricky. These repeated unfounded attacks- all he did- was attack Joe Biden on nefarious conspiracy theories, Brian some in the mainstream media down play the karageorge of the you will story, some arent supposed to be guarding the former vice President Gerry Baker, Fox Business, just a quick glimpse of what other networks are saying about. This veteran of the Navy naval officer with impeccable reputation comes forward with
text messages and emails about specific deals and locations easily verifiable. How do you explain the lack of curiosity about the vice presidents, familys dealings and his role in it? The media Brian some time ago, just decided to put a protective wall around the media. I should say tech companies as well put a protective wall around Joe Bidens candidacy. They believe the election of Joe Biden is so important to the country and they believe beating Donald Trump is what they have been trying to do for the last four years. They decided whatever comes up whatever story, however damaging it could be to Joe Biden. They will just ignore and it continue to down play it and continue to elm if a sides anything they can thats negative about Donald Trump, its you know its the most media. The media has always been biased and we have known that and seen that for over twenty thirty years, I never have seen anything like this: a story completely credibility, decent upstanding American. I watched the interview lace night, as millions of people did
Tony Bobulinski, who is a credible figure? People are not going to Fay attention. The most disturbing thing is, as you say, they are going to discredit him. They are going to demean him and damage him and call into question his patriotism. It really is one of the most extraordinary things I have seen Brian Gerry, to tell you the truth. Im disappointed the Wall Street Journal didnt, have it on the front page, im being honest, not even editorial. As I can see, Tony Bobulinski said this. He is listening to this deal come through. He was recruited to help the Biden family on international business, because is he already independently wealthy individual self made success story recruited by the bidens and sitting there? Listening to this deal coming through seeing different countries dealing with asking this question, listen im think guilty about Biden family like how are they doing this? I know Joe decided not to run in two thousand and sixteen, but what if he ran in the future, arent they taking political risks or headline risks? And I remember looking at Jim Biden
and saying how are you guys getting away with this? Like arent, you Ternsd, and he looked at me and laughed a little bit and said plausible didnt Brian, that was Jim Bidens comments to Bobulinski who was sitting there, your reaction, it doesnt, get more brazen than that. I mean to actually acknowledge that what you are doing is so questionable that you actually the phrase plausible didnt is a long standing. One in politics, meaning essentially you know, I can get away with denying something thats true. In other words, I can get away with saying falsehoods, its brazen and again Brian, the reason. Frankly they are able to get away with. It is because the media decided that they are going to let them could you imagine if this were a republican? This were Donald Trump. We have seen so many stories about Donald Trump, the last four years, many of them based in absolute, no truth whatsoever.
They have been investigated left right and center. Every conceivable angle of every allegation, thats ever been made about Donald Trump, has been on. The front. Page of newspapers has been investigated by the major networks. This is an important story and they are just simply burying it. Brian Gerri, its astounding, you point out NPR stories. You will came out the minute elected resistance starts. Now we are seeing the beginning of the ignorance, ignoring a story. We need. This could change. If we had somebody following Joe Biden today. That said, do you know tony blings? Did you meet with him twice? What role did you have in deals? In China, with the energy firm linked to the Chinese Communist Party, and we look and see Jim Bidens taxes that show millions of dollars that came from Cefc of China, and evidently he went from ten percent to
twenty percent. Who was he collecting that money? For there were a lot of questions he would have to flat out lie to get around so far. He has not been asked Gerri. My hope is that someone HO will have the guts to do that either. Ask him that or what flavor ice cream he likes, thats the level of questioning that he has faced so far during this campaign, Brian thanks! So much we are going to catch you on Wall Street Journal at large fridays at 930. A great show that you host.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-28.