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Lewandowski previews Donald Trump's CPAC address as 'one to remember'

2021-02-28 | 🔗
Former Trump campaign senior adviser Corey Lewandowski anticipates the former president's speech.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Gordon Chang, all on Fox nation, Larry Kudlow, will be there as well. Dont miss a moment of it, but right now, Corey Lieu WAN Le here at CPAC. How you doing im doing great thanks for having me PETE talk about the mood of this place. You had the media talking about the oh theres, a division, its a civil war in the Republican Party or what will the feel be of CPAC with Joe Biden in the White House? What do you feel I feel electric last night they had the Ronald Reagan dinner, where they honored Rush, Limbaugh, no better honoree by the way. What he has done for our movement has been incredible, and I look around and I see exactly what your previous guests were saying. This is the Party of Donald Trump and the buzz today about the President coming here to lay out his vision for what hes going to do over the next years months and years is palatable. Look ive had the chance to spend time with Donald Trump in the last week. I know whats in this speech, strap in put your seat belts
on laughter. This is going to be one to remember and look two years ago you remember he hugged that big beautiful american flag spoke for two hours on the stage and laid out what he wants to do for America, which is called America first, that vision, hasnt gone away and more people need it. Now more than ever, PETE, you said youve seen the speech, but I presume the written speech is not two hours to you. Anticipate the remarks will go beyond the written speech. Well, we know that hes very good at coming off the teleprompter laughter and thats what people love about Donald Trump. They talked about it during the campaign. Most of these politicians can read a teleprompter. They have know, motion dont, even know what theyre saying Donald Trump is best, in my opinion, when hes just talking to the american people about his vision that thats, what helped him be successful in the 16 cam main, I always think hes campaign. I always think hes best when hes talking to the people youre going to see some very common themes about what he was able to achieve in the four years that he was president and what he wants to do over the
next four years told PETE moments ago, a portion, an excerpt of the speech, was released from Donald Trump Heres, a portion of what we believe hell be saying. Today we are not starting new parties and we will not be dividing our power and our strength. Instead, we will be united and strong like never before. I guess you could say that makes some news, because there was the rumors of would there be. A third party looks like hes going fastball down the middle. Is he looking at two thousand and twenty four whiled? You start a third party when youre the head of the Republican Party laughter. This notion that hes going to start a third party is total fake news. Okay, hes never wanted to do that. He has been the head of the Republican Party hes, the most important endorsement for any republican running for office in a primary or general election and thats going to continue to be the case, so hes going to lay out how were going to take back the house and the Senate in twenty twenty two because thats the fist mission. We believe first mission. We believe that Mitch,
Mcconnell and Kevin Mccarthy have a better opportunity to lead our country than Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi respectively. Now we may have a different way to PETE some ruffles with Mitch Mcconnell as well. If you have to choose Mitch, Mcconnell or Chuck Schumer, who are you going to pick? We want the Republicans in the majority and the presidents going to have a big say in how that that happens in twenty twenty two, we may not agree agree with all the candidates. We may go after some bad votes: Liz Cheneys on that that List MAX Miller, thats the power of Donald Trump, but at the end of the day, republican ideals, republican exceptionalism for this great country, America first- is always better than tyranny and the left Florida PETE. Absolutely the campaign reportedly, is about to file for a new Trump PAC. What can you tell us and youre at the helm of us? What can you tell us about? Well, look its an opportunity to go out and raise
money to make sure that this president has the resources necessary to support those candidates that he wants to and oppose the ones that he also wants to so look. Our goal is to make sure that the resources are available, that he has the opportunity to use those resources and get our message out to the american people. Hes very good with the microphone hes got a giant platform and were going to make sure he has the money he needs. Pete thatll be primaried candidates that have not supported the America First agenda, plus going after Democrats.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-08.