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Lara Logan on Big Tech’s support for Biden: ‘They’ve shown their true colors’

2020-12-16 | 🔗
Twitter, Facebook executives donated thousands to Biden campaign; reaction from Lara Logan on ‘Fox & Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Brian, hopefully, that resonates with Swalwell lets change gears. We are learning top executives at Facebook. Andnd twitter donate tens of thousands of dollars to Joe Bidens presidential campaign. According to Fec records obtained by Fox NEWS. These are the same tech companies accused of censorship, limiting access to the New York Post bombshell report about Hunter Biden just weeks before the election. They said it was russian disinformation here to react, someone who knows better and knows the truth host of Fox nations. Lara Logan Lara Logan has no agenda, it doesnt mean she has nothing to do. It means she has no horse in the race. She is going to report fair and honestly Lara. Welcome. Thank you so much Brian Brian Lara first off. Is this a surprise that big tech is all in for Joe Biden and is this pay back because the Trump campaign in twenty sixteen used big tech to help pull off the biggest upset in american history? No, this is strategic Brian. This was actually a plan that was where by media matters for
America and many very powerful people within the democratic establishment who wrote up their strategy in the wake of trumps election. In fact, as he was being inaugurated, they were presenting it to donors, one of the things that it said was that they were going to counter the influence that big tech had had in being used as a platform by the Trump campaign. And if you go back to President obamas exit interview from the White House was in rolling Stone magazine, he put his defeat down to two things. One was that the white working class voters who voted him into power not once but twice, did not vote Democrat in twenty. Sixteen. The other thing was Fox news and big tech. You know, and that really is something that they touted very successfully. Media matters for America has been working with Facebook. They have a hate agents list. Reportedly, that is includes people like Candace Owens. You know who obviously is not
white and certainly not a white supremacist. So what the only thing surprising about this is that people still expect Facebook and anybody else to not be based, because they have shown their true colors and millions of Americans see it. We dont have any alternatives. Thats the problem people have nowhere else to go. Big companies have been allowed to amass so much power operate in a world in which, U Dot S law, doesnt function because they are protected. They are allowed to build monopolies protected from defamation laws and people have no alternatives if there was somewhere else to go, that could offer the same thing as Facebook. Millions of people would have left it by now because they feel betrayed ignored, silenced. There is so many things happening all over the country during the election that no one ever saw or heard about outside of social media because they were ignored and suppressed, and people have lost track. At this point of all the stories that big tech have suppressed right, you are going to push Russia CO collusion, which is completely
false. You are going to accuse the President of the United States of being a spy for Vladimir Putin of being a traitor and treasonous thats. Okay, you are going to do that for years and push it out everywhere. You are going to take Hunter bidens laptop and say that anyone reporting on that has to have a label on their site or it will be shut counsel that basically makes you an untouchable right its supposed to destroy your credibility, if you even retreat it or refer to it or just say its worth consideration. How about? We have a conversation about this. That apparently these days is subversive. People in this country have watched an elected administration, be subverted and undermined for more than four years, and now they are talking about subversion when it comes to wanting to find out whether the election was fair or not. That is an indication because they project forward what people can expect to be accused of after this Brian, hopefully, something like parler is going to emerge. I have joined that and I cant believe how many peoeople are on there.
Twtwitter said this to what you just said: we enforce the twitter rules judicially and impartially for everyone on our service political ideology, especially that of our employees, plays no part in this process, because there are so many in the big tech who donated to the Biden campaign we reached out to Facebook, for a statement have not heard anything back. I want to go to anonother area, o your expertise if I could and thats the border did so many great specials on this, its on Fox nation. Right now, I want you to hear what Mark Morgan said about what could be happening under Biden at the border. You look at what the Obama administration policies are going to be its not just about stopping construction at the border wall, its about providing amnesty to millions of people and getting rid of the title. Forty two order: the Migrant Protection Protocol, which ended catch and release thats, not an immigration strategy. Mark my words, that is an open border strategy. The cartels and human smugglers already see that loud and clear,
and it is absolutely increasing illegal migration right today, Brian Bidens plan to open borders. Stop deportation abolish ice. That means hey Central and South America come on in. We are waiting for you right. Well, yes, thats. Certainly what people who are crossing the border at the moment are telling border patrol agents when theyre being apprehended. I just spent a little over two weeks on the southern border, in Arizona and in Texas and a number of different places, and the other thing that we heard about is that there are people gathering on the mexican side. There is another caravan that is supposed to be building according to intelligence reports. There is one town on the mexican side where they are sending a thousand people a day. The numbers are up crossing the border, Joe Bidens Administration has promised no deportations for the first one hundred days, which is three months, and what no one is talking about too. The amount of covid thats crossing the border border patrol has had around
four thousand agents get sick. They have had seventeen agents die, Brian wow die from Covid, 19, judge, Emmet Sullivan. You will remember from the Flynn case he just lifted title forty two restrictions, which is the health restrictions. The health authority that the CDC actually insisted be enforced during the pandemic and he listed that for juveniles. So if you are a juvenile, you can be nows released into the community, and hopefully you will show up for your court date, Soing Brian Lara. We already saw the ramifications of that. We saw a rash of unaccompanied minors come across the border. They know our news better than we do well. The cartels watch the news. These are some of the most sophisticated criminal organizations in the world, the most powerful, the wealthiest, and they are very strategic. They hire every specialist they need and they are more violent than ever. They are all over. They operate in forty fifty countries
in every state in this country, Brian Larr remarks. Finally, if Joe Biden says im going to take this virus seriously, one hundred days wearing masks at the same time lets just send the vars over the southern border. It was controlled by the Mexican Marines on their southern border and by the remain in Mexico policy. The president put in its hard to imagine the bitterness being that great that he reversed a successful apology policy that actually controlled the border over the last year, or so, I guess, thats the truth. We are going to find out when we watch when your feature is done well, do they want a successful policy or do they want an open border? Because the man running for labor secretary is the former president of the Open Society Foundation, Patrick who just resigned in order to be available he to take up a position in the cabinet so thats? You know really what you are looking at right. What is the real policy? Brian unbelievable? What could be happening to our country very.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-17.