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Judge Jeanine: Andrew Cuomo is the 'essence of incompetent government'

2021-01-29 | 🔗
'Justice' host Jeanine Pirro rips New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for passing the blame on the state's nursing home deaths.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Incompetent government kills, incompetent government kills people more people died than needed to die in Covid 19, and that is the truth which incompetent government can kill people. This is not a joke, and more people died here than needed to Ainsley. Incompetent government kills people kills people judge Janine is here deadly lies call on nursing homes. The numbers were not the same as cuomos numbers. He is underreporting. The deaths, the crazy part is, it is worse than we thought it was and when he talks about incompetent government killing people, you are the essence of incompetent
government or the so called leader who doesnt care about people or administrative directive requiring Covid 19 infected patients come back into nursing homes and was a death sentence for all the people in sentence for all the people in the nursing home who were patients and the Covid 19 infected people and all the while. This is going on. Hes involved in this entertainment show with his brother on CNN. He show with his brother on CNN. He is writing a book about how wonderful he is calling it leadership, how he is successfully driving the successfully driving the pandemic out of New York. What a bunch of baloney, because New York was the epicenter of the virus, had the highest number of deaths compared to any state in the union and wants to blame it on government. You are the government, you are the one
killing people, you are the one who unnecessarily required people to go into a nursing home and when he was called on it he blames Donald Trump. He also gets an enemy. He also gets an enemy. He was so nervous. He knew what was going on. He knew what was going on. So he writes a book about himself gets involved in all the pr stuff. Women are signing over him all this nonsense because he knew what he was confronting. We have Governor Desantis in Florida who got involved in Florida who got involved in making sure there were early warning signals. Everybody knew what was going on went to the most vulnerable in society and who should we vaccinate first got to vaccinate people in the
nursing home first and it gets worse because after all this happened, he signed a law giving immunity to those hospital administrators in the unity for civil and criminal responsibility for their actions, not only negligent but will reckless, which is worse, will reckless, which is worse than negligent Brian. The attorney general is a Democrat. He is saying we have Democrat. He is saying we have to get to the bottom of this. Andrew Cuomo is not speaking to Senator Schumer, who is he speaking to? He refuses to accept responsibility and his warring with people in his own party, because there is no room in his ego for somebody else, heres a little of the antics you have missed because you watch somebody instead of Chris Cuomo
is a true. This was the actual swab that was being used. Some say I shouldnt come on some say I shouldnt come on this show because you harass me what a pat on the back do. You think you are an attractive person, because you are single and ready to mingle. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder listen to you. You have an answer for everything talk about ego. This is pathetic. Our own Janice Dean, her mother in law and father in law, in a nursing home, not only he finds out they passed, and this guy is so arrogant. The answer who is he talking to his himself in the mirror his himself in the mirror? He is so arrogant that he cannot
respond to any of the questions and when questioned why this happened, why did you send Covid 19 infected patients back to nursing homes and they all ended up dying? His answer is Trump made him do it, but what he did he belittled and ridiculed the question. He was too mizzy busy to make an answer. There has to be a grand jury investigation. You got to ask: why is he giving his buddies the opportunity to cover up there in aptitude and incompetence at the least he should be guilty for malpractice. This is worse one person dying after another and the pandemic after another, and the pandemic is no excuse Brian. They have recall elections for Gavin Newsom, but they cant by New York state rules.
You mentioned Janice Dean on your weekend show and who else Janice, Dean and Congresswoman Dan Bondgino. We will analyze and prosecute and talk about all the failures of the system. It.
Transcript generated on 2021-02-01.