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Leo Terrell reacts to Morgan Freeman pushing back on defunding police

2021-10-10 | 🔗
Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell discusses actor Morgan Freeman rejecting push to defund police and Seattle's vaccine mandate that could lead to firing nearly 40 percent of unvaccinated cops.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Theyre, going about their day to day jobs, PETE that is actor Morgan Freeman, stating the obvious out loud defunding. The police is a bad idea, as he promotes a movie hes in upcoming about police lets, bring in Fox NEWS, contributor and California resident LEO Terrell. Our friend here to react LEO always great to see your smiling face. Thank you, PETE Pete, absolutely we all know and love Morgan Freeman, but sometimes he hes willing to say things. Others are not, and in this case he says, hey defund, the police, terrible idea. Well, you know, I hope he has plenty of job security and financial stability, because hes going to be attacked by the Cori Bush and the left. What bothers me is people think that black people think the same way. They think that we all hate the police and that police officers are bad for the community, its the contrary, democratic cities, people of color of all colors. They want
the police. Morgan Freeman is in that Hollywood elite, so hes going to get some blowback, but I applaud him for speaking out because it shatters this ridiculous concept that we think alike. We all hate the police, we dont hate the police, we love the police because ninety eight percent of them PETE, maybe ninety nine percent. They protect us. Twenty four slash seven when were asleep at night theyre out there protecting us PETE. So true and hes saying this: while the movie hes playing a role in, he plays an elderly black man who is kill by a police officer, you can recognize there are mistakes and bad things that happen, while also recognizing the obvious. God bless our law enforcement who defend us, and I know as a civil rights attorney youre. Someone who understands that dynamic. You just said is it oh, absolutely and Heres the irony of it. The Democrats want to place the hate, the play, the hate, the police card game. You remember, PETE, President Trump trying to get police reform done,
guess who blocked it? Black senators, Cori, Bush and Kamala Harris. You might know her laughter. Now they have control of all government, all seats of government. They wont pass any police reform. They, like the police issue, they like to keep it alive and use it to blame all the people of color against police, its a game. They play its very sickening as a civil rights attorney PETE, absolutely LEO youre. A pro weve only got thirty seconds, but im going to hit you with one more topic in Seattle, theyre mandating that police officers have to get vaccinated, potentially up to four hundred police may be out of a job in a week because they may not be vaccinated. What do you make of it? I say this is a horrible idea. You had a black police chief resign there. If you take away police youre going to have chaos, it is an e ticket for criminals to loot and rob and commit crimes,
its a horrible idea, completely PETE, absolutely LEO Terrell great to have you just so. You know will- and I are being very nice to Rachel just because you threatened laughter im coming to New York to make sure PETE. I am afraid of you and I follow what youre saying one hundred percent.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-10.