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Lawrence Jones goes on ride-along with Texas Department of Public Safety

2021-10-13 | 🔗
'Fox & Friends' enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones tours the Del Rio sector of the southern border. DEA reports 40% of drugs coming across are laced with fentanyl.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ainsley youre welcome Nancy Brian sign it over Steve more on this throughout the morning. In the meantime, lets switch gears shocking new video, highlighting the horrifying impacts of Americas border crisis a seven year old migrant girl abandoned by a smuggler after being dropped down a 30 foot wall at the Texas border Brian. This, as the border agents arrested twenty four migrants, they believe used bolt cutter toss, break into a train car and traveled deeper into the United States. Ainsley Texas state troopers, giving Fox amp friends, enterprise reporter Lawrence Jones, an inside look at what theyre up against in an exclusive ride along down at the border in Del Rio and thats. Where he joins us live from this morning. Was it a chopper? You got to go up in reporter yeah Ainsley good morning to you guys, good morning, family we were up in the chopper yesterday. You know, Dps is really leading this fight on the ground. Ive been telling you guys that for weeks, because you got the border patrol, they arent able to do foot pursuits yesterday, while we were in the air, they called us on the
radio and said they had illegals, jumping off a train in the brush going through. They didnt have any eyes. They just had the sensors. We were able to locate them and let them know the exact location where they were. You know you hear the Biden administration. They say that this border is secure. It is on lockdown thats, not what were seeing on the ground, and I think the important note for the audience to know is when you look at the border and you look at what the cartel is doing. You cant just think about the legal people coming across. You got to think about the drugs that are coming across the human trafficking. It is all one criminal organization, and sometimes they use these humans to find out where the safe pathways are, so they can get those drugs across. We reported about two weeks ago that the DEA released a statement saying about forty percent of the drugs. These kids are taking, these adults are taking are Lac Ed with fentanyl and its killing Americans Texans residents. Land owners are upset because they are messing with the livestock cattle, and then you see them
hiding the drugs in plain sight, and not only that they have been able to catch some of these people that are part of this criminal enterprise that have records and theyre saying. Where is the federal government on this issue? Steve no kidding its a head scratcher Lawrence? Thank you very much well be checking in with him live from Del Rio Texas. All morning long with those exclusive hits Ainsley, I was going to ask the people on the ground that were running in that line. Those were the migrants.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-14.