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Lawrence Jones meets migrant that traveled from Honduras to cross southern border

2021-10-15 | 🔗
Fox News enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones meets with Texas Department of Public Safety, examines how migrants are stowing away on trains to cross border.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Southwest that could be coming to an airline near you, Ainsley lets talk about whats happening on the southern border, two sisters, ages, four and six are found wandering alone near the Arizona Mexico border. Releasing these images as they work to reunite the girls with their family. The sisters were found in an area officials say, is a popular crossing point for UN accompanied Minors PETE, as the crisis at the southern border continues Lawrence Jones, getting a firsthand look at the situation on the ground, visiting a train yard in Texas, where troopers catch stow away illegals, Brian Lawrence Jones, joins us from Bracketville, Texas, reporter hey good morning family. We have been here at the border all week, showing you this crisis and part of the reason why were in this train yard is because this is what a lot of legals use to get inside of the country, the people that are responding to those illegals trying to enter into the country. The Texas Department of Public Safety, special operations, unit safety, special operations unit.
Take a look for the state of Texas. The border fight is bigger than the physical barrier. It is the tools that the illegal s use to get into the country, trains and some of them surrender themselves willingly and the other ones they run whose there to meet them. The Texas Department of Public Safety dps that train will come in well put a guy in the tower, and the guy in the tower will see people sitting in these open top containers and, as the train starts to roll people are jump. Ing off. Some of the troopers actually get up top on the train actually get up top on. The train reporter were currently in a reporter were currently in a train yard in the state of Texas, where the Texas Department of Public Safety special operations unit are conducting inspections of this train yard. If you see here, you see a
bottle of water from migrants illegally entering the country and even clothes. It shows the desperation they have to get into the country. They hide under the train here right here, and you can look here. Youll see broken ties. This is once connected and you wonder how they got the tools to be able to do this. They bring that with them. Some will conceal knives and things like that in their shoes they will hide the knife in they will hide the knife in their shoe. For example, they were sitting right here right against the wheel. Yes, sir, oh yeah, one bad move wow. Where are you from Honduras? How long have you been traveling on the train? I dont know how long have you gone? How long have you gone
without getting water, its okay dps, arrested over one thousand two hundred migrants since July for trespassing they came from two different countries: Honduras and El Salvador, charged with criminal trespassing right this particular area. We are able to enforce the criminal trespass initiative which Governor Abbott, launched and right now, these individuals will be charged with state violation reporter youre the senior man in charge of Lone STAR, tell M ewhat. Your instructions are with this mission. Okay, sure the Texas National Guard were supporting our law enforcement partners. We are mobilizing additional personnel equipment as well as capabilities under the direction of Governor Abbott. In order to deal with this crisis reporter, how bad is it general were at an inflection point because I think were out of illegal immigrants, its a
mass migration as youve seen with the caravans that hit Del Rio reporter weve, already heard theres another wave of migrants coming this way? Are we prepared to handle that with the current resources that we have? Yes, we are its hard to say if youre prepared, when you talk about caravans of sixty thousand thats, a tall feet, however, were continuing to mobilize additional personnel and equipment and capabilities well in the thousands of people reporter so youre ready for this task. We are ready, Ainsley Lawrence reporter guys after that ride along yesterday, we had the opportunity to also go to the prison where they are processed and get their court date that one individual that you saw, that was emotional and going through. Obviously, hadnt gotten food in days and water had to be transported to the hospital. These trains that they jump on and jump off on. There has been
legs amputated arms limbs. It is a very dangerous process and if you talk off the record as well as the border patrol part of the frustration that they have, is the Biden administrations encouraging these folks to come into the country, and these people are just listening to that administration. They think that its pretty cool for the President of the United States to do that, knowing good and well that they have to enforce the laws that are on the books currently im going to send it back to you guys in New York, Brian whats, so interesting is Griff is where it starts in Panama, and they are saying the same thing in Panama that they are saying in New Mexico that they are saying at the border is that they got the go sign a year ago that the administration was changing. The opportunity is now and theyre coming here reporter thats, exactly right and theres about thirty thousand folks. We got tips from our sources yesterday, where we were talking about and theyre waiting to see which direction are they going to go? Are they going to come here to the Del Rio sector
or go to the Rio Valley? They think they are coming here to the Rio vector thats where the Haitians came about three weeks ago, so they are saying they anticipate them to come here again. The question is: what is the Biden Administration going to do this time? This is their second opportunity to get it right, the first wave they were warned back in July and they did absolutely nothing to stop it. Brian, our drone team exposed it or they would have been really caught thanks. So much Lawrence appreciate it. Ainsley keep in mind hes in office for three more years at least were going to continue to see these stories Brian. He gives a six minute, get a shot speech and runs away. Hes never held accountable. Nobody else asks him. These questions Ainsley. Well, he doesnt answer the questions PETE, but why does he think he has to when he ran a whole.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-15.