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Joe Rogan calls out 'anti-racist' curriculum in schools

2022-04-07 | 🔗
'Fox & Friends' co-hosts criticize the increasing influence of wokeness on children's education
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Thats why people didnt know about it, Joe rogan back in the news again by just talking very similar things we talk about here, that is some of the curriculum with their kids. School got a 9 year old. He came back and talking about why this 9 year old is being told that basically, she was born a racist, because she is white and has to declare a sexuality, because she is nine really so Joe rogan was just talking about how woke his daughters school is, which is very similar conversations that you are probably having and that we have daily. Listen when the whole george floyd thing happened, one of the schools that my kids were going to back in california released this email saying that its not enough to not be racist. You now must be anti racist. These kids are not even remotely racist, like they have all sorts of different kinds of friends. I have never heard them discuss it once its just. I like this person- and
she is nice to me- and we like to play together and we both like the same things so to tell a 9 year old, that you have to be anti racist. Well, looking for racism looking to confront it, I dont know if its power, its an ideology, that is that captures people, and I think the roots of it in their mind, is good. That is going to stomp out racism, but its this naive person. Who is an educator who I mean I dont, want to disparage anybody. They werent that good at what they were doing in the first place. They werent that good at teaching in the first place. Now here they are saying they are going to tackle something, not just tackle something as complex as race in america, but youre going to establish rules that you cant just be not racist. You have to be anti racist
and you are going to teach this to a 9 year old. What are you saying? What exactly are you saying? What is your bleep end goal? Not only are they doing this to kids, they are doing it to adults as well. They want you to prove that you are not racist. This is what got you black lives matter. The organization, not the movement, the people and black america in the country were calling for equal justice under the law. So you had black lives matter to establish this whole platform. All this nonsense that did not relate to what black people really wanted. All these companies decided to give them millions of dollars. What have they get you by virtue signaling? They took that money and bought themselves a mansion. They decided to host parties for their content. No one is running the company. The irs is nowhere to be found. They were there for all the tea party groups for all the moms. They are banging down on the doors for crt people that are going to object to whats happening on college campuses, as well as in their kids elementary schools.
They want you to virtue signal. They dont want you to be good people. They want you to prove that you are not racist and thats. What got you this nonsense that were seeing across the country? We only have our kids for eighteen years before they leave the house generally by law. They must leave. You kicked yours out now that im raising a child. I want her to learn im old school. I want her to go to school and learn all the subjects I dont want her to be taught all about this. Let me teach that at home. If you are a parent and you want to teach that to your child, you can do it at home. I dont want to waste time at school learning about things that we might have different opinions on. I want her to focus on reading and learning. How, to you know, add and subtract. You and Brian are missing the point. The point is, they are no longer your children, they know better. He, the communitys children, the teachers, children and can you get some say, but they spend eight hours with them each day they want to control the conversation, because you
guys dont know what you are talking about. Texas and ohio are now doing what governor antioxidants are doing. Have a version of the prohibiting gender talk? Sex talk on kindergartens, kindergart third grade american people are going to decide in ohio, texas and florida. If they got it right, dont fall prey to people, dont, say gay bill, nothing about dont, say gay is in this bill, its just about keeping it to the subjects and the curriculum and not having these kids talk about their sexuality when they should be playing blocks. Even republicans, I find it despicable the maryland governor went out there and commented on this. Governor hogan wants to pander to the left every opportunity. He gets didnt even read the bill and he a attacked ron Desantis its despicable and everybody is falling for it because they want to appear woke. They want to appear like they are anti racist, thats. How you get on
that show. On sunday you say to everybody how bad republican are Eric. Adams is doing it too. All these campaigns now in florida. You have heard of this.
Transcript generated on 2022-11-25.