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Leo Terrell: Left is using 'Al Sharpton’s playbook,' intimidating companies with racism claims

2021-04-06 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Leo Terrell rips President Biden and progressive corporations for ‘lying’ about the Georgia election reform bill
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Steve republican Senator from Steve republican Senator from South Carolina TIM Scott, pushing back against Democrats accusing them of weaponizing race in their criticism of Georgias election laws. You distort the facts so terribly that youre willing youre willing to bring back the concept of a poll tax or the concept of Jim Crow. You dont weaponize race in powerful and destructive ways when so many people fought and died so that I could be your senator strategist here with reaction, Fox NEWS, contributor and civil rights attorney hes. The first guy up in LOS Angeles this morning, LEO Terrell, serious stuff that TIM Scott is talking about how race is being weaponized to further a political agenda. Joe Biden himself has
misrepresented the facts and in fact the Washington Post, which has been his Allie until now, gave him four pinnochios for lying about whats in it. It doesnt make a difference if Joe Biden is telling the truth Steve its all about power, TIM Scott is looking at the big picture. The Democrats want to pass HR 1, which would make it national mail in voting and takeaway. The power from the local state and TIM Scott is absolutely correct. How can you analogize asking for an id? I have an id. How can you weaponize the id issue and analogize it to the people who got killed during the civil rights movement in the 60s Steve? No one is getting killed right now or being chased by german shepherds. This is all a power grab and one final point Steve: the majority of Americans, including black Americans. Like
myself, we want voter id and to make sure the right people is voting. Steve right. Coca cola, though, came out and criticized the law and said you know we just dont like it. It doesnt stand for our values. Things like that. The irony is that their two thousand and twenty shareholders meeting at Coca COLA you had to show id to get into the meeting. So obviously Coke thought that was a good idea until they thought it was a bad idea. But LEO when you look at what is going on in Georgia, theyve actually made it harder to cheat. They have expanded voting rights and now the major League baseball has moved the all star game in July to Coors field in Colorado, where it is harder to vote than it is in Georgia. I dont get whats going on well ill. Tell you right now, Steve in Georgia. They made it easier to vote harder to cheat
moving the game to Colorado. Georgia has more early voting days than Colorado. The key here is this Steve. The argument is, corporations are intimidated by the allegation of racism, thats the Al Sharpton Playbook. You intimidate and accuse someone of racism and they back down and thats why Coca COLA and all these corporations are afraid of that label. I mean a couple of days ago: Steve the Portland School District was talking about a tree being racist, its out of control, totally out of control and its all about Power Steve. It is about power and its about politics and Joe Biden and the Democrats are just trying to say. Oh look what theyre doing in Georgia those evil republicans theyve come up with a terrible law which, when you read it its not that terrible. But you told one of our producers yesterday LEO that what Joe Biden has done is he has devalued the civil rights movement. Could you explain what you were talking about?
Absolutely its a very tough situation to talk about ive been a civil rights attorney for thirty years. The reason why im on this program is because people died in the 50s and 60s to allow me to go to school in the 60s and 70s thats. Why I committed myself to be a civil rights attorney in my entire life because of what Dr King and those people did? What theyre talking about right now, when Joe Biden says this is Jim Crow steroids, two, its a lie: hes devalued! All of those people who gave up their lives those children bombed in that Atlanta church thats, why its insulting and hurting for me as a civil rights attorney to hear all of this rhetoric- and these lies being told by the Democratic Party, its painful, Steve, well and thats- why you came on today to try and set the record straight lets, make sure that people are listening, though, because thats important LEO. Thank you very much for getting up so early today. Thank you, Steve glad to be on the program Steve all right straight ahead
on this program: Supreme Court, Justice, Clarence, Thomas taking aim at big tech and raising questions on their power to cutoff some peoples. Speech, author J D, Vance sounding off on that coming up next.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-06.