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Judge Jeanine on COVID-19: Small-town politicians feel they have power to keep people shuttered in place

2020-09-18 | 🔗
The mayor of Nashville is accused of hiding low coronavirus cases linked to bars and restaurants; reaction and analysis from Judge Jeanine Pirro on ‘Fox & Friends.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Mayor John Cooper has mayor, John Cooper has betrayed our town. He has betrayed music city. He is a judist of this town. He is now the deblasio of the South, Brian theres no question, and there is a lot of people who paid the price because hes playing politics by lying about the number of positive cases in Nashville, basically shutting down the honks tonks, the bars and restaurants. That was John Rich, of course, hes, not only a music superstar, but he also owns one of those great restaurants, Ainsley. Well, the criticism comes as the mayor and city officials deny accusations of hiding the low number of Covid 19 cases linked to the bars in order to keep them closed Steve. We just saw the brand new book of the author of the brand new book. Dont lie to me: Judge Jeanine Pirro. We actually lead with the product before we introduce a guest Brian. Its a new thing were doing Steve nice to see you
Ainsley. Is that your message to the mayor down there dont lie to me yeah. Actually, I talk about it in my book and in fact I was just going through it as this morning, and I said you know theres so much of what they what is going on in Nashville its consistent with what I say in my book. Look. The american people have known that this lockdown this shuttering in place is something that is being conduct ed in many cases by small time. Politicians who feel that they have the now power to keep us shuttered in place, and here in Nashville, is a specific example. The evidence is there e mails from the Mayor Office and the City Health Department, where they have something like twenty two cases from bars and restaurants and honky Tonks and the Mayors office says no, so they keep it on the wraps. Why would they do it and not
share with the public isnt? It great were beating this coronavirus, and now we can go back to work, the musicians, the servers, the bartenders, all of the people, the security guards, the cleanup people and the people who want to go out. They want to keep us locked down. We saw it in Michigan when a peaceful protest came out. We want to go to work. We know what to do Brian yeah Pennsylvania as well. The mayor denies the coverup, even though we have the e mails, and one of them is from the health Department, official Leslie, Waller E mailed Benjamin Eagles, a senior advisor to the mayor, just to confirm that were going to this is going to be public. Think us is not going to be public release right, correct, no public consumption of this information. The mayor comes back and tries to cover himself. He says, of course, theres no effort to withhold information. Well, do all we can to open up everything think about the carnage, the financial carnage that has taken place,
its not just about Luke Bryan, its not just about kid Rock and John Rich. The people that work there and the managers have all been out of work. Well, they say correct. We want to keep it from them. They dont want to publicize. This is all about the election im telling you its about the election. Brian people, dont matter fog, politics, matters, politics matters to them, because we want to keep people home and afraid and use those mail in ballots which are just teed up for corruption and ballot harvesting, and in the end this is going to be fine and Americans know what to do clean. Your hands. Wear your mask s. You know, dont, go into places that you might catch the disease from if youre, in a high contact area. But you know what, if you want to protest in New York, ten thousand at a time without masks have at it black lives matter wants to go out. Deblasio says its your moment in history.
This is all political. We know what to do were big boys and girls, Steve thats, exactly right, weve heard what the CDC says and we know whose vulnerable and take care of that and until the coronavirus vaccine comes along. We just have to do our best. Meanwhile judge the President has been calling out how the Democratic Party during the Dnc, they did not denounce the chaos in the streets that led to violence and looting, and things like that, and he was yesterday out in the great state of Wisconsin, where he talked about. Some of the other party has treated the police President Trump, the rhetoric of Biden and the radical left put your law enforcement in serious danger, Joe Biden and the Democrats. They condemn America and war is always waged on our great law enforcement. He calls for police and calls
them all the time the enemy he says they are the enemy and he just thinks its terrible, Steve Judge. We know that particular message is potent to his base, but what he needs to do to win the election is convince moderate Democrats who are persuadable and independents that that is a powerful message. Is he doing a good job at that? I think hes doing a great job at that, because again, Americans are not stupid. Eighty percent of the African Americans in the inner city want police to come back. They want them in their neighborhoods. They know theres only going to be more problems and more crime, and a majority of Americans want police in their neighborhoods. Look. This attempt to over throw the whole criminal justice system and to subvert the power of law enforcement is coming from a small minority of people
in this country who have a really big mouth and are trying to convince Americans that police are serial racist murders. Well, its just the opposite. The police are the ones protecting us from the serial murders and, finally, the deadly attacks are leading to a shortage of police officers and the police officers retiring, the police officers, who are being told to stand down and not being deployed its making America an even more dangerous place. I believe Steve that this election will be a loud signal to the country and to the Democrats. You didnt talk about black lives matter and you talk about black lives matter, but you didnt talk about the chaos the looting in the streets, Joe Biden didnt talk about it for one hundred days. They didnt talk about it at the Dnc. Everyone in America is afraid that these people are coming to their town, that they will be sitting out at a restaurant. Someone will come over and take their drink or their food and
force them to say black lives matter with a fist up. This is not the America that we bargained for. This is not the agreement. Government works on the consent of the governed, this small group of people who are trying to convince us through the one thousand six hundred and nineteen project that were a bad racist nation. This is the greatest nation on earth its. Why people die to come here its why people fight when they have to leave here. As far as were concerned, I think well see all of that in November Ainsley its interesting that you bring that up judge, because that brings us to our next topic. I was outside of fox talking to a police officer, and he said after nine slash eleven. We were so Appreciat Ed and now its hard to wear the uniform, because we dont want someone to come up and shoot us while were sitting in our car scary times. You know so there was go ahead. Well, it should be a hate crime to attack a police officer. If a police officer were not in that uniform, he or she would not be shot like the deputies.
If they werent in a squad car, they wouldnt have been shot its time to increase penalties for anyone who assaults a police officer Ainsley. The president agrees with you. He said that in his rally this week is there a war on police in America today? That was the question that Rasmu Ssen asked. Almost sixty percent said. Yes, twenty nine percent said no twelve percent undecided your thoughts. Well, my thoughts are that the people who say no are many of them believe that its a justified assault, justified attacks, everything they are thinking is backwards, just like Milwaukee Milwaukee voted to defund the police, and now that crime is up duh, they call the police and then say: why is crime up I mean: are these people stupid too? Do they not understand that blue line is one line between civility and chaos and we cannot survive as a country without that blue line? We have to support the police,
support the military and understand that this is a country thats, a democracy and a few people who dont like it, who have different ideas, cant, take to the streets and decide to overthrow things like statues, assault and kill, police officers and thats got to be ended. No more Americans will not tolerate it. Democrats alike. Brian, coming up on your show, Shawn Hannity is working a weekend. I dont to how much you had to pay him. Lara Trump is trying to be the best in law in the Trump family and Peter Navarro. There is an ongoing competition. No one wants to talk about, and Sarah Sanders has a book out and Congressman Matt G Oetz its going to be fun. Well, thanks, you hit it all thanks Steve, and when does your book come out Brian its out? It comes out on Tuesday, but you can pre order it now on Amazon. Dont lie to me. If you like the way I sound when you read my book, youll hear me
Brian or get the book on tape.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-18.