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Lawrence Jones talks to Braves players, Astros fans at World Series Game 6

2021-11-03 | 🔗
'Fox & Friends' enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones in Houston following the Braves' World Series win.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
United States postal service left side Swanson to first left side Swanson to first a world champion Brian. There you go Atlanta, Braves are world series, champions defeating Houston, Astros, first title since one thousand nine hundred and ninety five Steve 7 0 the final game going down to where it all started, minute Maid Park in Houston, thats, where we find Fox amp friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones on this Wednesday morning with a Wednesday morning, wrap up hey good morning family, what a game last night, so much energy, so much raw emotion, the players hugging their family. These are guys that have worked their entire life. For this moment, I had the opportunity to talk with some of the fans and those players. Yesterday, you have got to take a look at
it. Watch cheers, go braves two years its amazing been a long time coming for sure, exhilarating feels great. We are on a high represent Tistles from Atlanta Georgia. We came out here to get the win braves number one I like to see somebody win, but I was hoping it was the Astros for sure it hurts, but I wasnt expecting them to come out and you know put a zero up on the board, a good series all around and come back next year Lawrence. Do you think you guys will be back? Oh yeah. We will be back at least one more time Lawrence. How does it feel to be a champion, Sir Cheers Lawrence? How does this moment feel its encouraging its everything I dreamed of its wild Lawrence did all of nine hard work pay off absolutely all of it im just so thrilled we were able to bring the championship home.
Lets. Go Atlanta, cant, wait to get back party time Lawrence, guys its going to be a big party in Atlanta, as you guys know, they didnt have to get to have that all star game. I think this is going to be better going to be a parade. I got talk to Yohan from Panama. He was hugging his dad. He couldnt speak much English. He wanted to communicate how proud he was of his son. I also saw another player with his dad in the stands. Just stretched out and be taking a moment guys. It was truly a site to see probably one of the best assignments I have been sent out, Steve no kidding. You got the hat, you get to keep it forever, oh yeah, and I puts it on the company Steve. Of course you did Lawrence. You appreciate it Steve at least that one is not suede Ainsley match your suede coat Brian as long as you wear it on camera. Anything else you bought just put it on camera and a
officially get a column in the expense Reporty Ainsley, I dont, think thats true Lawrence. They gave me approval to put it on the Brian Kilmeade budget. I hear you have the biggest budget in the company Brian im a little overdrawn, its been a long Pame year Lawrence. The other thing all the great teams Atlanta had in the 90s. Who would think this is the team that ends up winning it all unbelievable Lawrence. The bad news is, you have got to come back to New York, Lawrence thats right.
Transcript generated on 2021-11-03.