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Lawrence Jones: The only thing separating migrants from the US is Texas law enforcement

2021-09-21 | 🔗
'Fox & Friends' reporter Lawrence Jones reports from the U.S. southern border as migrant surge at Del Rio Bridge surpasses 14,000
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Some answers, Steve dont know Wherewe will k, went, we hope. Ainsley Mayorkas says he is going to travel down to the southern border, as the administration is ramping up. Deportations to Haiti now grappling with the more than fourteen thousand migrants camped out underneath that bridge in Del Rio, Brian thanks for stopping them Mexico. We appreciate that thats, where we find Lawrence Jones in Del Rio with a firsthand look Lawrence. What was it like? Actually seeing it in the video looked devastating, but what about being there? It doesnt do it justice, Brian Good Morning, family. It is truly a crisis and the only thing that is separating the United States of America between the migrants that are coming into the country and getting in is the Texas dps. The border agents are literally processing people theyre under staffed. The hotels in the area are all sold out. They are running out of food because they have to also make sure that they feed the migrants
its out of control, and the big question is: when you have the Secretary of Homeland Security. That was warned back in June that this was going to possibly happen and they decided to do nothing. The question is why you can only infer that they wanted this to happen, Guys Steve Lawrence. I was reading that the headline is that they have stopped the flow of migrants into the country, but apparently what was what theyre talking about is on the mexican side at a dam where people would walk across a dam across the Rio Grande River. They put a piece of police tape and there was a mexican police officer on the other side saying you cant go across anymore. I read on MSNBC news dot com that apparently, while they were stopped there, they went about a mile and a half the other direction, and now they are crossing in that way. Lawrence so Steve that dam that you are talking about the Texas Dps there is this caution:
tape for like crime scenes, but its also lined up with dps border im. Sorry troopers that are there highway patrolmen that are there so after they divided to do that. The cartel just found a different place for them to go through. We were actually having dinner and our sources were giving us more information. Thought Biden. Administration is telling you dont worry about any of this because title forty, two, what they are not telling you is that although people are going to be deported, that dont have a accompanied minors. If you are a mother or someone to have your children, they are just going to give you a notice to appear which most of them dont end up staying for, and they will let you out into the country, Brian, so important for them to fly these Haitians back these people that come back, so the message gets out. You are not going to be let in its all about messaging of and right now the message on Facebook and other outlets, social media outlets is come. You are allowed in thats how you get fifteen thousand
people under an obscure bridge in Texas Lawrence thats, exactly right, Brian. I think this is important right, although their original country of origin is Haiti. Loot of these folks arent coming from Haiti, they are coming from South America and they have been there for since two thousand and ten and they have been planning this for a while. What happened was when the economic depression started to hit a lot of these countries and they couldnt get citizenship there. They planned this move and again they were warned back in June that this was going.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-22.