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KT McFarland: How many civilians are still left in Afghanistan?

2021-10-18 | 🔗
Former Deputy National Security adviser KT McFarland weighs in as hundreds of Afghans are evacuated from Kabul. She also discusses President Biden's handling of relations with China after the country tested a hypersonic missile.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Throughout the day, thanks so much twenty eight minutes after the top of the hour, I wanted to bring in k, DOT T mcfarad National Security adviser author of Revolution, Trump Washington, and we, the people, K, DOT, t your reaction to what we just heard. We heard just about one hundred penal are going to be left that was like six weeks ago. There is many more than one hundred the state department seems to be giving the Heisman to the evacuation efforts. Yeah look. The state department said oh its a handful. Just one hundred the Pentagon was saying it was several thousand Americans left behind. This is good news that were getting them out. The bad news is that we left them in the first place. The big question mark is how many were left behind. Nobody knows not one or two chances are. It could be as much as one thousand. If you listen to the Pentagon report, Brian move on and talk about Afghanistan from Robert Gaetz Perspective served seven presidents. He straddled went from Bush to President Obama. Why dont you stay here,
he has held every significant job he could in Washington. He commented on Jond Joe Biden, Joe Biden likes him but published in his book, but published on his book. He has been wrong on every national security issue in the last forty years. What about his withdrawal? He said last night in 60 minutes. Do you think he made a mistake in Afghanistan the in the way he handled the withdrawal? Yes, once the way President Biden affirmed, there was going to be a firm deadline. Date thats the plan at which they should have begun, bringing those people out. You have to be pretty naive, not to assume things were going to go down hill once that withdrawal was complete, Brian, also critical of president Trump. As soon as signed that deal, we should have started bringing people out. Then your reaction from what you heard from Bob Gaetz look. President Trump was bringing people out even before we signed that deal, and so the continuation of bringing those people out would have meant by the time you got
to the deadline. They would have got out. The Biden administration came in and stopped taking people out. In fact, they added people they wanted to shore up the afghan government. The bigger point that Bob Gaetz makes I have known him since one thousand nine hundred and seventy when we shared an office together in Henry Kissingers Suite in the Nixon White House, when he says Joe Biden has been wrong on everything. Joe Biden has been wrong on everything I worry about what Joe Biden is going to get wrong going forward. I think thats, China, Brian right, so lets talk about China. Over the weekend it became confirmed that they have hypersonic missile that went around the earth at twenty one thousand miles an hour and can strike anywhere according to NORAD. It would breach our missile defense system almost by every quote, im seeing most anonymous. We were shocked by this. Your reaction, well ive, got three reactions to it. This is a game changer technology. It has a missile system that we could not
detect. When it was fired. We will not be able to shoot down, but number two heres, a: u DOT S intelligence community, getting it wrong. We didnt know when it was going to happen. We didnt think it would happen. We didnt think Afghanistan would collapse this quickly. They are not getting anything right and then the third part of it that, I think is even more upsetting is now. This is not just the only thing China is doing. China is doing a whole range of weapon systems, a whole range of economic warfare, a whole range of even more threatening statements about Taiwan and other places. This is part of a bigger chinese plan. The thing that is so maddening Brian Guess, where the Chinese got the technology for this. This was an american program, the hypersonic program, that the Obama administration canceled its our technology and they built the weapons Brian, unbelievable and Russia. Has it too. We have three point: five million going into weapons. I dont know if thats enough,
the China faced power cuts, computer shortages everywhere, taken a toll on chinas economy. The National Bureau of Stats Chinas economy grew at four point: nine supposed to grow at seven construction ground to a halt. They are having huge issues. Some say this is like two thousand and eight in America because their projects are under financed and people arent getting paid. There is an opportunity here economically to really press them now. Hopefully, we take advantage of.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-18.