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Lara Trump: VP has failed at distributing the vaccine and at southern border

2021-08-12 | 🔗
Fox News contributor Lara Trump torches Kamala Harris' shortcomings as Vice President, reacts to Democrat voters favoring socialism over capitalism
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Ainsley well disgraced Governor Ainsley, well, disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo is still eligible for his fifty thousand dollars annual pension, despite his resignation, but without the potential two thousand and twenty four presidential contender a New York Post, Op Ed claims Democrats fear Vice President Harris is closer to being the nominee Fox NEWS contributor. Lara Trump is here to react good morning to you Lara, hey Ainsley Good morning Ainsley. Do you think someone else would come up through the ranks or do you think shes going to be the front runner? Well, I think theyve been basically coaxing her in that direction. I mean its going to be an up hill battle, though the interesting thing is, if you remember back during the primaries Ainsley Kamala Harris was so unpopular within the Democrat Party. She had to dropout before the primaries in her home state of California. She dropped out before Marion Williamson even did, and she had failed spectacularly at the two
jobs that she had been given since becoming vice president of the United States, getting the vaccines out and across the country and encouraging people who are hesitant about the vaccines to get them. I think everybody that has had the ability to get the vaccines now has gotten it, and I dont think youre going to convince anybody with Kamala Harris to get them any more, and then we know the southern border, the one time she went down to the southern border. She went to the wrong area. The area that did not have the massive issues at the Rio Grande Valley does. So I do think that theyre looking to her for two thousand and twenty four, they say two thousand and twenty eight, but I think its going to be an uphill battle with Kamala Harris, because she was picked based on identity politics, and this just goes to show you Ainsley. Why? Whenever you choose somebody not based on their ability but on anything else, it is absolutely ridiculous. Ainsley Miranda Devine has an op ed in the New York Post this morning, talks about her fake laughter, her inability to succeed at any task that shes
handed car crash interviews and the Daily Telegraph says the most unpopular vice president in fifty years lets talk about this Fox NEWS poll. Democrats are viewing socialism get this more favorably than capitalism. Do you think thats, because they dont really know what socialism is well, I think for a younger generation- thats- probably true, but I think that we have been conditioned and we are being conditioned by the government right now to accept socialism whenever we are a year and a half after the start of covid, and you are still paying people in so many states across America to stay home from work. People are not responsible to pay their landlords rent at this point in so many places as well. We are getting used to relying on the government for so much. We have seen inflation through the roof prices skyrocketing across the country, so many people cant handle it on their own, so theyre willing to take that government handout. That is because of the failure of our
government that we have seen those prices increase, so its a very slippery slope. Whenever you continue to be reliant on the government for a long period of time, maybe Ainsley you get used to it, but I certainly think for a younger generation. It is up to us to teach them about socialism to teach them about the failure. It has been every single time. It has been implemented Ainsley. When you hear these stories, we interview so many people that came from socialist countries to talk about the wonderful aspects of America and capitalism. Its just blows my mind that people would think that socialism is a good thing. Thank you. So much for coming on.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-13.