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Lindsay Graham reacts to backlash from hugging Sen. Dianne Feinstein: 'this is a dangerous moment in American politics'

2020-10-16 | 🔗
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., discusses the hug with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca., sparking outrage on the left on 'Fox & Friends.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
My wife and I are in my wife and I are in disbelief at the lack of coordinated federal action on Covid 19. How will you, as president reverse, this dangerous and discriminatory agenda? Mr vice president, if you lose what will that say to you about where America is today, Brian Joe Biden facing a wide array of questions from voters and ABC very friendly moderator, with George Stephanopoulos in a town hall last night, one question that didnt come up the bombshell New York Post report on his son Hunter and maybe him meeting with the third ranking Burisma executive, which he does not deny here to react. South Carolina, Senator Lindsey, Graham the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator this is bigger, big stor. Why wouldnt that come up? Well number one forget about the emails. We do know that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from Burisma the most corrupt natural gas company in the Ukraine, Heres whats important
Joe Biden was given the portfolio of the Ukraine to go clean up corruption. He gives a speech to the ukrainian Parliament about corruption. While is he talking to the ukrainian Parliament about corruption? His son is on the board of the most corrupt gas company in the Ukraine. Can you imagine if Donald Trump- and you said this previously- this had been somebody in the Trump family goes this sweetheart deal? What do you think Stephanopoulos would have said Brian, absolutely and China, and this thing is blowing up in China and this energy company over there and what he did and the email that says to his daughter. Unlike my dad im not going to make you give fifty percent of all your earnings to me, we are seeing emails on this bottom line. You couldnt get it on Facebook or Twitter, they blocked it. If you tried toe retweet it, they brought you down and suspended you, and that resulted in you doing what yesterday with TED Cruz, well TED and I, and along
with Senator Hawley, are going to have a mark. I up Tuesday, of Mark Week to the head of twits, tore, come in and explain this. These social media companies have a lot of control over our lives. I think they are a threat to democracy. When you can shut down the flow of information, when you can censor what millions of Americans would see, thats a threat to democracy, this section, two hundred and thirty, we talk about where you cant sue a media company. If they post something that libels you, you cant sue them if they censure your content, section two hundred and thirty. This is the beginning of the end of section two hundred and thirty liberals dont, like it conservatives dont like it my mission in life. If I come back to the astronaut and the next session is to eliminate section two hundred and thirty liability protections for social media companies, Brian so depending on your vote with Judge Barrett, who, I think is by all accounts, been sensational over the last three days that will decide whether Joe Biden packs the court or not im sure have you seen that sound bite.
So what is he looking for? What should he expect? Well, Joe Biden is going to do whatever he is told to do by the left. You know Dianne Feinstein, said something nice to me at the hearing about the way I was patient and allowed the Democrats to talk. She is going to vote against Barrett she didnt like the process. She called it. I will legitimate, but she was at a human level. I know her, she sits. Why me we are friends opposite sides of the aisle. Look. What happened to her when we hugged for about five seconds, the entire lift came left came D wants to kick her out of her job. Joe Biden is going to live in fear of these people they have taken over the Democratic Party. I hope you understand what happened yesterday to hug Lindsey, Graham people on the left. Call for your dismissal after you have served your state and your nation for decades. Cue! Imagine what they would do to anybody that vote you had for Barrett. Can you imagine what they do to
President Biden if he didnt adopt their agenda? This is a dangerous moment in american politics. The radical left has taken over. They are trying to take me out. They raised fifty seven dollars million to beat me in South Carolina because im helping Trump, I stood up for Kavanaugh and I need people to help me. I have got Amys back, have my back Lindsey, Graham dot com. These people are coming after all of us, but a hug with Lindsey Graham resulted in Diane Feinsteins career wanting to be terminated by the far left. Brian right here is the quote from this advocacy group, its time for Senator Feinstein to step down from leadership position on the Senate Judiciary Committee. If she wont her colleagues need to intervene because she was civil, is you think at home finance? Okay, disagree. People show affection, Dianne Feinstein is liberal to the core. She voted against Kavanaugh, so Brian Fallon, and that crowd is in charge of the democratic party.
Joe Biden will stack the court, they will add numbers to the court to make it liberal. They will do away with electoral college to deal out South Carolina. They are trying to. They are on a search and destroy mission. When it comes to everything Trump, they will transform this country and if you are Democrat, get in their way just imagine what you would do to you. If you stood up to their agenda much less hug me Brian Senator great job. This week I cant hug you because I dont.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-17.