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Lawrence Jones talks to Virginia voters on eve of governor election

2021-11-01 | 🔗
'Fox & Friends' enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones says the economy and education are top issues for Virginians.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Licensed hearing professionals Ainsley, we are only one day: Ainsley, we are only one day away until Virginia voters are going to head to the polls, and education is still taking center stage as candidates. Glenn Youngkin and Terry Mcauliffe make their final pitch. We have a great school system in Virginia Dorothy and I have raised our five children. Of course parents are involved in it. The question should be: could extreme republican bill that would allow parents to take books off of shelves should that be left in the hands with parent s, theres no place for critical race theory in our school system and while on day one im going to ban it, it teaches children to see everything from a lens of race and then to divide them into buckets and have children that are called privileged and others that are victims and its just wrong Steve. So what do the voters say in Virginia joining us right now from Roanoke Way out? West is Lawrence Jones. We just heard Terry Mcauliffe talk about. You know my wife and I we raised five kids in
Virginia. They got great schools. What he did not say is that four of his five kids went to private high schools reporter yeah thats. Exactly right right behind me. Guys is a prayer going on for the Youngkins rally, but earlier today I had the opportunity to talk with younger voters: note that actually went to public schools. This is what they had to say: watch youre a young voter yeah. What is the number one issue for you? Oh man, the economy. You know as a 26 year old thats, probably the most important issue in every election im very interested in making sure our governor will make sure he listens to the parents, needs and concerns. I cant vote in this election, but I will in the next election and whoever is elected, will affect me whats going to happen tomorrow. I believe well have a new governor whose Youngkin, whose a rep can fighting for us due this most crucial hour
reporter, so guys you have those young voters, thinking that Youngkin may pull this off dead heat in the polls. Although hes up one point in Rcp average eight points in the Fox NEWS polling guys, it can go either way tomorrow on Election day ill, send it back to you guys Ainsley sorry, Tond hand it over to you during a prayer Steve. I know reporter the preachers kid in me feels somewhat embarrassed Ainsley. I know well youre forgiven, Steve all right Lawrence. Thank you very much great reporting today, Ainsley well head down to Virginia this afternoon, were going to have a conversation with parents tomorrow, because its such an important race, the whole country, is looking at this Steve youll get an earful Ainsley. We will. We will Brian. I just hope we get an answer on election day. Can you imagine that get a verdict on election day Steve? I think we will.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-01.